Chapter 12: In Sickness & In Death

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Setting: Morning after club shooting @Don's House


Man last night was crazy. 2 shootouts, having to practically kidnap my sister for her safety, and ended up killing my cousin who I thought was already dead. Shit just don't make no sense. I'm just glad that Kailey got a good nights rest.

We gotta go back to the club so she can get her car and head over to the Palisades so that she can get her stuff. It might not be safe for her here, but I will protect her though out.

I was snapped out of focus when I heard footsteps walk into the kitchen where I was cleaning up the aftermath of last night.

"Don where is the body?" She said looking surprised. I walked over and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry about it sis. I took care of it. Now go in my room and get a pair of my hooping shorts and one of my tshirts and go take a shower so we can go get your car and shit." "Okay." With that she walked off.

I looked at my phone and I had a text from Bubbles.

Bubbles: We need to talk. Meet me at Waffle House by the hospital.

Me: I can't, helping Kailey move her stuff into my house. You gone still be at the hospital?

Bubbles: Yea. Just come ASAP, Kailey can come too, it will be better for me to give this news to the both of yall.

Me: what news?

She never did text back. I ran upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door. "Aye Kailey hurry up we gotta go meet Bubbles at the hospital." "Okay!" I heard her say over the sounds of the shower. I ran to my room and got dressed. Better not no shit be going down because I'm bussing everybody who mess with me or my lil sister.

Bubbles POV

I sat in the chair by my baby's hospital bed running my fingers through her hair. It's really hurts me that she has to do this. I should be sad that she has gone 2 years without her real father, but I'm really happy as hell that Mike isn't her father. It was a one night stand because I was drunk and I regretted ever since.

I got a text from Don asking me to bring Kailey some clothes. Since my nanny lives with me, I told her to grab a Nike yoga fit from my closet and bring it when she comes to visit Sarah Lynn. I still haven't thought about how I was going to tell Don that he is the father, and that he needed to give a blood transfusion.

My phone vibrated taking me out of my thoughts.

Don: Outside wat room?
Me: 308W

I started to brace myself. Then he walked in.

"Whassup Bubbles. How you doing?" He came over and hugged me. "Hey Bubbles!" Kai ran over and hugged me. We did our handshake that J-Settes do. "Hey yall. I'm holding up. And Kai my nanny is on her way with a change of clothes from you. I cannot believe Don brought you out in that! We are glamour not boys." We laughed at Don's expression.

"Uh so what you gotta tell us?" Don said sitting down in the chair beside me. "Well......" I paused. "What?" Don said grabbing my hand. "Don your Sarah Lynn's father. If you need to take a paternity test then you can. But besides my one night stand with Mike, your the only person I was with."

"Wait... With MIKE??" Kailey said in disbelief. "Yes Kailey with Mike. But it isn't what it seems. Some dude spiked my drink at the club one night. He was kicked out, but I was so out of it that I ended up in bed with him. And trust me, I've regretted it ever since."

I got up and grabbed Kai's hands. "Kai I would never betray you like that. We are sisters always and forever." We hugged and looked over at Don. He was just staring at Sarah Lynn. "When can I take the paternity test, I mean I believe you but I just want to make sure. You know, hospitals do make mistakes." "You need to take it as soon as possible, she needs a red blood cell transfusion and I can't give it because I'm not her blood type. She is O, and if you are O, that means your the father. "Aite yall Ima be right back." Don kissed Sarah Lynn's forehead and walked out.

"I can't believe I could possibly be an auntie!" Kailey said squealing. Just then, my nanny walked in with Jailey's change of clothes and some toys for Sarah Lynn just in case she feels better. "Kai go change into your clothes and let's go grab some food from Waffle House across the street. She nodded and went into the bathroom.

Don came back before Kai was finished. He held the papers in his hand and it said that he was the father and that their blood types matched. He was smiling from ear to ear. "Man I can't believe I have a child. I already missed out on the first two years and I'm not missing no more! What is her last name?" "I had it Cartwright because she was not getting Mike's last name. But if you want, you can change if to Davis." He started smiling harder.

Kailey came out of the bathroom and Don handed her the papers. "Agh! I'm an auntie!" She was jumping up and down clapping her hands. "Good you're finally finished now ion know about yall, but I need me a blueberry waffle and hash browns in my life. I haven't eaten since we left Red Lobster Kai." I said getting up hugging Mrs. Garcia (the nanny) and ushering them out of the door.

Dennis POV

"Yea boss, they are all together." I spoke into the phone watching Don, Kailey, and Bubbles walk across the street to Waffle House. "When do you want me to take them out and bring you Kailey?"

"In due time bruh, in due time."


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