Chapter 15

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Jon and I came home only to be met by Joe. Today was back to reality and we had a lot to do. I won't be seeing my little bugger until after the tapping of WWE tonight. Since I don't work for them, I get to show up on RAW and Smackdown. It's lit. I know.

"Alright, let's get you out of those bum ass clothes and get you into your dressy clothes," Joe says walking up to us. "How rude!" "Not you Jo Jo. Your husband." "Oh! Okay." I made my way to my closet only to a monstrous laugh and a 'Really Babe' from Jon. 

Today was a big day for me. Today is the day that a huge chapter in my life comes to an end and I am a little emotional. This banquet is supposed to be in my honor but it will definitely be a tear jerker.  I didn't think this day would come so soon but I have things now in my life that I didn't have before. I'm going to miss it, but it's time I move on and go towards what I am being called to do. My emotion are a little high today so I hope that I can get through the whole day.

"You ready babe?" I looked down upon myself to see my one shoulder mid length navy blue dress on my body and my heels on my feet. I took my hair out of it's bun, revealing the curls. "No. But I have to be." "You will do well babe. Just think of it as a new beginning. Know I love you if you change your mind about it being forever and make it a short break. I want whatever makes you happy." "Being with you and Moxley more makes me happy. This must be done." He nods smiling. "Let's get you to your ceremony.




This is a lot harder than I thought. I assumed that it would be my co-workers only, but every baby I've ever delivered or helped deliver stood in front of me. One of the mothers told me she was again expecting her second child. I was happy for her.

But inside, I was sad.

As the ceremony continued, it was time for my award.

Jon and Joe walked on stage and all the ladies started screaming. I laughed looking at their husband's faces. "I'm Jonathan Good, Johannah's husband." "And I'm Joe Anoa'i, Jo Jo's brother from another mother." Everyone chuckled. Joe started first. "Johannah helped deliver her first child at the age of 15. Someone's water broke at a random time while her family was at a restaurant and the baby was coming fast. The only thing they could do was call 911 and hope that they get there fast enough to deliver the baby. When she seen that wasn't going to happen, Jo Jo tied her hair up and started demanding the things she needed. Soon, Jamie Traloopsie was born to his mother Julia Traloopsie. That was when Jo Jo knew that this is what she wanted to do forever." Jon stepped up next. "I've been blessed to be married to this lady and actually get to see how she interacts with people. I knew from that moment that I was blessed with the best wife ever. She not only got to deliver babies, but gave birth to one of her own and the support that she has grown over the years from the mother's she helped have been unbelievable. So right now, I am honored to give this award to my wife. Johannah, the award for Number One Midwife and co-worker goes to you baby."

Wiping the already forming tears away, I made my way to the stage smiling at everyone as the scream, whistle, and clap standing to their feet.

"Ah, thank you so much Jon and Joe for the speech and thank you guys so much for the award. Who knew that I would be here receiving an award for the number one Midwife for the company. I didn't even think I would be remotely decent at this job but here I am. Over the years, I've help deliver one hundred babies and made over two hundred friendships. And I think that I have been blessed with the best job there ever was."  Everyone started clapping. I chuckled a bit. "Like Joe said, I knew I wanted to do this job forever. But, my forever is up now." Everyone gasped. "I love this job so much and I am so grateful for everything it has done for me, but it is time that I give it up and take time for my own family.I have a beautiful son at home who I can't see all the time to traveling and my husband, I see him but not as much as I want to. You will see me at his shows at least twice a month. But I want to be with them more. So I am saying goodbye to this chapter and starting a new one." Every woman in the room, including myself, were in tears. "I will carry these memories with me and love them forever and ever. Who knows, maybe one day you may see me again and I might have to give birth to your child. Who knows. This isn't the end of Johannah Good. This is only the beginning and I am so excited for it."

I looked up to the corner to see three figures I didn't expect to see. "So thank you for this beautiful award. Thank you all for making this one of the best chapters in my life. I love you all so much. You are the best family members a girl can ask for. I love you cannot be said enough. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Brie, Nikki, and Paige ran on stage and just hugged me as I cried. It was like a chunk of me was leaving me but it was also a relief. I need to spend time with my husband and my son and find something that will help me do both. Moxley can have a traveling school teacher and we can go around with Jon on the road. We talked about it, Jon and I along with Shane and Steph, they are okay with it as long as Moxley does a talk show once a month which I was fine with. I will be out there with him so he won't get hurt. They want a show from because the number one video trending on the WWE network is Moxley with Enzo and Cass. The second is him calling Charlotte a dude. We are totally fine with Moxley having a show but not being in a story line until he is older and if he becomes a wrestler. I don't want him to be but if he wants, he can be.




We are now at the arena and I'm all changed. Shorts and cropped spaghetti tank top. I was lacing up my sneaks when I heard this rodent like voice talking.

"I have beaten everyone in the back. There is no one who can take this title for me. This is honestly one of the easiest things ever. So to anyone in the back, who thinks they can take the title from me? Do you really think that you can become a champ when you already have the best? So to whatever excuse you call yourself as a wrestler, come out here right now. Take this title from me, and become the champ."

No one came.

"See that! That's what you call pathetic. They are all scared in the back not wanting to get there asses handed to them. I am the best of the be-"

Walk my way, Mrs. All American! Say my name-

"Damn! You talk a lot about absolutely nothing. And yes, I'm talking about when you talk about yourself. You are like the annoying piece of lettuce stuck in someone's teeth. You were great when they first get it but now it's just annoying. You are just annoying. And how dare you call everyone pathetic. How are you supposed to be the face of the Diva's revolution bringing women down." Everyone cheered and nodded their head. "You are a bully Charlotte. And I think it's time someone put you in your place." "And who is that going to be? You? Jo Jo-" "We are not friends so it's Johannah to you." "Your name is actually irrelevant. So take your irrelevant ass in the back and go watch like all the other scared ones." I chuckled. "You are one dumb bitch aren't you."

The crowd screamed and I just laughed at her face.

"I actually came out here to accept your pathetic little challenge. So, get a ref out here. Time keeper, ring that bell. Steph, come out here and make this match official." We waited but Stephanie did come out. "Alright! Johannah, you have a fight with Charlotte. And it starts now." "Thank you. I think I will handle the announcing. In the ring, weighing in at who gives a fuck, from the pits of hell herself, the current Women's Champion, that thing there." Everyone was laughing, even the ref. "And on her way to the ring from the place where angels sing and play Godly games, weighing in at 134 pounds, the soon to be Women's champ, Johannah Jansen."

And that's what I did.

I became the new Women's champ.

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now