Chapter 2: Conversations with Wormtail and Snivellus

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I woke up the next morning, just as the sun was beginging to rise. I always seemed to wake up early, which was nice. I often fancied watching the sunrise. So, as usual I opened the curtains enough to see the sun rise from the Earth, but not enough to wake Evi, Carol, and Willa, the girls who I share a room with. The sky blends from a black to a pink and then slowly to a blue, almost like melting ice cream. It is so calming. From the sunset my eyes peer down towards Hogsmeade, which I have a very clear view of from my window. It looks like its same ancient self, but there is a certain buzz in its midst because it knows there will be children running it's streets today.

Hogsmeade was something I always looked forwards to. I often wished we went more than twice a month, because it was always the higlight of my week. There was nothing better than sipping on a large mug butterbeer while chatting with my best friends. We then often went to Honeydukes and bought all the sweets we would need until the next trip. It was always a pleasent trip. Just as the sun was fully parted from the Earth did the others in my room start to rise. Carol rose first, then Evi, and lastly Willa. "Good morning Lily," they each replied kindly as they woke up.

We all got ready for the day once we all were awake. The four of us always wait for each other to go to the Great Hall for breakfast, because some of the Slytherins can be real assholes. I put on a pair of jeans and a plain pink v-neck. I grab my ratty pair of sneakers out of my wardrobe and put them on. I brush all the knots out of my mangled hair. I take a quick glance at myself in the mirror. I look good enough, considering that I was slightly tired from the night before.  We wait until we are all ready, and then begin to head down to the Great Hall.

"So, what is our plan for Hogsmeade?" aks Carol, who is always on top of everything.

"Honeydukes and Three Broomsticks, elfhead! What else would we do?" scoffs Evi, who is giving her regular additude. She seems extra tired today, so it would not be in Carol's best interest not to bother Evi.

"Sorry Evi, just didn't know if you were gonna change your bipolar mind again!"

"Shut up or you are gonna have a pumpkin for a head," this was not a threat though, this was a statement.

"Come on, you can't even turn a rat into a feather," Carol and Evi had a unique relationship. They were best friends when they weren't trying to kill each other.

"Would both of you quit it," says Willa. She hates it when they fight. "It is too early in the morning for murder."

I quickly agree with Willa. "Willa is right, because we aren't gonna clean up the bodies."

Carol and Evi still have stern looks on their faces for a moment, and then begin to laugh. Their smiles and laughs fill the Great Hall as we enter. We take our regular seats in the center of the Gryfindor table. We have been sitting here since our first year. It is known throughout Gryfindor that this is our part of the table. It is not often that people sit in our seats, because everyone is Gryfindor tends to sit in the same spot everyday. I sit at my plate, and grab my regular breakfast of toast and eggs. I eat a bit of my breakfast before Evi start smiling and laughing slyly. "What's with the laughing, Evi?" I question confused.

"Seeker in the hall," she whispers, and continues to laugh. I roll my eyes, and duck my head low. 'Seeker' is what we call James. She knows how annoyed I have been with James latley, and I know she intends to use this against me. "Hey James! Excited for Hogsmeade?"

He looks over at Evi. "Pretty excited. I mean it is the first trip of the year." James then notices me attepting to hide myself. "How about you Evans? Are you excited? I mean, I know your day won't be nearly as interesting without me." He says. Without giving me time to comment, he walks away. He is trying to play hard to get.

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