Chapter 11

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My baby boy came back from going with his grandparents, aka my parents. I was so excited to my little one. I never spent more than a couple hours away from my stinker. Today, Jon had the whole day planned out. We even had matching outfits.

Jon kept it casual with his white Adidas shirt on and a regular pair of jeans. Moxley had on a white shirt with the definition of a boy in black letters with blue pants and red suspenders. His cute little red converse was so adorable with the whole outfit I couldn't help but take pictures.

"Johannah. Come on." My husband being the guy that he is, has me in a sports bra  with blue jeans, red converse, and some suspenders. "Hold on,Jonathan." I threw on my Pshyco necklace along with my glasses and made my way to the front. "Sexy momma," Moxley said. I looked at him and laughed. "You are acting like your father." He laughed. "So where are we going?" "First to your parents. Your brother has an announcement. Then we are going for a nice walk in the park to get the little one some ice cream. Then, we are stopping by John's house so you can talk to Nikki about-" "Pause." "No pause. You are going over there to talk them and let them apologize. Those are the godmothers of our son. So you are going to let them talk. Then, we are going to work and then home. Any questions?" "Do you hate me?" "I could never. Let's go."

First things first, we made it to my parent's house. All the boys were there including my parents too. Some of my brothers actually have girls with them. Shocker.

"Oh my gosh! Koda, someone actually wants to date you! Finally!" "Fuck off." "Make me." We charged at each other only to hug each other laughing. "Vinnie, still single I see." "Johannah, still annoying I see." "Be nice to my mommy." "You heard the little one," Jon says. "David, where is Aria?" "She's at home." "Interesting. Where is my favorite brother?" "I'm right here," Dave says. "I am NOT talking about you. Where is Joshua Felix Janson?" "Damn. What about me?" "Daniel, a girl for you too. Shockers." "You don't have to be mean." "You don't have to be an ass." "Touche!" "Finally!  A face I want to see. How are you, Josh?" "I'm great. How are you?" "I'm amazing. How is Shane?" "She's good. She's upstairs changing." "Who is Shane," Koda asks. "His girlfriend." "You have a  girlfriend," they yell. "Yeah." "How come you knew he had a girlfriend but not your other brothers," Jon asked.

I sighed. "I don't know how many times I have to say this. I don't like them." They gasped. "Josh has always been my favorite. I don't like you," I said pointing to Dave. "I don't like you, Daniel. I don't like you, Vinnie. And I damn sure don't like you, Koda. So, can we please get with the announcement because we have plans and a show to do tonight."

We filled into the living and sat down in different places. I was introduced to Kaitlyn and Emilie. Shane came downstairs and we talked until Dave stood up. "Thank you for coming. I want to thank Moxley for helping me with what I am about to announce." "What do you mean he helped you," Jon asked. "When he was with mom and dad, they took him to get a suit. He then came with me and helped me do something." "Mommy, it was a ring." "A ring? For what? For who?" "I'm engaged." He had a big smile on his face. "Congrats." "You don't seem excited." "I am. I love Aria. She is a great help to me when I need her." "Your face says differently." "I still don't like you. If Aria would have said it, I would have been more excited." "Wow! My sister loves my fiance more. Didn't see that coming." I laughed getting up to hug him. "Congrats Bro." "Thank you." 

"Does anyone else want to say anything before we leave? You have one minute. No. Are all minds clear? Great. Bye!" "You didn't even give us a minute to speak." "Okay. Bye!" "Always the same since you were five," Koda says. "You look the same since you were five. A brat ass bitch." 

My husband picked me up and threw me over his shoulder making me leave the house. We went to the park and let Moxley play for a bit because I was a little tired. Jon and Jon went to play while I laid under the tree licking ice cream. "Why so lonely?" A little girl stood in front of me. "I'm so sorry," her mother said. I laughed. "It's fine. My husband and my son are over there playing. I'm really tired so I'm sitting." "You fight someone?" "Yes. I wrestled a lady on tv. But this is because I fell at home." "How?" "My son left his toys on the floor and I didn't see it. So, I got hurt." "Oh! Mommy, I need to go clean my toys." Her mom chuckled. "Thank you." "Anytime."

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now