Total Divas Episode

331 4 0

Setting: Red Robin on International Drive in Orlando Florida

He may be her ex, but I am his wife. If I didn't trust him, I wouldn't have married him.

                                                                 Johannah Mason

Paige:  so Jo Jo, Moxley, and I are going to meet Briana, Nicole, and Renee for lunch. This is Johannah's first time eating here. -laugh-

"Moxley! You want a Burger," Paige asks Moxley as they pull into the parking lot. "Nuggets!" "He loves his nuggets," Johannah says she gets out of the car. "Mommy gets nuggets?" "No Moxley. Mommy gets chicken." "Paige?" "Paige gets chicken too," Saraya says opening the door. "Table for six please."

Johannah: We're waiting on Brie, Nicole, and Renee to come. Moxley is like his father. He gets very impatient when he is hungry. My son, I swear, inhales food, not chew and swallow.

"You know what I find so weird," Paige asks as we sit down. "What's that?" "That you and Dean's ex are so cool with each other. Like, she's one of your best mates."

Johannah: So Dean's ex, a.k.a Ms. Renee Young, is one of my best friends. She and Dean are friends too and I am okay with it. It's not like she has the ring, or the kid, or him, know. -winks-

"I mean yeah. What they were is in the past. I trust both of them." "Welcome to Red Robins. My name is Ben. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" "Oh I'll take a beer," Paige says still looking at the menu. "And for you?" "I'll have a coke and a kids fruit punch please." Ben nodded and walked away. "So what have you been up to," Paige asks. "I've been with you with you." "Oh yeah!" I shake my head trying to understand Paige's brain. 

"I seen they have this special where you can get two of their big tavern burgers, unlimited fries, and you can pick an appetizer or a desert." "That sounds great," I say to Paige looking at the menu for Moxley. 

"I hope you guys didn't start without me." Brie and Nikki came up to the table and took a seat. Not before they said gave their nice little hug taps with the kiss kiss on the cheek. They sat down and Ben came back over to take their drink orders. However, my baby boy was ready to eat and so was I. "Are you ladies ready to order?" "Yes," we all say. "Didn't you just get here," I asked looking at the girls confused. "Unlike you, we have been here before," Nicole says with a snarky little attitude. "Excuse her tude, she's upset with me." "I understand that but she doesn't have to take it out on Johannah." "It's alright Paige. I'm okay with it," I say low key glaring at Nikki. "We," Paige says gesturing between the two of us," will have your special." "Okay, and for the little guy?" "Nuggets!" "Alright. And for you ladies?" Nikki orders the same thing as Paige and I so when Renee gets here, she would have something to eat. Brie ordered a salad because you know. She's a vegan.

"So since Daniel had to retire, I'm thinking about having a baby," Brie says smiling from ear to eat. Paige and I congratulate her as her sister sulks in her own grief. As said before, Nicole Garzia is dating Jonathan Cena. John was once married but it didn't really work out. They got divorced, blah blah blah, John said he never wanted to get married again or have kids. Nikki is the total opposite. She loves marriage and wants a kid. I wasn't until recently John told Nicole he would love to marry her but still want no kids due to him seeing it as being selfish. Nicole is trying to convince herself everyday that she is okay with the John's words but in actuality, it is eating her up inside.

"Maybe you could have my kids for me," Nicole says. "But they would still be your kids and John doesn't want kids," Paige says. "And who says I will have the time, or the energy, to have your kids," Brie says. "Gosh Brianna. It was just a suggestion." "Well it was a dumb one if you ask me," I say taking a sip of my drink. "Yeah. I'm not going against what John wants," Brie says. "But I'm your sister." "Yeah! But I am not going to change a man's life because my sister  wants a baby." "Where would you get the sperm from anyway? If John doesn't want a child and you want to have John's babies, you have a little dilemma there," Paige says. "Diwemma," Moxley asks. "Dilemma is a problem," I say playing with Moxley's hair. "Yeah and Auntie Nikki has a big problem," Brie says playing with his belly. Moxley laughs. 

Ben shows up with our food and that is when all hell breaks loose.

"Speaking of Dilemma, Johannah you seem to be in a dilemma yourself." I looked at my ring and then my kid. "Nah! I'm good. All good." "Good," Moxley shouts raising his hand. "I mean with your man and you arguing and you being friends with his ex, don't you think something is going to happen?" "I trust Renee." "Oh but you don't trust Dean," she asks pulling her chair a little closer to the table. "Of course I trust Dean." "But you didn't say that." "I just did." "But when I said it the first time, you didn't. I mean imagine it right now. Dean is at home alone because his "wife" is mad at him and won't come home. So who does he call? The woman who always answers. Renee! They talk about it and rehash on t he old fun times they had together. Maybe brush up against each other. Place one hand on the other's lap while laughing. One thing leads to another, they are kissing. Clothes start flying. Places start touching. Moans and screams start escaping. This just go south. Who knows. Maybe that's what she is doing right now. Doing what his "wife" is supposed to be doing."  

Johannah: -stares at the camera confused- Did she..... But she's....... Okay

"Okay! First off, I'm not his "wife", I'm his wife. But you wouldn't know anything about being a wife. Second of all, how dare you insult my relationship with my husband because we are mad at each other and I can't stand to look at him right now. It happens. It's called a relationship, a marriage, a bond, again something you wouldn't know about. We don't go behind each other's backs creating schemes to deceive the other person's wishes for our own selfish benefits. And I trust both Dean and Renee. He may be her ex,but I am his wife. If I didn't trust him, I wouldn't have married him. But you still don't know about that. I have the ring -holds up hand- and I have a child -points to Molxey- and you are left with what? Heart break and a dream? I don't need you trying to ruin my day because yours is shitty right now. So have a great one Nicole, because if I look at your face anymore, I just might beat your ass." 

I was infuriated. Who is she to down my relationship? She is not one I would get advice from. She needs to check her own reality before she tries to "fix" mine. 

"Paige, can you get our stuff to go," I ask picking up Moxley. "Johannah. No! Sit down," Brie says. "No! Get your sister in check. She might have been the longest reigning Diva's Championship in WWE. But this is the real world right here. And I am not about to cause a scene because I just beat your sister's ass. Then Carano will want to talk to us and I'm not having it. So when her bitch attitude it gone, we can talk. Until then screw this.

Moxley and I were walking towards the exit when Renee come in. "Hey Johannah." I just walked past her. "Jo! What's wrong?" I just kept walking.

-Paige's P.O.V-

"What's her problem," Nikki asks drinking her tea. "You know what Nicole," Brie starts, "just because you are in a pissy attitude doesn't justify your behavior." "Brianna." "She's right," I say looking around or Ben. "Guys! What's wrong with Johannah?" "Nicole made her think that you and Dean were having an affair and she went off," I said chugging a pint. I needed that after this. "Why would you say that?" Renee sits down. "I don't know. I'm upset and hormonal and..." "That doesn't make it right Nicole." "Brie." "You can't Brie your way out of this." "But you are my sister." "But I am human and I can tell you when you are wrong. I stick by your side through everything. But this, you stand alone. I am not playing your petty games because you are hormonal." "Me either. And I don't appreciate you saying those things about me and Dean. He loves Johannah and you know that." "I know," Nikki says bowing her head down in shame. "So what are you going to do to fix it," I ask packing the Good's things to go.

"I'll figure it out."

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