Chapter 19: Five Years Later

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That kiss was all we needed. Life continued, with the two of us falling in love more and more each day. Three months later he told me he loved me. I smiled back and said I loved him two. And life continued on. James and I remained starcrossed lovers, our flame burning stronger each day.

Then it was September 20. We had graduated from Hogwarts several months before. We were in the garden behind my house. James led me out only for me to find the entire garden was showered in lights. His family and my own were standing next to the rose bushes. He walked me by the hand to the archway sculpted in a bush, and got down on one knee. The moment is perfectly burned in my mind. "Hey Evans, I kinda sorta love you. So, do you wanna marry me?" I cried, and of course agreed. James was my soulmate, and nothing could change that.

Some more time went by. It was a few years later in October when I found out I was Pregnant. I quite honestly didn't know how to tell James. But I didn't really have to tell him. I was a rather warm morning. I had sat out on terris that was attatched in our bedroom, looking out at our garden. James walked out and sat in the chair next to me. "Good morning beautiful," he smiles, kissing me on the face. That moment I began to cry tears of joy. His face softened and then showed a bit of suprise. I didn't have to say a word. "No way! Are you serious?" I nodded to approve his theory. "Bloody hell, we are having a baby boy!"

"It could be a girl you know," I said laughingly.

"Or it could be a girl."

Now we know that I am having a boy. I am so excited, and I am on cloud nine. I am due in three weeks. We are going to name him Harry.

It is funny how life does this to you. You hate someone, and then you love them. It seems to be at the snap of a finger. I don't understand why life does this, but I'm glad it did. I love you James Potter. I truly and completley do.

The End


Hey guys!

So it's been a while. I am really and truly sorry. I wanted to do so much with this story, but life got busy and I just didn't have time for Wattpad.

But don't frett!!! My New Years Resolution is to be more active on Wattpad.

But in order for that, I needed to end Hexing for Evans. It was a story that I lost attatchment for. I apologize.

I have GOOD NEWS though. I am starting a NEW STORY!!!

It is called

The story is out right now!!!!!

I strongly encourage you all to give it a look once the first chapter is up. I am really excited about it.

Thank You all so much for your support through this journey called Hexing for Evans.

I love you all so much.



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