Chapter 16

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"It's fall time. Hell has froze over the the devil herself is no longer the women's champ and she has been causing a cold front for everyone. Well, almost everyone. See, two months ago, I snatched the women's championship belt from under the hands of the ice devil herself and for the past two months she has been causing hell for everyone. Everyone but me. Charles wouldn't dare try to cause hell for me. The last time she did that, she left in the back of an ambulance.But, then again, she is what I like to call STUPID."

The crowd starts laughing.

"And I know he's going to come out here and say something but let me tell you this. I'm ready Charles." And right on cue, she didn't come out. Two other's did. I sat there bouncing back and forth. My sleeves of my sweater rolled up as my hands pressed against my leggings. Boots pressed down to the mat, ready for the two figures walking towards the ring clapping their hands.

"Hello Summer. Layla! Surprised you are here." "Well, when a friend is in need, I come." "And what is Summer in need of other than talent and a brain?" "Haha! Very funny Jo Jo." "Jo Jo are for my friends. Last time I checked, I don't invite you anywhere. Ask you to come to my house, bring you food, or allow you to watch my kid to come over your house. The name is Johannah in case you forgot." "See Layla, this is what I'm talking about."

Hold on. What?

"Why is my name in your mouth if you aren't talking to me?" "She was telling me how you are such a bully and you shouldn't be Diva's champ." The crowd boos as I laugh. "Summer Rae, tell me this. When have I ever said anything about you before?" She looks at me quietly. "And before today, when have I spoken to you?" "When you were trying to help me practice this flip, giving me tips." "And other than today, who have I bullied?" "Charlotte." "And what does that have to do with you?" Before she could speak, I continued.

"Did she make you come out here and be her voice or was that your brainless idea? You see Summer, I had no problem with you but now you make me have a problem with you. And you don't want that." "And why wouldn't she,"Layla asks. "Because unlike you," I say looking at Layla, "And unlike you," I say looking at Summer Rae," I bite with minimal bark. So if you want a fight, your getting one. I'll make a call and this can happen. It's up to you. But know if you agree, you are both making the dumbest decisions of your life." "Oh we agree! Just make sure you have a partner so it will be considered a fair fight." "Knowing you Summer, nothing is fair. But I'll have my partner. You have yours ready." " I'm always ready!" " To get your ass whooped. I know." "Just because you hold that title Johannah doesn't mean that you are the best," Summer said. "That's exactly what that means. It means whoever was the best got beat by me, making me the best. When you beat the big dog, you become the big dog. So just wait! This match you are asking for just might end your stupidity."

I walked away from those two and made my way to the back.

"Mommy!" "Yes baby." "Daddy stinks." "What do you mean?" "He passed gas." I couldn't help but laugh. "Where is daddy?" "He's in the bathroom. It's going to be stinky." "I feel you baby. But it's time for you to get a shower and go to sleep." "Can Auntie Nikki do it?" "If she says yes, I will let her." "Phew, I feel better."

Jon came out the bathroom spraying the hell out of the bathroom. Rest In Peace air freshener.

"Babe, I'm going to find Nikki. Watch him." "Okay! Come on buggy. Let's go shower." "He wants Nikki to bath him." "Oh! Well, okay. Let's get you undressed and in a towel waiting for Auntie Nikki." "Okay!"

I walked out the room towards catering when I seen cameras following me. I turned around and looked at them. "What do you want?" "Wait for it. Just keep walking." "I'm only walking because that's what I was doing already." I kept walking only to be stopped by a familiar face. "Hey Paige." "Hey! I heard you needed a partner for your match tonight?" "Yeah. I do." "You know I always have your back. I'll be your tag team partner." "Always know I can count on you baby girl." I gave her a solid bro fist and kept walking.

"Nikki said she will bath him. I'm going to change for my match." "Good luck babe."

"Coming to the ring, your current Diva's Champion, Johannah Janson." I bounced to the crowd and high fives everyone. "Who's ready for a match?" The people near me cheered. I slid into the ring spinning up.  I have Paige a double high five and bounced back and forth, talking to her, waiting for the match to start.

I stood there in the ring and waited for Summer to get in. Since she talked so much shit, she needs to get back in.

"What the hell! Get in here." Summer sent Layla in first. "Talk shit Summer get hit." The ring the bell and I punched Layla square in the face. I pulled her arm all the way to Summer and tagged her in. When the ref shown it was legal, I backed away for Summer to come in."

The match was going back and forth. Sometimes they were best us, most of the time, we were beating them. It's was still a quick match though.

Paige and I came out victorious. That shows Summer to watch what she says about someone. They will beat that ass.

Real Quick.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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