Chapter 6

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"Walk my way! Mrs. All American! Say my name! Don't need to pretend. Don't be shy! Mrs. All American. I'll show you why, you're not gonna walk away."

"Why is she wearing that," JBL asks as I walk to the ring. I high five the universe as I walk down the ramp. A mic was handed to me over by the time keepers and got in the ring. Waited for the music to die down before I started talking. "WWE Universe! Welcome!" It was Tuesday night meaning no live show tonight but still recorded so some things can be shown on Smackdown. "Ah! Today is going to be a great show. Kane will be absent today and for some reason, Steph and Hunter asked me to be Director of Operations for the show. Of course I accepted." They cheered.

One thing I hate right now, is that if Jon or Joe show up, I have to be nice to them on TV despite what is happening in reality.

"Even though they hate me, and trust me the feeling is mutual, I couldn't let you guys down." "We Love You," starts around the arena. "I love you too. And since I love you so much, I know there is a match you might like." The arena irrupts in screams. Screams that were short lived by Retaliation. I looked down rolling my eyes as a very hyped Dean Ambrose came down the ramp.

"Janson." "Ambrose." "So you are director of operations tonight?" "That's what I said." "When did you find this out?" "Late late last night." "So that means the inmates are in control tonight?" He turns opening his arms to the arena as they scream once again. "As lovely as that sounds, the inmates of the asylum will not be running the show tonight. However, that does mean that no one comes out here unless I say so and no one interrupts my speech." "Oooooh," goes around. "How does Dean not know his wife was DO today," Byron asks. "And is there some hostility in their voices, mostly Johannah, I hear," Lawler asks.

"So you can go to catering or whatever you want to do that doesn't require your presence out here until you are called for." Dean looked at me like I just ate something he hates and I'm now asking for a kiss with the taste still lingering on. "Go Go! I have a match to announce." He slowly walks backwards looking at me with those eyes. You know, the eyes that you know that the person is glaring at you but to everyone else it just looks like he's staring at you. Yeah! That look.

"Like I was saying, the match I have for tonight is for my least two favorite teams to go against each other. So New Day, be prepared to go against the Wyatt Family. Nikki and Brie, you will be going against Charlotte and Becky. Neville and the Lucha Dragons against Stardust and the Ascension with the guest ref being the big guy himself, Ryback. We will be back with more later. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." My music played again and I walked out. I went to the girls locker room to check on my baby boo boo bear. "Mommy!" "Hey Mox." "TT Nicki gave me juicy." "Did you say thank you?" "Yep," he says with a smile spread across his face. "Good. Thanks again ladies." "No problem. He is adorable," Brie says bringing in some papers. "He is truly adorable," Nic says. "You know this could have been you but Cena is playing." "He doesn't want children and I respect that," Nicole says doing her push ups. "Yeah but he obvi don't respect you. We always dreamt as kids to have our own kids and now you push that dream away." "I agree with Brie. Cena is a great guy. But if Jon tried me with that not getting married and not having kids, his ass would be whoring around like he used to because there is no way that I couldn't imagine not having my baby around." I picked Moxley up and placed him on my lap. He was playing on Brie's phone. Why does he have her phone? I don't know. He's almost two so he knows what he is doing.

Speaking of him knowing what he is doing, I need to get him off bottles.

"So why are you dressed like you are going to play baseball or something?" I chuckled. "I have a great surprise today for the Wyatt family. Hope they enjoy it." "You know those guys are crazy," Nicki says. "And so am I. These boys don't scare me." "Not even with Braun Strowman," Brie asks. "He scares me the least. Have you ever sung?" They shook their head. "I have. The key is to hold long notes of air when Strowman tries to choke you out."

Speaking of Strowman, I was watching their match against New Day. New day was out. And that was my cue when the bell rung. I walked to Roman's entrance and made my way down with no music to the ring. The boys were leaving out. "Oh Bray!" His head turns so fast. "I have a present for you. Bring it forward." The crew brought a chair in the ring. "I wanted to gift you a chair since my husband broke your other one. I mean, he broke a lot of them. I know an old man like you needs a rocking hair so I bought you a new one. Come sit in it." All three of them started to walk to the ring. "If I thought about your lap dogs, I would have brought them chairs too." "What are you up to Johannah," Luke asks. "You speak! Oh my gosh. Did your master give you permission to speak? Do I need permission to speak to you? Maybe I should ask your master. Bray, may I talk to you servant?" Bray started mouthing something but I couldn't hear him. So when I seen his shoulders move up and down, I took that as an, 'I don't care Johannah. You can do whatever you want.'

"Okay. Well Lucas, can I call you Lucas? Of course I can. Anyways, Lucas, as I was saying, I am doing nothing. Simply want to talk to Bray. Is that to much to ask for?" "Anything you want," Bray says with his evil smile as he rock back and forth in the chair. "I just wanted make sure you were comfortable when you heard this." "Hear what Johannah?" "I need a chair first. Braun, be a dear and get me a chair." He looked at Bray who nodded his head. Strowman got out the ring and forced Saxton out of his chair pushed it in the ring. I sat down and pulled up really close to Bray. "Mind games is something you are good at. One hell of a master mind Bray, I can give you that. But there is something you are forgetting." "And what is that?" "Bray, I don't fear the silence. I don't fear the dark. HELL, doesn't scare me. You don't scare me. You," I say turning to Luke," don't scare me. You," now turning to Strowman," doesn't scare me. And Eric, doesn't scare me. But you know what is scary? I mean really scary Bray." He looks at me as his boys looked at me with those weird eyes they have.

The lights shut off. When they came back on, my chair was out of the ring and I was leaning on a bat. The three of them were standing now. "My brain is scary Wyatt. You see I have this tactic in my head. You want to hear it?" He still gives me a blank stare. "There are about four things that matter to you. Well one of those things really matter to you but three of those things protect you. Your strongest man, see, we have to take him out first. Then Lukey here is next to be taken out. Eric is already gone so that leaves only one thing left. But lets start with step one, getting rid of the big guy."

I hit Stowman in the arm with the bat, then Luke. I went back and forth hitting Strowman twice as many times as Harper because he is a lit bigger and require a lot more work. I was breathing heavy trying to catch my breath. "That was fun." "What the hell are you doing?" "What am I doing Bray? I'm showing you that there is not a damn thing you can do to contain this crazy inside of me. Just like no one can contain the master mind in you. But you seen what messing with my most precious thing has done to me and so have I for you. I think I handled mine a bit better don't you think? But it's okay Bray." I was now walking around the ring. "I have one more thing to destroy. And I ma not replacing it again." I swung the bat hitting the chair. The arm flew off hitting Braun in the face. "Oops." I kept breaking the chair. I even picked up a few pieces and threw them down to the ring. He broke. He hasn't even had this chair for ten minutes or however many minutes and it affects him like this. I have one word to describe him.


"See, this is why I fear nothing you do. You are weak minded. And I only mess with people who have a mind like me. I thought it would be you Bray, but I guess you aren't worth it." I dropped the mic and speared him.

"Goodbye Bray."

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now