Chapter 8: Love Without the Potion

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After comforting Evi, which did take a long time, it was nearly dinner. We had spent loads of time talking bad about Sirius, and then crying because she has been hiding all this emotion up for months, and then more complaining about Sirius. I walked Evi down the stairs and to the portrait hole. "Can you manage to walk down alone?" I ask. "Carol should already be down there. I think you may need a little alone time before telling her and Willa."

She sniffles up her final tears. "Yes, I suppose that would be good. Promise you'll be down soon?" She looks at me with her eyes seas of grey.

"I promise. Now go." I push her lightly out the hole, and she wanders off. I quickly run back in the common room, and scout for James. If I didn't hear about this from Evi, there was no way on Earth that Sirius would have told James. He walks down only moments later with Remus and Sirius. I walk over in large strides. "Good afternoon, gents. How are you today?"

Remus replies with a smile. "Good thanks for asking Lily. How might you be?"

"Good, but better if I could talk to James. Now scoot along boys." I am rather abrupt, and I realize that. The friends exchange glances, then walk off cackling hysterically. I don't even want to know what they are thinking.

He looks at me curiously, then begins to talk. "So what's going on Evans?"

I sit him down on the couch, croutch in close, and begin to whishper. "Do you know?"

"What?" he is talking loud and drawing attention.

I slap his arm. "Quiet down! You are drawing attention."  I then peer around again. No one is looking anymore. "How many recent relationships has Sirius been in?"

James is confused, and I can tell. "What the bloody hell sort of question is that?"

"Answer it!"

"Okay, okay. None recently. His most recent was that Slytherin girl he snogged in the closet last Christmas."

I look at him with a smile, knowing I am about to drop a bombshell on him. "He's lying."

James eyes go wide, and his face goes pale. "W-what?" he pauses. "Sirius is in a relationship?"

"Was. Not is, but was. He had a fling with Evi over the summer. She says that he was really into her, then dumped her before this term so no one would know."

He takes a few moments to let all of this information settle in. "He didn't tell me that he had a girlfriend! My god, I feel so stupid! No wonder he would never come round to the bars in Godric's Hollow with me! Didn't wanna meet other girls 'cause he was already with one! They were serious you say?"

I nodd. "Based on what Evi told me, they were. And if weren't for Sirius' commitment problems, they still would be."

We both take a deep sigh. "So what was the point in telling me this tidbit of information Evans?"

"I think that they shouldn't have split. I think that they look adorable as a couple."

"Really that's it? They look cute together?" he looks slightly angry now.

"You never let me finish James. And I think we should try to get them back together." I pause to breathe. "Did Sirius ever say anything about fancing Evi?"

"Different points last year, but not towards the end. Maybe he didn't want to, because we would bother him." It is then his turn to pause. "But I agree with you. I think they should give themselves another try. I mean look at them! They are like personality twins! They are kind of like personality puzzle pieces that fit together."

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