Chapter 15: Flying Hazards

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Remus showed up at breakfast the next day. "Hello everyone! Had a nasty fever this week. What did I miss?"

Sirius swallowed his toast and began to speak, "Well for starters James and Lily hooked up and snogged on a roof." He casually began to eat again.

Remus choked on his cereal. "Excuse me?!"

"Sirius! You can't just say that!" screamed Carol. The two of them began fighting with each other.

"Please let me clarify," I spoke over the fighting idiots.

"Please do," said Remus.

"So I um, agreed to go on a date with James. And it was fine." he nodds at me. "But there was no kissing! Or snogging for that matter. Or even any touching."

"Well I don't know, there was a little touching," says James as he sits down across from me at the table.

"Lily! What didn't you tell us?!" screams Evi.

"Nothing! It was to avoid falling 100 meters to my death!"

"Come on Evans, I wouldn't have killed you on the first date. Second, though, no promises." Everyone bursts into laughter.

"So James, you ready for the match against Hufflepuff?" Willa asks, changing the subject.

"Oh course!" he says. His uniform proudly displays our emblem and house colors. He then holds up his broom. It is the Nimbus 1979.

Peters eyes glisten. "Dude, where did you get a Nimbus 1979? That is the top of the line broom!"

"Goodluck present from my parents."

"Wow." Peter replies with awe.

"You know, I've heard Hufflepuff has a really strong team this year. My friend Danni is their new seeker this year."

"Well I am not concerned. We've trained so hard. My focus is set." he said.

We then finished our breakfast whilst discussing Quiditch.  We all got up to go to the Quiditch field, and go our seperate ways. I walk with Remus as we discuss all he missed this week. James starts coming up behind me. 

"Hey Evans! Can I have a second? "

 "Um sure," I turn to Remus. "I will catch up to you in a minute.

"I just, um wanted to tell you that the snitch that I'm gonna catch today. Yeah, I'm catching it for you." he says rather unsure.

"Thanks Potter," I say as I smile at him. I notice that he really does look good in his Quitich uniform.

He begins to walk away.

"Hey Potter." I say. He turns around to look at me. "You look good."

He smiles broadly and keeps walking. I catch up to Remus, and we begin to talk again.


A half hour later the match is about to begin. I am sitting next to Evi and Remus. Over the loudspeaker we hear Sirius commentate. We can see and talk to him because we are sitting right next to the announcer's box. "And welcome everyone to the match. Today will be Hufflepuff versus Gryfindor. Oh, look! Here comes out the Hufflepuff team. All look ready and determined. And their seeker looks rather good today. I like your hair Danni," he says slyly

"Talk about the game Mr. Black, not the players hair! Do not forget that Evi is sitting right next to the box!" We hear Proffessor McGonagoll scream next to him.

Evi pouts. "Let's just get this game over with."

The Gryfindor team comes out and flys around the stadium.  Everyone is ready to begin. "Okay players, we are going to have a good clean match. No injuries, and have a little fun with it." hollers Madam Hooch. "Now. Let's begin."All the players fly up, and begin spinning in the air. James is concentrating on seeing a flash of gold also known as a Snitch.

Five minutes had gone by, and the game was intense. We were practically tied with Hufflepuff. We were down twenty points though. "And the Snitch is still nowhere to be seen. An upset for Gryfindor. Wait, I spoke too soon! And out they go, Danni in the lead for the Snitch. It looks as though Hufflepuff may take the victory today. Nevermind! James has surged forward." Sirius is screaming.

They are both neck and neck. But James does have the slightest lead, and thats all he needs. He stretches his hand out. He practically has it, but Danni has just a good chance to get it. They circle the stadium, and he is just about to my seat. The world turns into a second of slow motion. He glances over at me and our eyes meet. His face grows soft and he smiles. He stops paying attention to where he is flying and focuses on me.

Carol stands up and screams, "James, no!" but it was too late. James had already run head first into the nearest goalpost.

He went spinning to the ground. He fell off of this broom about eight feet before the ground. James fell straight on his back. I scream, and begin running down towards the ground to meet him. Sirius is by my side as I run. We reach the ground. All of the players are crowded around James. Madam Pomfey and Madam Hooch make their way too James.

"Would everyone please stand back?" shouted Madam Hooch. While everyone backed up Sirius and I press forward. "Oi! You two back up!"

Sirius just looked at her harshly and we both knelt down to James. "Bloody hell mate, what is with you and falling?"

James sputters out a laugh, but it just turns into a coughing fit.

"Oh, James," I say. I fill with a world of guilt. "I am so sorry."

He nods because he doesn't look fit to speak.

Madam Pomfrey interupts. "He has a few broken ribs. Can you two help me take him to the infirmary?"

We nod. We both pull out our wands and point them at the stretcher James was put on. "Windargium Leviosa!" The stretcher lifts into the air. We make our way to the infirmary.

James was put down in the first bed. Madam Pomfrey gave him a good dose of Skelegro. "Sirius, why don't you go get his pajamas? He is definetley spending the night here." Sirius nods and walks off. James looks at me.

"I am so sorry James! Oh, this is awful!" I grab his hand and lock it into mine.

He looks at his our hands interlocked and looks at me. "Worth it."

"Really?! I can't believe that you are willing to drop 20 feet for me to hold your goddamn hand!"

He sputters out another laugh.

I begin to laugh with him.

Something great is begining.


Peter Capaldi. Still not ginger. But I think he will portray an amazing Doctor. OH THE FEELS!!!!!!

I love this chapter. I feel like it shows how stupid guys can be sometimes.

But I'm not saying girls can't be stupid. We are too.

Hope your day is fabulous!


thanks :)



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