Chapter 13

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I know that Sasha Banks is Diva's champion, but I have a few plans for the story. Don't worry. The boss will get her title in a few chapters. But please sit back and relax and enjoy the story. It's about to get lit from here on out.

"What do you need with him?" "I just need to talk to him, Jon." "Why can't you talk to me?" "Because, I need to talk to someone who is used to getting what they want handed to them on a silver platter." "Oh! Well, have fun honey." Jon kissed my cheek before I walked away.

"Colby!" "Hey! Are you okay?" "Perfectly fine. What are you doing tomorrow?" "Nothing. Why?" "I need to talk to you." "About?" "You will see tomorrow." "Alright."




"What's wrong, Jo?" "Lately, I have been blacking out at the sight of Charlotte. I've been in arguments with Brie and Nikki, mad with Roman, just getting over my fight with Jon, Moxley is getting so big, and I have to go back to work soon. I don't know what's wrong with me." "You don't?" "No?" "Come on, Jo. It's staring you right in your face."

I looked at him confused.

"Okay. First, Charlotte, she says thing about your family so you are going to get pissed. That is the natural thing for any human to do. You don't like disrespectful people and that is who she is inside the ring. You just have to get it in your head that we are only following story line. It's our job and it isn't yours. Just start thinking of it as your own, it will become less stress on you. Moxley, I can't help you with. He is going to grow up every second that passes us. He's your first child and you want him to stay young forever. But he isn't. So you can either get over it, or have another child. You going back to work will give you the break you need. You love your job. It makes you smile so bright and you look forward to it. You haven't done it in a while, so this can be good for you. Nikki, she hurt you but you love her. It hurts not talking to her because she is like your sister. People say a lot of things when they are hurt, but that doesn't give her the right to talk about your marriage. You were both hurt and this is something Sorry isn't going to fix. But she is trying to find a way that  is going to get you back but you don't make it easy for her. Brie, she wants to help the two most important girls in her life get along. She was trying to help the best way she could. We all know how stubborn you are. If she wanted you to mend things with Nikki, she knew that she would have to lie to you no matter much you hate it." "I am not that stubborn." "Johannah!"

I sighed.

Colby took a sip of his Diet Coke and turned his hat backwards. I wanted to kick him but his dog is on his lap, so I refrained from it.

"When it comes to Roman, you will get over it. Jon, you guys never did go on a honeymoon, did you?" I shook my head. "So when are you? You guys need to have your moments alone with no fighting. No arguing. No distractions. No Moxley." "But I love my Moxley." "You need to love your husband," He says putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked down at the plate in front of me. "I know. It's just not easy between all the work that Jon has been doing, finding Daycare for Moxley, and trying to keep up with this marriage." 

"Go on a honeymoon. If you need, I can watch your son." "Jon would kill you before he lets that happen. I'm probably have to leave him with my family or the Usos." "Whatever you have to do to get your marriage back where you want it and your sanity." "I knew I needed to talk to you Colby." "That's what I'm here for, sis." "Thanks for everything." "You leaving so soon?" "Yeah. Going to talk to my husband about a honeymoon." "Seriously? I'm proud." "Yeah. It's about time my husband and I really get to celebrate being husband and wife." "That's my girl. I will see you at the draft pick?" "Yeah."




"How was the talk?" "It was great. It's exactly what I needed." "I can see. You are smiling so big. Haven't seen that smile since we have gotten married." "Well, I was thinking." "Uh-oh." "No! It's good. I think we need to go on our honeymoon after the draft pick. You and I go on a nice little trip and allow Moxley to stay with Trin and Jon. They already agreed. I just have to figure out when and where." "Maybe we can-"

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Jon says running to the door. Why is he running? You are asking the wrong person. "May we come in?" "Sure. Come in." Female. Who else? Renee, Nikki, and Brie came into view and I stood to my feet. I was going to walk to my room, but Jon stood in front of me. "Hear them out." "No!" "I will stand with you. If you don't want to hear anything else, I will let you walk away." "You promise?" "With all my heart." I looked into his eyes and smiled again. "I love you." "I love you too, Mrs. Lunatic." We kissed each other almost forgetting the other three are there. "Alright! Save that for later momma. We have guest." 

I turned my head to three ladies staring straight at me. "You have three minutes and save the I miss you bull shit." "We know that you are upset," Renee started," which you have every right to be." "But we wanted to show you how sorry we were." "So, we thought about something you would really like," Brie says holding out a package. I stepped forward and grabbed it from her.

 "There are two tickets for the weekend after the draft pick for you two to go to Ireland. I know you love that place Johannah. So we picked it for you," Nikki says. I handed Jon the tickets and let him look at them. "Why are you doing this," I asked. "We really do miss you," Renee says. "Girls night isn't the same without you," Nikki says. "Brie mode isn't fun without you." 

I looked at them and examined their face. I can see the hurt in their eyes and the sadness on their face. But I'm not ready.

"I really want to thank you but I think that I need to just think about everything." "Keep the tickets. It's your wedding present from us." "Thank you ladies. I will talk to Jo Jo about this." "We should get going," Brie says. "Wait!" We all turned around. Moxley came running in with arms wide open. "Auntie Brie. Auntie Nikki. Auntie Nee (sounds like neigh or nae)." "Hey Bud." Brie picked him up and hugged him tight. "I miss you guys." "We miss you too baby," Nikki says. I turned away quickly and wiped my eyes.

"You okay baby?" "Yeah. I'm going to go to the room. I will see you there." I couldn't help it. Of course I miss them. But it hurts. I played their words over and over in my head and it made me emotional. So, I just need a break.




Draft day. We sit. We wait. We wait. We wait. We wait.

First pick, Raw, Seth Rollins. First pick, Smackdown, Dean Ambrose.

Great. We are team Smackdown now. And my Husband is taking the World Heavy Weight Championship with us to Smackdown.

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