Chapter 3

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"Oh my gosh JOHANNAH!" I was greeted by two twins. "How come you didn't tell us you were coming," Brie asks slapping my arm. "Damn! Hello to you too." "Wow! It's been a while since," Nikki says. "Really? You just seen me yesterday." "I mean here. I'm surprised you aren't on your honeymoon," Paige says. "Nah. We aren't having a honeymoon." "What," they scream.

"Cookies," Koda says as he walks up to me. "Thanks bro." "Hey Koda," they says waving. "Ladies." "You can stay back here if you want. I have to get changed." "Hell yeah I'm staying back here." "This conversation isn't over Good," Nikki says as I prance away to the boys locker room.

As I opened the door, some of the boys stared at me as others smiled. "Jo Jo," Cody says walking over to me. "Rhodes! Whuddup!" "Why are you in here," The Miz asks. "Probably in here to beat your ass. Maybe I'm in here to see my husband. Maybe I am here to just watch you guys." He looks at me like I'm crazy, which I am. "Talk to her again, and I might rip your face off," Ro says. I walked over to my brother and jumped up. He caught me and started laughing. "I knew from that laugh you were here," he says placing me on the seat next to him. "Yeah! I was hoping someone got it." "So why are you here?" "Just wanted to handle some business." "What kind of business," Jon asks as he walks out. "Damn it Jon! Don't scare me." "Jo Jo! I thought you were going to your mom's!" "I did go to mom's. To drop Moxley off and come here. You know, you should pay more attention to your bag." "What?" I went over to his bag and pulled out my superman shorts and black crop top. "I have shoes in there in too." "How?" "You don't pay attention to anything as long as I'm bent over," I whisper in his ear. "True!" I laughed stripping out of my crop top and shorts leaving my undergarments on.

"Whoa there!" Jon tries to cover me. "What?" "There are other guys in here and you are just stripping." "Okay? You're point. It's not like I'm naked." "It's like she has on a bathing suit," Joe says. "That doesn't stop these horn dogs from looking," Jon says glaring at the boys in the locker room. I threw on my Superman shorts and crop top. "Happy?" He looks over his shoulder. "Those shorts are to short!" "I mean, I can go back to the underwear I had on..." "No! Those are fine." "Exactly!"

I walked out the locker room and went to catering. Going to catering was one of the worst possible decisions for Bray Wyatt to let me make.

"Mary had a little lamb. Little Lamb. Little Lamb. Mary had a little lamb who fleece was white as snow. You see, Johannah was that little lamb. At least that is what everyone let her believe. You see, Johannah, you may have defeated me once but that is all you get. You see Johannah, you are not that different from me. You like the darkness. The darkness speaks within us and through us. Johannah! Join me. Come out here and join me." He was sitting in that stupid ass rocking chair. I swear I hate that damn rocking chair. He was surrounded by Luke and Eric.

"Are you going out there," Brie asks. I just got up and walked out. "Play Bray's intro." When Bray's intro plays, I ran into the ring very quickly. When the lights turned on, I was standing there in his face. "Johannah. So glad you can join us." "I am not joining your stupid little.....whatever the hell you want to call this. I am here to warn you." "Warn me of what Johannah Janson? You may have beat me one time bu....." "Correction. I beat all three of your asses. And I can put you all out for another three months if you would like."

The crowd cheers. Bray starts laughing.

"Johannah you are so cute. Bu....." "I know there is no but behind this. I am cute, thank you. You're cute. Cute enough to think that you can actually play games with my mind. I am not Roman and I am not Dean. My mind is strong. You tried it with my son and that only got you hurt and your "brothers." Dean messed with your chair and you broke into a million of pieces. You can try and try and try. But let me tell you this. Let me tell all of you this. I am unbreakable. You can say whatever you want but know I have heard it all before. When you find something new, then we can talk. I have you all figured out Bray. You are nothing compared to me. No! I will not join you but I will beat you. And will I beat you down, all of you, I want you to leave my family alone. And if you don't all hell will break loose."

Bray and his "brothers" walked out of the ring. I started laughing. "Run Bray! Run!" They leave but just as they leave, someone comes out. More like someones.

"What do you mean by you are not Dean? What's so wrong with being Dean?" "What's so wrong with being Roman?" Roman and Dean walked up the ramp. "Look there is nothing wrong with being you two it's just th........" "That's not what you said," Jon screams. "Lower your voice. You will not talk to me that way." "Johannah, that was a low blow," Roman says. "No it wasn't. If this is getting to your head than what I said was right. So you can get out of my face." They both back up. "All I'm saying is that...." "No! This conversation is over. I don't want to hear it!"

I jumped out of the ring and left Roman and Dean yelling for me to come back in the ring. I just walked out and backstage only to be greeted by three of the dumbest people I have ever met.

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now