Chapter 12: Halloween

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I layed in my bed the rest of the night awake. I didn't dare try to sleep again. I was afraid to dream again. Luckily, I hadn't woke any of my roomates when I woke up. But I left my room at first light. I wondered down to the Great Hall. I ate in silence, with my mind still fried from the night. I didn't have anyone to talk to either. I was one of few in the and fewer in Gryfindor house there. I had finished my breakfast and walked back to my room. Willa was begining to wake up. She looks at me and points to her wrist. She wants the time. I shrugg. Probably eight o'clock based on the sun's position.

Evi and Carol woke up no then five minutes later. We all generally wake around the same time. We all got ready in our school cloaks and the three of my friends head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. "Are you sure you dont want to come to breakfast?" asks Carol.

"Yeah," I say. "I will meet you guys at Potions though!" I will lay in my bed until as late as physically possible. I felt hungover. I still was in shock from the dream. I wanted it. I wanted him. But that was only a dream, right? Dreams are crazy things, that are always a far stretch from the truth. So it didn't mean anything! James Potter was still the Snitch. He always will be. And I just had a stupid nightmare. James Potter is that Snitch. James Potter is that Snitch. I kept repeating that line in my head. I knew though, in my head, that this wasn't entirely true. What is going on with me?

I slip out of bed and grab my books. I make it to Potions just in time. Not that Slughorn would have if I was late anyway. He obviously favors me. "Come in everyone! I have an exciting plan for this special day!" Professor Slughorn belows. " And Happy Halloween may I add!" I had forgotten that it was Halloween. At least I had a feast to look forward to today.

Slughorn continued to ramble. "Today you can work in groups of two." Excited chatter erupts. I make eye contact with Carol. I see Evi and Sirius make eye contact too. I look over expecting to see Remus and James following the motion, but Remus was not in class. He must be sick again. I guess he would be alone. Because Peter does not make Potions. Willa doesn't either. Slughorn continues and breaks the chatter. "I will be picking the groups everyone."

Every sighs deeply. Evi gets her usual hotheaded look. "Great. He will probably put Sirius with one of those Slytherin sluts." She whispers to me.

"Okay everyone! Let me get started. How about Sirius, you go with Lily at station one."

I laugh. "Yep Evi, total Slytherin slut." She gives me a warning look. I walk over to Sirius. "Morning Sirius."

"Morning Lily." he says. He is obviously still tired. We both listen to Slughorn's pairings.

"Carol with Danni. Evi with Sever-" begins Slughorn. He is interupted by Sirius. He is laughing so hard that he is rolling on the floor. Evi looks very pissed. Slughorn continues his pairing, but I am not listening. I am too busy watching Sirius stop laughing.  No one else is listening either. Most are talking to their partners. But he regains our attention. "Class! Today you will be making the Drought of the Dead in honor of the celebratory date today!"

Sirius and I get to work. "Okay Sirius! Lets try not to screw this up."

He shruggs. "I have no promises there. Can you go grab 20 grams of frog tounges?"

"Yeah sure." I walk over to the supply table. I begin measuring out the frog tounges. Then I look over to the station next to the table. It it James' table. It appears that he is paired with a girl named Silla. She is what Evi would refer to as a 'Slytherin slut'. Out all people, why was he paired with her? That made me angry. I finish my measuring supplies and walk back to my station, glaring at them the whole way.

Sirius raises an eyebrow at me. "What was that?"

I hand him the frog tounges. "What was what?" I say bitterly.

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