Chapter 18: Recovery

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Man I been cooped up in this hospital for the past day. I need to be out there making money, but Ian complaining cause they put me and my daughter in the same room.

She is doing much better. She is starting to play a lot and talk, stuff she wasn't doing because of her condition. Whenever I say something she just looks at me and just keeps playing with her toys and the nanny. I laugh at it because very soon she would know who I am.

It has been this woman coming to see me too. I don't know if it was a dream or I was just high off medication, I just know that shit was creepier than a motherfucker. Some Lifetime or CBS type of shit.

But it turned out that it wasn't a dream. The woman walked in slowly and waived at Sarah's nanny.

"Who are you? And why the hell have you been coming to see me!"

The woman stopped in her tracks with her head down. She took a deep breath and turned the corner.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Yes baby it's me."

"Get out."


"Get the fuck out! I want to see if you understand how it felt to be kicked out of something! Feel abandoned! You and dad left me on the streets and I had to make it out the best way I could! And yall tried to do the same shit to Kailey but I got her before she did anything stupid! Yall some foul ass parents bruh real shit. Now get the fuck out!"

"Don I'm not leaving until we talk about this."


A security guard came in.

"Please remove this woman from my room. I really don't want to be bothered."

"Yes sir and do you want me to ask the woman with the child to leave too?"

"Nah, just her bruh. Preciate it."

Before she walked out, she turned around.

"We are going to talk about this."

"Yea yea don't you have a job to do, you better get to it before I -"


"Duty's calling, bye bye now" I shooed her out the room.

Why all this fucked up shit had to happen now. And where the fuck Kailey was with my phone. I hope she hasn't cut it on. I don't want her in none of my business. The less she knows the better.

"You know that's still your mother right?" Sarah's nanny said. I looked in her direction.

"Look lady, you don't know what all I went through as a kid, so don't even do that bruh real talk."

"Mister Don, you don't recognize me do you? Think back to when you were little and while both of your parents were working the same shifts, who took care of you?"

"Wait, I was like 8 or 9... You can't be the same woman!"

"Yes I am. And that is still your mother. No matter what went on, I can tell she wants forgiveness for what she has done to you and your sister. I have a real soft spot for family because mines is still in Cuba. I crossed the border after my husband was killed defending me from the government. I sent for my children, but they never made it to Jackson. They are stuck somewhere in Florida. It pains me not knowing where they are because family is the only thing I have. I'm an immigrant so I can't get a real job without a social security number. I'm just happy that Miss Davis saw I needed a job and she needed help."

"How did you get to Bubbles?"

"When I was told that the shifts were getting lighter and my services were no longer needed, I worked with Bubbles's mom at this hair salon that paid by commission so I didn't need paperwork. But shortly, the hair salon was set fire by some bad teens and it just broke Miss Cartwright's heart. She died like a month later, right after Miss Christina told her mother that she was with child. That's where Sarah Lynn's name came from, Miss Christina named her in memory of her mom. She too knows the phrase "some are here for God's reason, but all are here for God's season."

"Dang, I didn't know all this had went down. I feel bad now. Damn why you had to be Debbie Down-A-Nigga?"

"I didn't mean to upset you but recovery is needed for you and your family in order to prepare yourself for fatherhood."

I had no more words to say. That was some powerful shit. I gotta do what I gotta do now. Make shit right so I can be the best daddy I can be to my child. One hunnid.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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