Chapter 5: Missing Quiditch

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I head back to my room after our punishment was given. I am not that tired, so I just lay on my bed and replay the past couple of hours in my head. That doesn't last very long because Willa wakes up and sees me laying on my bed with my clothes still on. "What's going on?" she asks me, rubbing her eyes. 

"Wake up the girls," I say. "It's a long story." All three girls are barely awake when I begin my story. I tell them every little detail from beginging to end. My thought were all included and everything. Evi stops me when James fall on me to comment.

"James was laying on top of you in the dark?"  she questions. She looks suspicious.

I ignore her. I finish my story, telling them and emphazing about how my punishment is. I can feel my face begin to get red with anger as I tell them the end of the story. Then I realize I am not angry. I am upset. I barely finish my story as I burst out into tears. I throw my face into my knees. I never want to leave my bed again.

Willa starts comforting me and giving me hugs. "Oh Lily, I am so sorry. What was James' reaction?"

"I don't know. I left before I could see. He was probably having the time of his life. Getting to spend all of his time with Evans. It's his dream come true!"

Carol chimes, "And it's your living nightmare."

"Exactly! This is hell! Complete and utter hell!"

"Well didn't McGonagoll take away all of his Quiditch matches and practices?" asks Evi.

"As far as I know, she just took away this match. But the detentions overlap with the practices. So I guess he can't play in the next couple of matches."

Evi continues. "And what is James' nightmare?"

I smile just a little bit. "Not being able to play Quiditch."

"See! You are not just suffering! His is suffering too!" says Willa. "He is probably having the same conversation right now."

I know he isn't. But her confidence makes me feel better. "Thanks guys."

Carol now begins her speech of comfort. "Let out all your tears. Better now than later. Talk to us about whatever you need to. We can leave the common room at four. It's three right now. We can take a long time to get ready. Or not. You decide for us. We will always be here for you. What time to do have to be in McGongall's room?"

"Nine, I think."

"We are yours until nine."

I smile. My friends are the only upside to this whole wizard sometimes.


The clock reads 8:45. I am dreading when the hour hand hits the nine. But I know it is unavoidable. I begin to walk from Gryfindor tower to Professor McGonagoll's room. I am very cautious not to run into James on the way there. I pass the library on the way there. I look in and see the forbidden section still destroyed. I want to cry again, but I must not. When I walk up a final staircase, there is only one more turn until the transfiguration room. By the time I enter through the classroom doors it is 8:55. I see James sitting in the frontmost desk of McGonagoll's room. This is odd, because is always late. McGonagoll must have brought him early.

McGonagoll looks up from her work and sees me. "Oh Lily come in! Let's start this detention." She motions for me to sit next to James. I choose to sit in a different desk. "Ok, today is the start of many detentions for the both of you. It is clear to me you two aren't exactly fond of each other. I felt the same way about someone in my year. I never made friends with him, and I regret it. Listen, both of you. There are always going to be people in life you aren't exactly fond of. I wish to change that for you two. What you two must do today is simple. Talk to each other. Try to lessen the feud, and learn a little bit about each other. I would honestly guess you two barely know anything about each other."

James speaks up. "And what if we don't talk, and just sit here until the match is over?"

"Then consider it another week on to you detention. I will know too. Now if you excuse me. I must go support our Quiditch team in our match against Ravenclaw." Professor left with those words.

We sat in silence for a few moments. James was the first to speak. "Hi. I'm James, James Potter. It's nice to meet you." He extends his hand out, as if he was meeting me for the first. Then he whispers, "I think it's about time we start over." 

I slowly put my hand out too. "Lily Evans."

He takes my hand, and shakes it. "Nice to meet you Lily. Ask me whatever you would like to know about me." He smiles warmly in my direction.

"Why won't you just leave me alone?" I snap coldly.

James stands up and sits in a seat next to me. "Listen Lily, I am really sorry. I mean it. I don't wanna be here either. Trust me, I would give anything to be at Quiditch right now. Just talk to me for the next couple of hours."

I nod reluctantly, which he takes and runs with. "Great! Now, I wanna know about you. Whats your favorite candy?"

The question seems kind of random, but I answer him."Lemondrops. And you?"

He smiles kindly. "Chocolate Frogs. Favorite class?"

"Potions. You?"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts. Favorite teacher?"

"Professor Slughorn." I don't honestly have a favorite, but Slughorn likes me most.

"Slughorn? He looks like he had his face squished in during a horrible accident! McGonagoll is my favorite. Who is your best friend?"

I linger on this question for a moment. I love all my girls. "Evi," I say uncetain.

"You know mine. Everyone does." He takes a second to think of a question. "What's your biggest insecurity?"

I did not see this question coming. I am hit with a wall of shock. I know my answer though. "My past." Then I begin thinking out loud. "But you probably don't have any insecurities. I mean, look at you. You are practically perfect.'

James smiles. "Practically perfect, huh? Maybe thats why all the ladies come runing to me." He wiggles his eyebrows, cause us both to break out into a laughing fit.

I barely finish laughing when I explain myself. "Thats not what I meant. What I meant was that you get good grades, your athletic, you have a bunch of friends. So on and so forth. You are good at a lot." I smile, and I can't seem to stop. James begins to talk again, but I am not listening.  I am thinking about how this may not be as bad I thought it was going to be. That one laugh together is the begining of a friendship, I can feel it.


A friendship is starting! YAY!

Out of context, but it is finally warm outside! I love when it is warm outside!

Happy Spring readers! Don't forget to give me feedback!



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