Chapter 4

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"New! Day sucks! New! Day sucks," the crowd chants as I stand in front of the three idiots themselves. "Hello Jo Jo," Kofi says. "Only my friends call me Jo Jo." "We are all friends here," Xavier says opening his arms to me. I slapped his hands. "Boy bye! We are not friends. You thought we were friends. What do you want dumb, dumber, and dumbest."

The crowd laughs.

"You take that back," Big E says. "Nahh! I'm good. What do you want?" "We want you to join us. We hear you are joining teams," Xavier says as the other bozos bounce up and down. I laughed. They looked at me confused. "Oh my gosh! You were so serious!" They nod their heads. "You see. I would join the Usos before I join you. Wait! Not a good example because I love the Usos. I would let Kane drag me to hell before I join your group." You can hear the crowd roar with chants "But what I can do is chant with you. Ready?" I set my hands in a clapping position as they do too.

"New! Day Sucks! New! Day Sucks." They look at me as I continue to chant and walk away.

"Hello Johannah." "Hello Neville. How can I help you?" "Cesaro and I need a guest ref for our match against Sheamus and Barrett. You down?" "I need three boys around the ring but you got yourself a ref." "Wait! Why three boys?" "You will see."

I walked away from Neville and into the girls dressing room. I changed into the referee gear. "We need to talk." "Dean! I have a match to prepare for." "What match? You don't wrestle." "It doesn't matter. You and Roman need not to interfere with the match as long as Neville doesn't ask you to." He glares at me. "Honestly, it looks like you have an attitude, so you better stay out of my way Ambrose." "Or else what, Janson," he says walking closer. "You will regret it." I blew a kiss to him and walked away.

"This match is a tag team match. Coming to the ring from Lucerne, Switzerland weighing in 232 pounds, Cesaro." I stand behind the curtain and bounce up and down a little. Barrett and Sheamus were in the ring together. Next was Neville and then me. "You ready?" "Jo Jo. I want to beat the hell out of those blokes." "Well have a fantastic match. Did you pick those three guys?" He nods. "Good." His music starts.

"Introducing his tag team partner from Newcastle, England weighing in 194 pounds. The guy that gravity forgot, Neville." Stretching out ready for this match, I feel three bodies behind me. "Of course he picked you three. I just hope you guys can not kill each other." "Just focus on the match," Jon says getting all pissed. "And focus on your mouth. You talk to me like that you will win the award for the shortest marriage in the WWE." My music hits.

"And introducing the guest referee, Johannah Janson!" I jumped up and down after walking from behind the curtain. "Who's ready for a good match?" The crowd roars as I dance down the ramp. I flipped into the ring. I grabbed a mic and went closer to my boys. "I knew you three would be out here," I say to The Ascension and Stardust," And you three." The Authority came out. "So I came with my own little team. So if you guys try anything, I have people to stop you. Boys!"

"Oh! What a team! Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, John Cena, Randy Orton, and the Usos."

I tossed the mic to the side and start the match. Ding Ding Ding. Cesaro and Sheamus started first, Sheamus was taking the lead and tried to go for the pin. But I got distracted as Stardust made a move. Sheamus pulled my shoulder causing me to punch him in the face. I didn't apologize either. It was on accident but he doesn't need to know that. Cesaro took advantage of the distraction long enough to tag Neville in.

I clapped my hands showing that Neville had made a legal tap. It was looking good for Neville until he got pushed into a barricade and Sheamus was tagged. He went for the pin and he got to a 2 count very slowly. Like really slowly. While Sheamus was arguing with me again, Cesaro was screaming how Barrett was cheating. So I nicely walked to him and punched him off the skirt. Then I punched Sheamus too. I dragged Neville to Cesaro and made the tag.

The won the match.

Blah blah blah.

After the match, we went home because I had nothing else to do. I picked up my son and went home. "Moxley, we shower then bed." "Okay Mommy." I made him some grilled chicken with string beans and carrots. After eating and showering, he went to sleep. I showered changing into my black crop top and my shorts. As I put on my socks, I heard the door slam. "JOHANNAH!" "Jon shut up! Moxley is sleeping." "What the hell was that," he yell whispers. "What are you talking about?" "I'm not Dean and Roman. What does that mean?" "It means I'm not weak minded and easily affected." "There is nothing weak minded about me." "Apparently there is if you let petty shit like this affect you." "Petty shit? My wife just dissed me and my brother on TV." "News flash bozo, it is entertainment." "So you don't think I am weak minded?" "I do when it comes to Bray Wyatt." "Bull shit!" "Watch who you are talking to." "Or what Johannah!"

He takes a glass and throws it to the wall. I jumped a little as it broke. "You piss me off you know that." His voice got louder and he woke up Moxley who is now screaming and crying. "You are scaring the baby." He grabbed my arm. I stared him in the eye. "If you don't let my arm go!" "What are you going to do Johannah?" "I will fucking leave."

I walked to Moxley trying to calm him down. "Leave then. Just leave." I turned to Jon. "You are the biggest asshole I know. I hope Cincinnati is happy with their outcome." "What the hell does that mean?" "That means I hope they are happy with creating such a hard headed, rude, disrespectful boy who never grows up. A boy who never thinks and just does no matter if he gets hurt or WHO HE FUCKING HURT." I packed a bag for Moxley and walked to my room with my son still screaming. "Like you are any better." "I am better because unlike you, I care about people's feelings." "You know what you were getting into when you married me." "Well now I am leaving."

I walked to the door opening it. "Where are you going?" I ignored him and kept walking down the stairs to the front door. "Johannah where are you taking my son?" Still, no response to him. I was shaking Moxley telling him it was okay. I then realized I needed to get stuff for his bottle and some food for him so I went to the kitchen. "Johannah!" I put it all in a bag and brush past Jonathan. "Jo! Answer me." I grabbed my cover off the couch along with my pillow and toys for Moxley. We went outside and all hell broke loose.

"Where are you going?" I opened the door and put Moxley in the car locking the door behind him. "Take my son out of the car and get back in the house." I went around to the driver side of the car where Jon was standing. "Move!" "No!" "Jonathan Move!" "I will not." "My son is in the car so get out of my way." "He's my son too." "Oh now he is your son!" "He's always been my son!" "Yeah? Well have I always been your girl?" "What does that even mean?" "For you to ask me that tells it all. Jonathan please move aside." "Johannah what does that mean? ""Jonathan, please move aside. This is my last time asking you nicely." "Johannah." "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY AMBROSE." I pushed him to the the front of the car and turned it on.

"Johannah look at me." I looked him dead in the eye as he did me. "If you love me, then stay." I did a fake chuckle. "That's funny. Because I love you, I'm leaving." I got in the car locking the doors so Jon could not get in at all. He was banging on the windows making Moxley scream and cry even more. "Open this door right now. Johannah please," are the pleas and screams that I hear as I back out of the driveway.

When the tapping, more banging, had stopped, I just drove. "Moxley, we are going somewhere right now. I promise okay. Mommy is okay. You are okay. Mommy won't let anything bad happen to you." "Promise," he asks wiping away his little tears. "I promise with all my heart and soul."

I pulled up into the yard and got out. I knocked on the door and it swung open. "Come in sweetheart," he said.

Jon is so going to kill me.

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now