Chapter 3: Heaven on Earth... Kind of

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The rest of the Hogsmeade trip went as any other trip would. I enjoyed butterbeer, and had a good time chatting with my friends. We walked amoung the streets looking at all the shops until it was time to walk back to the castle. Once I reached the castle, I seperated from my friends, because I wanted to go to the Gryfindor common room, while they wanted dinner. I sat in front of the fire for a few minutes, looking back on the wonderful afternoon I had just had. I wish I could every weekend like that. 

My hunger began to grow, so I headed down to the Great Hall for a little dinner.  As I fly down the marble staircase, I notice Sirius and James being there regular loud selves in front of the Great Hall doors. I plan to pass them, as a test. If Peter really did tell James, they would shut up fast and only when I walked by. So I did pass them, walking in large strides, making myself stand out. They were laughing rather loud, as I came closer to the doors. Once they finished laughing, James saw me. Sirius was talking, and then James gave him a harsh slap to the chest. Neither spoke as a passed.

 Smiling, I made my way to my seat, knowing that James had listened. "Good day we're having aren't we?" I ask my friends. I begin shoveling food into my mouth.

"What was that?" asks Carol.

"What are you talking about?"

"Lil, you just walked into the hall without any hastle from the Snitch. Thats not normal."

"Well I had a talk with Peter," I said, shrugging.

All three spoke in unison, "When?"

"Well when I went to go get our butterbeers, I talked to Peter. We talked about James."

"What did he say about James?" asks Willa. All the three of them are giving me is questions.

"He said James really cared about me. And I said 'If James cared, he would leave me alone'. And he did!"

"Don't you realize what happened Lily?" says Evi. "He is leaving you alone because he really cares Lil, doens't that mean anything to you?  Maybe you mean more to James than you think you do."

"Stop being obsurd Evi. This is all just to impress me again. He doesn't really care like that. This won't last longer than two more days." I say, finishing my dinner. "Now, I am going to leave you guys and your obsurd thoughts." I then got up and left, still with the idea that this would only last about two days.

Two weeks later...

I was very wrong. I had not heard James speak a word to me. It was kind of scary. The only time I heard speak was answering things in class. He didn't answer much in class to begin with, but he now answers less. He was still his regular obnoxious self, but he shut up quickly whenever he saw me coming. It was rather odd actually. Throughout all the years, I had gotten used to James being overly loud and macho around me. Now, it feels as if he apparated into another world. By no means did I miss James being in my face and making clever comments every two seconds. This world, or heaven I had been imagining was not all that I thought it would be. It was kinda boring. Just going to class, meals, then coming back had no story. I could talk about my life with James making it hell.

One night I was practicing an invisibility spell with Carol for class. "Lily, its been about two and half weeks. Haven't you tortured James enough?"

"Carol, this is not torturing James. This is better for the both of us. I don't have to deal with him, and he can forget about me."

"Um, you see Evi, Willa, and I had a talk a little while ago. We think you are just being mean. James was bad to you, but jokingly. Everyone knew that. You just let it get to you. Evi was talking to Sirius the other day and--"

"Wait, why was Evi talking to Sirius?" I question.

"Nevermind that! Lily, you need to apologize to James. You did a mean thing by upsetting James and telling him to get out of your life. It was rude, and admitt it, Lil you miss his anoyance. Just a little bit."

"The only thing I miss is complaining. Which isn't actually something worth missing."

 Fine, then I will not speak to you until you apologize."

"Oh come on Carol?" I whine. "You can't be serious?"

"Oh, but I am. Good night, and I will speak to you again after you apologize to James." With that, Carol gets up and walks towards our dormitory, leaving me alone in the common room.


Chapter 3! In my opinion this is one of the most boring chapters. But I need it to set up for another a whole whirlwind of events!

And I really want to thank all of you who are are reading. Someone left a comment, asking me to continue. It made me so happy, that I danced around my computer for about 5 minutes.

Your  guys feedback means the world to me!

So, Happy Sunday to you all!



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