Chapter 17: The Ball

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Time once again flew by. 'Will you go to the ball with me?' That's all that you seemed to hear from the mouths of sixth and seventh years followed by and either very happy or very apologetic answer. Everyone seemed to have dates. Willa was going with this very nice Hufflepuff boy named Eric. Remus asked Carol, and she gladly accepted. All the girls were giggly with excitement. Even Evi was a giggly mess.

"It's tonight!" squeals Willa, bouncing on her bed. "It's tonight, can you believe it? Oh, my god, it's tonight!"

"We know Willa. If you've said it once, you've said it one thousand times. We are excited as you are, but we can manage to keep it inside!" remarked Evi.

"Oh, Evi, don't be such a sour puss. She has a right to be excited." I laughed. I was rather excited as well. The ball started tonight at five o'clock tonight. They had planned it on a Saturday, so the girls had all day to get ready.

"Can I show you yet? I have been waiting such a long time to show you!" shrieks Willa.

We  all know what she is talking about. She wanted to show us her dress. We had all sworn not to show each other our dresses until today. I wanted to wait until tonight, but Willa just seemed so keen on it. But I guess we could all show each other to get our excitement sparked. " Sure, why not."

"OK, great. You three leave, and come back in five minutes. I will be ready then. Then the next person goes. Now leave!" Willa pushed us out the door and began to change. We sat down on the Common Room couch.  Sirius and James came up behind us.  Sirius pecked Evi on the cheek, and James smiled brightly at me.

"What would you lovley three girls be doing down here?" asks James.

"Well Willa is gonna show us her dress, and we are all taking turns showing each other our dresses." Evi says.

"Well, we better let you get to that. I will see you tonight. And I have no doubt you will be the most beautiful girl there tonight." says Sirius. Then they walk away.

Evi is still staring at Sirius as he closes the portrait hole. "I love him. I love him so much."

"Oh, wow. That's amazing Evi. But we gotta go back upstairs." We all get up the stairs and open our door. My mouth fly's open. Willa looks amazing. She has a long strapless yellow dress. It fit her perfectly. The top was trimmed with clear sparkles. It was simple, but perfect. "Oh my god. Willa, you look hot!"

She smiles shyly. "Thanks. Now, Carol it's your turn." Again, we left the room. We then came back again. Carol's dress was a high to low dress that was emerald green. It made an A-line around her waist it had a lace pattern on the skirt, though it was made of a silk cloth. the top was a tank with a deep v-neak. It was also made of silk. It truly complimented her eyes.

 Then it came to Evi. "Please don't laugh!" She yelled through the closed door. She then opened it, and we all gasped. It was pink. Evi has never worn pink at Hogwarts. But the most amazing pink. It was the color pink diamonds were rumored to be. It was a short dress that was fit to her body. It was one shoulder. The dress had sparkles flowing down it the same color as the dress like a waterfall. The sparkles were heavy at the time but slowly decreased in flow as the dress went down. It was so perfect.

And last was me and my dress. I picked the dress out of the back of my closet. I havent touched or even looked at it for several months. It was still as pretty as ever.  I slipped the dress on feeling like the most elegant girl ever existed. I spin around and watch the dress spin below me.  I knock on the door, signaling them to come in. They gasped as soon as they opened the door. All three of them were speechless. I then looked at myself in the mirror. I knew were why they were speechless. I looked amazing. My dress is a beautiful indigo. it was a spagetti strapped with a deep v-neck and the dress was made of a beautiful silk and was embroidered with the occasional sequin. It looked like stars in the deep blue night sky. I smiled at myself in the mirror. I then looked at them. "Let's get ready for the best night of our lives."


 The clock tolls six.  We are squealing at each other and fixing each others hair. It is time. We had spent the entire day transforming each other into what looked like princesses. It was now time to show the world what we could be. I smile at my beautiful best friends. "You ready to meet the guys at the Great Hall?"

They look at me with nods and smiles. Evi laughs "Let's kill this shit!"

It was part of tradition that the guys would all stand in the Great Hall and all the girls would come in so everyone could see them. It was the most important part of the night, showing everyone how you looked. Or at least it is to me. As we approach the closed doors of the Great Hall I see McGonagoll walking over to us. She tears up a bit. "Oh, you four look so gorgeus." She is interupted by a trumpet tune. "Oh, it is time my dears! Have a fabulous night." She says smiling.

The four of us make our way into the Hall, smiling and linked in arms. We enter the hall. There is a giant Christmas tree up and it looks like an ice castle. Then my eyes make their way infront of me. I see James, and he very clearly saw me. He smiles half smiles half looks at me with admiration. I am entirley sure I am looking the same way at him. I notice his hair is not in it's stupid normal blown up way. It's actually worn down like a normal boy. At last I reach him.

"Lily Evans, you are the most gorgeous girl in the entire world. Has anyone told you that lately?" he asks.

"Just you, Potter," I say, smiling shyly.  Some music starts playing and we make small talk with our friends for a few minute. Then a beautiful song begins to play.

"Evans, would you like to dance?" He holds out his hand to me and does a little bow. James tries so hard to impress me.

I take his hand, and he leads me out to the dance floor. He puts his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck. Evi and Sirius start slowing dancing next to us. The two of us danced the night away. Whether it was slow dancing, or jamming out to Weird Sisters, we had an amazing time. We laughed the entire time.

It was well hours after we had got there, the party was still going. James pulls me over to the side. He is smiling like a giddy idiot. I am looking at him with a look of sincerity. "James?" I say.

"Yes, Evans? What's up?" He looks concerned, as if he would do anything for me. And I believe it.

"Thank you, for being the best boyfriend anyone could to ask for. You made this the best month, let alone the best night I've ever had."

 "It was my pleasure. It was a dream come true." He steps a little closer to me. "Now..." He cuts himself off.

"What is it James?" I ask curiously.

"It's just that-" he takes a deep breath. "I do recall leaving some mistletoe somewhere."

I gasp and look up. Sure enough, there is a some mistletoe attatched to the column above us. I look back it him again and smile. He has always gotta make a statement. "You idiot," I say laughing lightly. And then I prepare myself for the moment of my life. The entire world becomes slow motion. Then our lips collide. My entire body becomes instantaneously warm. He puts his hand on my back and more passion is added to the kiss. I don't know how long we stayed like that. It felt like eternity, and I never wanted to let go.

James pulls out to breathe. He takes a deep breath and speaks on his exhale. "Wow."

I nodd and smile. I'm not sure I can ever stop smiling. Well, maybe for one second. That is just enough time to grab his shirt and pull him back in for another eternal kiss.



You all have been waiting for this, so hear you go.

I am sorry I took a little break from Wattpad. School started. But I will be updating daily again!!!!

Thank you all for 2k! It is an amazing number that I never thought possible.

And you all know what I am going to say now.

FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for so much for reading. You give me a reason to write.



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