Chapter 9

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*Dean's P.OV.*

"Where has she been staying?" "With Paige," Nicole says, "Have you not watched Total Divas?" "No." "Well, that is where your wife and son have been," Brie says. "You have the info you have been searching for. What are you going to do now?"

I looked at Roman. I got an idea.

"I will see you guys tomorrow." "Where are you going?" "To get my wife back." "How?" "This is a battle I have to fight on my own. But I'm going to Paige's place to pack her shit up. Ro, I need your help." "Alright!" "Ladies. Hunter." "Do what's best for your marriage." "Will do Hunter."




"Jon?" "Hey, Paige. Is Jo here?" "No. She packed an overnight bag and said she was going to take Moxley somewhere." " Great. We are coming to pack her stuff up." "What?" "We are here to pack to bring my WIFE and my son home." "I don't know Jon. I mean, she is really mad at you." "She is my wife. I don't care what happens, I love her. I am bringing my wife home. And tomorrow, she WILL be home." "So may we come in," Joe asks. "Sure." "You get the boxes, I will get her stuff."

Joe walked to the car and grabbed some boxes I bought on the way here. I started to take all her undergarments out. I didn't want Joe touching it so I had to get it out first so he can help with everything else. "Are you ready?" "Yeah." 

It took us about three hours but we finally got all their shit packed up. "I did not know she brought all this stuff here." "Maybe she bought some of this stuff from the store." "Maybe, but I just know I am going to have a long night unpacking." "Dude, I can help you." "You've done so much for me bro. I know you probably wanted to go home to your daughter and wife a long time ago." "It's fine Jon. I just know, if I were in the same situation, you will do the same." "You sure?" "Yeah! Let me just call my wife and tell her." 

"Paige!" I heard hard footsteps come towards the room. "Yeah? What?" "We are leaving." "You made me think something bad happened." "Oh no. Well..." "well, what?" "Nothing. I'm fucking with you. We are out of here. Give me my hug." She gave me a hug and then hugged Joe.

When I came home, Brianna and Nicole were outside of my house along with Galina and Joelle. "We thought you might need some help," Nicole says standing up. "You ladies are awesome." "We thought that we could make it move quicker since we have work tomorrow," Brie says. 

It was a lot quicker. My head was spinning around our conversation. "So, she is mad at you too?" "Yeah," Brie starts, "Because I tried to resolve the issue she has with Nicole in order to get her to go to Renee's." "Why is she mad at you," Joe asks. "I was upset and then I kind of insinuated that you could possibly still be sleeping with Renee." "You did WHAT?" "I know. It was stupid." "Stupid is an understatement," Johannah says as stood at the door.

"Jo." "Don't get too comfortable. I just had to get something for my son." "Our son." "My son. But when I went to Paige's, she told me that my 'husband' came to collect my things. I wanted to know why? And then, I come to find out he has help. This is great. I don't care what yall are doing. You are going to watch this ass walk out this door when I get what I came here for." 

She walked to Moxley's room and walked out. "Aren't you going to stop her," Nikki asks. "No. Let her go." "I thought you were trying to get her back?" "I am G. I know what I am doing." "Believe in Uncle Jon." "Thank you Joelle. At least someone in here believes in my plan." "As long as no one dies, I am down with your plan." " We won't. Trust me."




Everyone went home after going to eat. They tried to figure out my plan, but I told them to leave it to me. This here, is the day that my plan all goes to play.

When I drove up, there was this gigantic hamster thing was in front of my parking spot and holding a sign. "Hell ends here," I read out. It 'laughed' and walked away. What the hell? What does that mean? Who the hell is doing all of this? And what hell are they talking about?

Who cares. I need to stay focused on the plan. The plan to getting my wife back. So, I had to record a pre-video before. It was weird! The little hamster thing showed up at the taping. "Who are you?" It pointed to the sign it held before. "Hel ends here? What does that mean?" It laughed again and ran off. I wanted to smack the hell out of that thing. Focus Jon. Let's just get this show going.




Joe was in the middle of a match with Fandago and Tyler just came out to help his tag team partner making the match Disqualified. I was five seconds from the stage when a song that no one was expecting. "Can you smell? What the Rock? Is Cooking?" 

Dwayne came out running and attacked Tyler. He stood no chance. The Dudley's tried to com out to fight both sets but I ran out there to stop it. To my surprise, Randy Orton came out too. We defeated those four and the fled out like little bitches. Right when the Rock was about to say something, music started playing.

Walk my way! Mrs. All American. Say my name.  No need to pretend. Don't be shy--

"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. Welcome to Monday Night Raw. Rock! I'm so glad that you came." "Johannah. The Rock wants to know his favorite Jo Jo is doing?" "Jo Jo's husband wants to know what the hell she is wearing!" 

Johannah had on some leotard thing with a long cape jacket thing and thigh length lace boots. 

She made her way to the ring and hugged Dwayne. Jo then stood next to Randy with her arm around his waist as his hand holds on to her hip. I wanted to kill him.

"Jo Jo doesn't care what her husband wants to know. What Jo Jo wants to know is how the WWE Universe is doing?" Everyone screams. "Welcome to my talk show for one night only, and I mean TONIGHT only. Welcome to Hell Ends Here." She smirked at me making me realize that she had something to do with that Hamster thing. "That's a weird name for a show," Dwayne says. "It's more of a statement." "What are you doing Johannah? First, you send this hamster shit to me and now you have this show. What do you want from me?" "I want you to end this hell." "Me, causing you hell." "What is our purpose of being here," Joe asks. "Well Roman, if you must know, we are here to make sure that the princess here doesn't rip off that lunatic's head." "And how do you know this Randall?" "Hotel." 

I looked at her. She just smirked. I walked over to here with the mic down. "You stayed at his house?" "Yep! Jon and I." I stepped back with the bits of hell stirring in my heart. This sex better be worth it at the end of the day. 

"What do you want Johannah?" "Be nice to the lady," Dwayne says looking at me. "I want to have a conversation with my husband. Is that too bad to ask?" "Alright." "But, I want mediators." "For what?" "Do I need to say this again," Randy says. "Look. I have a better idea. Remove your hands from my wife's hip and back away." "Or what?" 

I grabbed his hand and push it off of her. "Lights off." It went dark in the arena and I grabbed Jo Jo. "What the hell? Put me down!" I got out the ring and ran backstage. When the lights came back on, everyone was like 'Well, where are they?' 'What's going on?' They are questioning everything while I am getting beat the hell out of in my back. 

"If you don't put me down, so help me God! Jonathan! Put me down!" I put her down kind of making her fall to the floor. "Did you just throw me down?" "Yes. I did." "What the fuck is wrong with you?" "What is wrong with me? For months, my wife and son has not been in the same house as me. The woman I love won't talk to me. She won't even look at me. I have not made love to anyone in months. We said for better or for worse. I'm still rocking with you but I don't know what the hell we are doing here. I want you here. I need you here. I can't be at my best without my best next to me. I need you here. I need you to come home." "I can't go home yet, Jon." "Why not?" "Because you need to get some of your frustration out. Look, when Moxley comes back from his suit fitting with my Rents, we can sit down."  

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now