Chapter 13: Gone Over the Deep End

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The Great Hall erupted in to whispers and excited conversations. James had just fainted and was now laying on the floor. Sirius was at his side, and Peter came rushing moments afterword. Sirius was muttering at James. "Get up James! What are you doing? Get up!" Many students came and circled to take a look at passed out James. And I just stood infront of him with wide eyes. I did nothing. Well, except cause the accident.

"Sit back down at your tables everyone! I want this mob to disapear now! Everyone go away!" Professor McGonagoll was shouting orders, attempting to regain sanity in the Great Hall. She comes running over to where James in lying, and Peter, Sirius, and I are standing. "What on Earth happened here?"

"Well Professor, James fainted." says Sirius.

"Thank you Mr. Black, I never would have guessed that." she pauses. "Can someone provide me with more information?"

"Lily said something, and then James fainted. Does that help Professor?" said Sirius. There was a surplus of sarcasm used at the end of his statement.

"Yes it does Mr. Black." McGonagoll then turned to me. "What did you say Lily?"

I still can barely speak. "Yes."

"That is all you said? Yes?" she looks confused.

I nod slowly, then look at the ground. James has woken up. He is rubbing the back of his head. "Bloody hell falling hurts."

"As it generally does Mr. Potter. Why don't you go to Madam Pomfrey? Take Lily with you. She looks like she is going to be sick." suggests McGonagoll. We obey her. Sirius helps James off the ground. James walks towards me and pushes me a little to make sure I can actually. I follow him out of the Great Hall.

It is not silent for long, "Were you being serious?" he asks. He does not look me in the eyes.

I step a little father from him, "Yes."

He stops walking and stands in front of me so I am forced to stop too. "Lily Evans, what is up when did this happen? Yesterday you said you would rather kiss a troll than go out with me. And today, well today you've gone over the deep end. Are sure you are well?"

"Yes James, I am well. Did ever occur to you that I am putting myself out there. You risked everything we had in our friendship a couple weeks back. You told me how you felt and you didn't care if I knew. I am simply returning the favor."

"Oh," he whispers. "So how do you feel?"

"I-I," I sigh. "I am willing to give someone who cares that much a chance."

"Thank you then. I will make that chance the best chance you have ever taken." he says proudly. He puffs out his chest.

I laugh. "We will see about that Potter. " There is a moment of silence. "Hey, where was Remus today?"

"Sick" says James instantly.

"Oh, goodness! Well at least we can both visit him now." I say generously.

James eyes grow wide. He begins talking loudly. "Actually, you look much less discolored now.  I think you should go back to the Gryfindor Tower!"

"But Remus-" I begin.

"I will send him you wellwishes!" he shouts. He begins speedwalking to the infirmary. I don't bother trying to catch up with him.

"God, that was weird." I whisper to myself. As I walk through the hall towards the Gryfindor tower. The bright full moon showers on me whenever I pass a window. I enter the common room, and it becomes silent. Every eye in the room was on me. I walked timidly, staring at me feet. I didn't want to face anyone in the common room. But I would have to face worse, because now I had to face my friends, who I knew were awaiting me in my room.

I push open the door and chaos breaks out. All three of my friends are attempting to scream over each other in order to get their question recieved first. But of course Evi, is loudest. She grabs me and shakes me as she speaks. "What the hell were you thinking? You've gone off the deep end!"

I nodd, "Yeah you aren't the first to tell me that today." I take a deep breath, preparing for a big speech. "I know you are all disapointed in me-"

"No one said that," interupts Carol.

"Wait, what? Are you saying that you've been waiting for me to say yes?!"

Evi chimes in, "We've been betting with the guys about when you would say yes for weeks. Looks like we all owe Lupin 5 galleons each."

"Was James involved in this?"

"No, and don't tell him," snaps Evi.


Willa begins speaking.  "Now, how exactly did this change of heart come upon you?"

"Well, you see, it all started last night," and I begin my story of the last 24 hours.


So, I don't really got anything to say today.

But if you've made it this far in the book, you know what I am going to say next.


and thanks for reading. derp :p.


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