Chapter 8

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I was tired of it all. I wanted to do today was relax at Paige's but I promised Brianna that I would go to a party for Bryan to celebrate his awesome career. I was the only one who had gear because Moxley doesn't have any in his size. That boy grows quickly. I was going to drive there but Brie insisted that I drive with her because she needed help getting some last minute stuff for the party.

"Moxley! Do you have on your clothes?" "Yes mommy." "Alright. Any snacks you want?" "Apples and caramel." "Don't spill it in Auntie Brie's car okay?" "Okay." As I was getting his snacks, there was a knock at the door. I walked over grabbing the handle. "Here Mox." He grabbed the bag of Apples as I opened the door. "Hey hot mama." "Hola mi amor." I kiss both her cheeks allowing her in. "You guys ready?" "I just have to get a juice box and a water bottle for Moxley and then I will be." "Oh! I can get it."

I looked at Brie with a raised eyebrow as she walked into the kitchen. "What are you up to?" "Nothing." "Yes you are. You are nice normally but you are extremely nice." "It's for Moxley. If it was for you, I would make you get it yourself." I turn to the camera. "You got that right?" The camera guy laughs nodding. "I love you Jo Jo." "Mhm! Somehow, Jo Jo means Moxley now." "Mommy I love you." "I love you too baby. At least someone gives a damn about me." "Don't make me fight you," Brie says fake chopping me. I block her and pick her up. She screams. "Ladies. Ladies please. Let's go."

I turn my head to the door. Moxley is standing there with his arms crossed. Brie and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Boy! Put the juice and water in your bag." He runs over and puts them in there. "Now we can go mister."

I picked my son up and walked out the door. I have to get the car seat out of my car and put it in Brie's. "Brie can you get Moxley and hold him while I strap this in." "Yeah sure." "Auntie Nikki." "No! Auntie Brie," Brianna says. I looked at Moxley. "No! He knows the difference between you two. I looked in the driver seat and low and behold Nicole was there. I look at her in the eye. "Hi Jo," she says faintly. "Wow Nicole!" I walked away from the car and down the street. "Jo wait!" Brie hands Mox off to Nicole and walk over to me. "Are you serious! Are you fucking serious Brianna?" "Just hear her out!" "NO! She doesn't get to diss my family because she is PMSing over stupid shit. I don't give a damn who she is or what she does. No one, and I mean NO ONE, can talk about me or my husband." I started walking back to my place aka Paige's place, and walk to Nicole. "Give me my son!" "Johannah talk to me." "Give! Me! My! Son!" She puts Moxley down and I pick him up. "Get these camera's off of me." I start taking the mic off of Mox and off of me. I threw it to the ground. I picked his carseat up from Brie's car and put it back into my car.

"Johannah I'm sorry." Strapping Moxley in, I stared my little boy in the face. He genuinely looked confused. I kissed his forehead and walked to the drive side. "Johannah!" "Save your pity party for someone who actually gives a damn Nicole!" I sat in the car and pulled away. I seen Nicole and Brie pacing back and forth before getting back in the car.

I knew Brianna had something up her sleeve and she lied to me. How could she? She was the maid of honor at my wedding! Ugh! First Jon, now the twins! Who is next? Lord please don't be Paige! I cannot deal with that happening to me! I don't know where to go or what to do. So I go where I know that I will be okay for a while.

I parked the car amd got out. Sighing, I knocked on the door. Moxley stood patiently as I paced. As the door opened, I couldn't help but hug her! "Renee!" "Johannah! What's wrong?" "Brie lied to me and ambushed me with Nicole!" "Come in!"

I walked in to see she had guest. My eyebrow rose! "What is he doing here?" "Daddy!" "Hey Moxley!" Jon picked Moxley up and hugged him. "He is here because they are here!" She points to Steph and Hunter. "And me." Roman pops up from behind. I look around at all of them. "What is going on?" "Jo Jo! Why don't you just take a seat," Hunter says holding his hands out. "Why are you talking to me like I'm a psycho or something?" "No! That isn't it at all." Of course Stephanie comes to his aid!

"We need to talk." "About?" "You and Jon," Renee starts. "Mox and I are fine!" "Where have you been staying," Joe asks. "That is not for you to know!" "It is our business," Hunter says. "Actually it isn't because I don't work for you." "Well you have my son! So I need to know." "And she is your wife," Renee adds. "Barley!" Jon glared at me for saying that. Epps well.

"You know what Johannah! Enough is enough." "If you don't sit your ass down, I will knock the Samoan out your ass. Get some sense and sit down!" "Johannah I --" "I said get some sense!" Joe sighed and sat down.

There was another knock on the door. "It's open!" Brie and Nikki come in. "Great! So did you all plan this little get together! You guys KNEW I would come over here didn't you? Well you know what! Screw all of you!"

I walked over to Jon and grabbed Moxley. "Johannah sit down!" "Moxley say bye!" I started to walk away but I felt a hand. "He's my son too!" "Is he Jonathan?" He stood up and looked me in the eye. "You know! The guy I knew a while ago would spend hours and hours trying to find me even when I didn't want him to. The guy I used to know would make me feel better when I am down and hurt! The guy I used to know would come to where I was, no matter who in front of or where I was, would pick me up and take me somewhere where I could yell and scream at him for when he messed up and then cry and he would kiss me! That is the guy I am looking for. So when you find him, I will come home!"

I walked to the door then stopped! "Oh and Brie! Tell Bryan I'm sorry I couldn't make his party! I cannot stand to be in the face of any WWE superstar or Diva who has stabbed me in the back today or yesterday."

And that is how I walked out with no one behind me. Because they don't give a damn about me.

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now