Chapter 14: Untraditional Love

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The girls understood my reasoning. I was worried that they wouldn't. But looking back, they are my best friends. They will always be there for me. I slept easy that night. I was ready to talk to James tomorrow. I figure that he will try to schedule our date for as soon as possible. The next Hogsmeade was not until next weekend though. I wonder what he will do.

I followed my normal morning routine. I sat at my normal seat in the normal spot at Gryfindor table. I ate the normal breakfast that I always did. But I have a feeling that today would not be a normal day. "Evans! Hey, Evans!" James calls me over to the entrance to the Great Hall. I awkwardly walk over to him.

"James, why couldn't you have come to us? Sirius and Peter are even sitting with us."

"Shhh." He put his finger to my mouth. "Just listen. So meet me at the entrance to the Quiditch feild tonight at 6 o'clock."

I look confused, "What for?"

"Um, the date! Wow Lily, you can be really slow sometimes."

"Wait, we are having our date in the castle? Why not just wait until Hogsmeade?"

He laughs, "How boring! You said it Evans, I get one chance. I gotta make it special."

"Okay, James. Now can I go finish breakfast?"

"Sure. Let's go." We walk over to the table. Breakfast seems to go by fast, seeing as I was almost done with it. Me and Willa finished before everyone else, so we made our way to class early. I tell her the date is tonight.

"Merlin's beard! Tonight! What are you gonna wear? What are you gonna say? When tonight? Oh, we need to start preparing now!"

I sigh. "Calm yourself Willa. I don't know what I'm gonna wear or say. And at six. It's no big deal. This probably be the only one. I told him, only one chance."

"Okay," she says, a little disapointed. "Can we pick out your outfit at least?"

I laugh a little, "Sure Willa, whatever you want."  We then walk to class together laughing and talking about what James could possibly have in store for me.

The classes seemed to fly by today. A lot of classes we just had tests, so there wasn't much learning to be done. Evi, Carol, and Willa whispered to themselves with the occasional glance at me after the three of them finished every test. I was almost a little scared for they were planning. The last class of the day was Transfiguration. The signal for the end of class was the large tower clock in the courtyard ringing three o'clock.

McGonagoll was going on about dangers in changing humans. "...And side effects could be fatal. Do you all understand?" We all nod. "Good. Well, I have nothing left to teach you. Go early. Have a good evening." She turns from us and looks through one of the books on her desks.

The normal people in our class get up and leave like any other day. My friends, on the other end, were not normal. The looked at each other and started squealing. They then grabbed me and dragged me out of the classroom, still squealing. I don't bother to fight them. I will lose the fight if I try.

"So, Lily," Evi begins. "We have been talking about you today."

"Really?" I say rolling my eyes. "I never would have guessed by the whispers and glances at me all day."

"Shh. Evi is talking. Be quiet. So after long conclusion," Evi takes a deep sigh, as if to reveal a big secret. "We have no idea what is James is doing on your date tonight."

"But you are gonna look good for it!" says Willa.

"Let's go to our room. It's fashion time!" screams Carol. I have lost all control over my appearence for tonight.

It took my friends two hours to dress me. Every outfit was wrong. I didn't think it was possible to make so many outfit combinations. Once again though, Willa picked out the outfit. They dressed me in a pair of skin tight pink jeans and a black ruffled shirt. I walked over to the mirror. "Wow," is all I can sputter out. I look amazing. "Thanks guys."

"It's the least we can do Lil," says Evi. "Now lets go hang down in the common room for a while."

We walk down the stairs and to the couch, were we see Peter and Sirius talking. Evi jumps over the couch, and lands in the spot next to him. I sit on the other side. Sirius glances over at me and his eyes get wide. "Hello Lily." he takes a breath. "Wow, it's no wonder James is into you. Tonight you look H O-"

Before he finished Evi jabs him in the ribcage with her elbow. "Watch out Black, or you will soon be available to have her." She shoots him a look.

"What I meant to say was you look nice today."

"Uh, thanks Sirius. I actually have to go now. Gotta go meet James."

"Good luck Lily!" all my friends said in almost unison.

"Thanks guys." I say as I make my out of the portrait hole. I walk the long walk to the Quiditch feild. So peculiar, having to meet him at the field. But this will only be a one time thing. He will really have to blow me away in order for their to be a second date. I walk into the stands and sit down in the center row. I am a little, so I sit down to watch the last minute of Gryfindor's Quiditch practice.

James sees me, and calls his team in. "Alright guys, good practice! We are ready for our match on Saturday against Hufflepuff. I um, got to go. Have a good night!" All of the team lowers to the ground except for him. He flys over to me. "Didn't expect to see you here Evans," he flashes that smile that James is most known for.

"Hi James. Now, why are we meeting here?"

"Because I already was on my broom. Here, get on." He extends a hand towards me.

"Um, excuse me?"

"This is an untraditional date Lily.  Just  trust me."

I take his hand, and mount on the broom behind him. As soon as I do he takes off. I can tell he is smiling, because he is in his heaven.

"Now look to your left," he says. I do as he says.

I gasp. We are overlooking the lake. The sun is dipping into it as it sets, turning the entire lake the color of liquid. I've never seen any thing like it.  "Oh, wow. James this is amazing."

"So are you." he said, still looking out at the sunset.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, and how many girls have you used that line on? In fact, how many girls have been on this date before me?"

He turned to me. "Zero. I've been saving this for you."

My eyes got wide. "Oh, um, sorry. You just seem like you always have a girl with you. I j-just figured, you know. I wasn't the first."

"It's fine. You and everyone else. But for you, Lily Evans, I come to impress. Let's keep going. He shoots the broom up in a practically veritcal angle.

I scream and grab his waist in order not to fall off. I feel him smile when I do. We fly for around a minute more until we get to the top of the Dinivation tower roof. On top of the flat part of the roof I see a picnic set up. I begin to laugh. James really wanted to impress.

"For you, my lady," he says as he lands and hops off the broom. " A candlelight picnic."

I begin to laugh. "This is amazing James. You've really outdone yourself. I'm not sure how you are gonna top this on the second date."

"Wait, second date?!"

I smile shyly at him. "Anyone who would do this deserves a second date."

His smile grows so wide I think his mouth might fall off. "Come, let's eat." We sat down to finish the rest of our date.

I knew this would be the best date I would ever have.


And so it begins :)

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