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Hey guys! I'm writing this at the hospital. If it's awful, blame the hospital food! Lol just kidding. I know its short, And I just had my baby. Anyway, please comment/vote/fan!!!

Love a very antsy,



<The next day-their birthday>

I woke up and freaked out. Why was I in a man's arms? Then, I remembered last night; him accepting me as a mate and my parents accepting us. Even Apple had congratulated was awkward. Kyle and I haven't mated yet. *blush* I'm not ready. Then, I remembered what day it was and tried to jump out of bed and up into the air. Notice how I said tried. I ended tripping and landing on Kyle.

"This is a nice wake up call."

A husky, deep, sleepy voice said.

"Ouch, "I said, at the same time. Then we both laughed. I stopped laughing when I felt something poking me.

"Is that...?" I trailed off when I realized how I was laying on him. I had somehow managed to end up straddling him.

"Crap! Sorry Addy...I..." This could get awkward. I looked down into his gray eyes. I saw what I saw was lust, and pain? I smirked slowly when I saw that he wanted me. I decided to tease him. I guess my eyes light up or something because he said warningly,

"Addy! Don't even think about it!"

Too late. I bent down and kissed his full lips. Then, I accidently scooted up a little. I felt him bite his tongue. I had no idea what to do, so I scooted back down. This time he let out a little moan. I smiled against his mouth. I had got him good. Then, as I went to scoot back up, he flipped me. Now, he was hovering over me. O crap! This will not end well.

"I told you not to Math."


"yep, like Adding geddit?"

"Umm. Yes? Can I get up now?"

"I don't think so, what you did was very naughty".

And he finished talking a bent down to kiss up my neck. I froze when he started sucking and licking where my neck meets my collar bone. He started sucking harder and I let out a little sigh. Then, his hands moved up my sides slowly. He stopped them just below my breasts. Then, he went back down with his hands and stopped on my belly bottom. He repeated that until I moaned. Then he got off and smirked at me!

"Happy Birthday!"

O yea that was how we got into this mess anyway. I was excited about getting my powers and I had tried to leap out of bed.

"Thanks." I replied. Then, he grabbed my hand and started dragging me out of my room. Once we were outside my room, he drugs me down the hall.

"Go get a shower, I'll wait out here!"

He chirped happily. He was so nice, actually letting me get a shower. Before I closed the door, a thought dawned on me.

"Hey babe?"

"Yea Math?"

"What's your power? I just realized I don't know it."

"Do you honestly not know it? I've been here for like years! I have super speed and strength, but I might have another, because my mom and dad both gained an extra once they...fully mated."

I blushed a little at the thought of us mating.

"Ok. I'm getting a shower now."

"I know, do you want me to join you?"

Was his smart reply. I slammed the door at it and my mind, NOT ME, thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea to invite him. But that was my mind and not me.

After my shower, I walked into my room and saw Kyle sitting on my bed. I was only wrapped in a towel, so I blushed, again, when I realized my legs were exposed. His eyes traveled all over my body, from the bottom of my legs, to the top of my body.

"I'm going to wait in the hall."

He replied, his voice much huskier than usual. I quickly got dressed. When I was done, I looked in the mirror. I noticed a dark red mark where he was sucking before! That Dummy left me a hickey!! I looked around for something to cover it with, and saw a hoodie lying on the ground. I picked it up and put it on. My jean skirt was fine. I put my hair up in a messy bun.


When I finally made it downstairs, I was surprised to see Apple floating over the table and emy parents trying to gett her down. I guess she got her power, I wonder if Fifi did... I was answered by a big wave of water hitting me in the face, and Fi saying, 

"Happy birthday! I got my power, did you get yours? I am elemental, I have All 4, too. Also Apple got hers!". 

"Happy birthday back to you! I didn't get mine, yet. I guess Apple got hers, too mine will probably come soon. Happy birthday Apple, amd congrats on getting you power!" 

I replied to Fifi, Apple then replied to me, 

" happy birthday to you, too. My power is floating, if you hadn't noticed." 

I then realized I was soaking wet! 

"Fifi! Was iit nessicary to get me soaked?" 

Sorry, I wil dry you off..."  

Then before I could reply, a big gust of wind came and blew me off. The gust became so strong, thati was blown backwards. I came to a stop, when ii hit someone, or more specifally, my mate. Of course, he was laughing. When Apple got down, we all ate breakfast and then decided to see if my power had come, but ihadn't realized it. They firsr had me jump off a chair to see if I could fly, I couldn't. Then, then had me try to move water, fire, wind, and eart, I couldn't. I tries to run and keep up with Kyle, fail. I tried to lift a flying car, also a fail. I couldn't read there minds, or preddict the future. I also couldn't grow stuff, or shape shift, I couldn't turn invisable. To save you the rest of your life, I'm not going to tell you everything I can't do. I'll just tell you everthing I can do, which is nothing, yet!the whole time we were testung stuff, every one kept telling me it would come later. It didn't make sense to me. Fifi and Apple had both got there powers already. By the time we had eaten dinner, I realized that if my power didn't come soon, I would have to make up an explanation to the Prince and Princess of Xania and Yion. You see, the day of your birthday you and your mate (if you found it) would go before the price and Princess whille attending a party for people with the dame birthday as you. You would also tell them your power. By the time we were all dressed to go, it was made clear that I didn't have a power, either that or it was late... 


Sooo, this was the sart of the main plot, did you like it? It is longer than it was intended to be, because John was sleeping =)thank you so much for the advice Kirsty1000 for the help and advice:) I think it wil really help when john starts growing up. Also, thank you so much for all the votes and comments!!! When I logged on, ii saw this was in the 800's on the what's ht list....I thought that was a ittle werid, because last time it was 218...does anyone know why it dropped 600 places? Well, I hope you liked it!

Love, Mara

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