Chapter 9: A Rude Awakening

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It felt as though somebody had put some sort of happiness spell in the air. Evi wasn't her usual angry and grumpy self. She seemed to be floating, her head in cloud nine. When she left the room, I snuck out shortly after, because I needed to talk to her. I needed her thoughts during this. I run to my room, where she is lying on her bed. At first I think she is crying. Then I realize she laughing. Evi Perks is laughing like a little girl. She looks so happy. "Hey," I say, not wanting to interrupt this near perfect moment.

She flips over to her stomach so she is looking at me. "You heard everything, didn't you?" I nod. She then begins to squeal. "Oh my god, thank you Lily! You are the best friend ever. I can never say how much this means to me. You got me a date! With Sirius!"

I laugh. "That was all you. I did nothing except lock you in a room."

"Well if you didn't lock me in a room, I would be grumpy, as usual."

"Well it is my pleasure. Are you excited for Hogsmeade?"

She nods vigorously. She then squealed and flew back onto her back. The rest of the week went something along this line. Evi, as well as Sirius. seemed especially happy. It is Saturday now. We go to Hogsmeade this afternoon. Evi is beside herself. She talks forever about it as if it's already happened. We know that she is just excited. After breakfast Remus catches up with me in the hall. "Good morning Lily. How are you today?"

I smirk. "Not as good and Sirius and Evi."

He laughs. "Well that's true for everyone. He is surprisingly excited. Now, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course Remus."

"Would you, Willa, and Carol like to hang out with Peter, James, and I while at Hogsmeade today?"

"That would be very nice. I will tell Willa and Carol. I am sure they will be very excited."

"Ok then. I will see you then."

"Ok, bye Remus!" He sthen walks over to his friends, and I walk back to common room, where my friends are. I see them on their beds with Evi when I get into my room. "Hey guys! We are gonna hang out with the guys," I motion to Evi."While shes off playing love birds with Sirius."

Both of my friends begin a giggle fit. Evi looks unamused. "Focus girls! We need to figure out what I am going to be wearing today!" She then proceeds to take out the entire contents of her wardrobe onto the floor. "Let's get moving!"

Carol picks up a yellow dress. "What about this? It's really pretty."

Evi shakes her head. "To prissy."

I pick up a black short dress with a fringe bottom. "This?"

She again denies. "To slutty." This process repeats for a while, Evi frowning upon each outfit we offer. It seems as though Carol and I are just offering up the first thing we see. Willa isn't on the other hand. She starts not only digging through Evi's clothes, but her own. And mine. And Carols. It has gotten to the point that all the clothes in our possesion are on the floor. The floor isn't visible. She is working so hard that she is now wearing her long brown hair pinned up, and bangs pulled back. This is a strange sight, because Willa loves her hair down. She says that it's one of the best feelings ever, having her hair flow down to the bottom of her back. So it is always down.

Carol falls back into the mountain of clothes. "This is pointless! She doesn't like anything!"

"That's not true! Your style just isn't right!" Evi screams over another mountain of clothes.

"Um guys," Willa says. "I have my first outfit."

I giggle. "At last Willa. We thought that maybe you drowned in one of the mountains."

She ignores me. "Here it is." She pulls out an outfit unlike any of the ones we had picked out. It was so...Evi. It started on the bottom with Evi's own combat boots. Over that is Carol's pair of destroyed skinny jeans. They gave it a punk look, which worked with Evi's personality. Lastly, the shirt. It was actually mine, which was constantly neglected because it didn't look good on me. It is a dark blue, so dark that it could be mistaken for black in some like. But it was all sequins. Yet somehow, it didn't seem like it. I guess the darkness washed away the sparkle. It was perfect. Evi grabs the outfit, while hugging Willa.

"It's perfect!" she screams. She takes off her clothes and put on the outfit given to her. She looks amazing. The dark sparkles work perfectly with her practically white hair, which can barely pass for blonde.

I can't even speak. "Wow, Ev," I pause, because I can't even think of the right words. "Just wow." It seems that everyone else that has that reaction. It seems that we finished our outfit search just in time to go to Hogsmeade. As we walked down the stairs, everyone seemed to stair at Evi with looks of shock. No one expected her to look that good. As we make it down the final steps we see the guys sitting on the couch in front of the fire.

We see Peter turn around and his jaw drops open. He starts smacking Sirius' arm and says "Padfoot. My god Padfoot turn around. Look at her." Sirius then turns around. The second  he sees Evi, he jumps off the couch. He is still staring at her even as he is standing.

"Hey Evi. You look, um, nice," Then he pauses. "Actually, you look amazing." He then walks over to her. "Shall we go?"

Evi looks up at him. "We shall." The two of them then walked out of the common room, making sure they were way ahead of us. We then decided to leave.

We all walked down in a group, and listened to Carol and Remus complain about all the work we get. We stopped by Honeydukes for some sweets. The smell was nice, since I hadn't been here since before detention. God, it felt like forever ago.

I am by the shelf of candyfloss when James comes and stands by me. I pick up some blue candyfloss. He shakes his head. "Evans! You can't just get the blue candyfloss when there is perfectly good pink ones right there. Pink tastes better."

"Not true! Blue is sweeter. And in my opinion, it looks prettier too." I defend my opinon.

"Fine. Be is a world of lies about candyfloss. Live that way." He then starts to walk away, and then stops and turns to me. "What are you waiting for Evans? Come on!"

We purchase our sweets, and leave the shop. Our friends leave while we are paying. We leave Honeydukes to search for them. "Where do you think they went?" I ask.

"I don't know." He looks nervous."Can we talk?"

"Sure. What do you need to talk about?" I am a little confused.

"Um, well, us. You have been an amazing friend. And everyday I think about how lucky I am to have a friend like you. But I need to be honest. I have never stopped being crazy about you Lily. I don't think I ever will. I don't want to ruin what we have now, I just want to you to know I'm feeling more. And now that you know, the first thing I'm gonna do everyday is ask you on a date. I know the answer will always be no. But, hey. If you ever decide to change that, just let me know. Okay?"

I don't know how to interpret what I've just heard. It's crazy. "All this time?" I ask, and he nods. "Well, do you want to be friends?"

Again he nods. "So much."

"I do too. But your seriously gonna ask me out everyday?"

He smiles. "Look forward to it everyday. And if I'm feeling perky somedays, I may ask more than once."

I laugh. "You have fun with that Potter." We walk together, with tension in the air. I know this should upset me, but for some reason it doesn't. Maybe it's knowing that James hasn't changed a bit since before we were friends.


I am speechless. 100 reads. I know that number is not that big, but it came on rather fast. And I would like to thank you, yes you, for reading my story.

This means a lot to me. So thanks.

And as always:





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