Part 2

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Hi guys, here’s part 2. Sorry for the delay, I wanted to make it longer=) and then I lost it and had to rewrite it=( comment/ vote/ fan<3

Also check out 5jenna5’s chapter about her character Elodie, I really like the chapter<3

Here’s a link

Its also in my library and on her profile…just check it out=)



The main conversation at the lunch table was directed around Soul. The group accepted her really easily, she was really nice. She became one of my best friends by the middle of lunch. She wasn’t as outgoing as Faye, Marina, Jessie, and Lena. She also wasn’t as shy as Jenna, Elodie, and Michael. She was more like Luna, Alessandra, Julius, and Fawn. It was really finny to watch her use her speed power to sneak up on people and get away before they knew what had touched them. One time when Kyle had to go to the bathroom, she tried to run up to him on him on his way back, but he was expecting it. He turned and tried to grab her arm, but she slipped away. That started a huge game of tag; it was cool to watch, because they were blurs running. You would just see people hair fly backwards and a streak of color go by. It was amusing when they ran past a teacher, and Kyle first ran by and spun her around. Then Soul ran by and she spun the math teacher around again. They didn’t even stop to apologize, and Mr. Slick couldn’t even see what hit him. I thought he would burst a vein; he was that mad. After lunch, Kyle walked me to my elemental class. He once again marked his territory before letting me walk into my class.

When I sat down in the water bender circle; Lena came up to me and said,

“So Kyle finally heard about the little incidents that happened…”

I replied,

“Yea, I’m not sure how though. I tried to keep it away from him.”

We couldn’t talk anymore, because Ms. Lillo had started the class. Today I got to watch everyone else fight. It started out with water vs. water, fire vs. fire, earth vs. earth, and air vs. air. Eventually, they got their ranks in there groups and started facing each other. In the water group, it went Luna, Lena, Fawn and them some other people. The top three were all to fight the top three of the other elements, and the all’s were going to fight just allowed to use one element when they faces people. The water vs. fire fights went pretty fast, due to the fact that water puts out flames. Alessandra wasn’t too happy about that, she was the second best in her group, but probably the most competitive. Faye also wasn’t too happy, just because she was number one and was supposed to be leading her team to victory. A guy named Calvin was number 3. He didn’t really care about anything, but still frowned when he lost. It went the same way for when each of the powers were fighting the one that dominated theirs. Since it was a double class, they class got into groups of 5; one person from each element and one all elements. Lena got placed with Faye, Mike, Allie, and Jordon. Mike was an Earth bender, Allie was an air, and Jordon was an all around. Luna got put with Alessandra, Tony, Maria, and Fifi. Tony was the Earth bender, Maria was the air, and Fifi was the all around. I knew all my friends were good, but with Luna as number one in her group, Alessandra as number 2, and Fifi as the number one all around; my money was on them. Tony was also a number 2 in her group, while Maria was a number 3. Fawn was placed with Calvin, Franny, Chrissie, and Mackenzie; Franny being the Earth bender, Chrissie the air, and Mackenzie the all around.

There first fight between any of my friends was between Fifi’s group and Jordon’s group. They all started out in a fighting position; Fifi was in the front of the five with Luna little behind her on her left. Alessandra was directly across from Luna and behind her were Tony and Maria. In Jordon’s group, Jordon was in the front; only about 5 feet away from Fifi. Lena was behind Jordon like Luna was to Fifi. Faye was across from Lena and Allie and Mike were in the back like Tony and Maria.

 When the teacher blew her whistle, Fifi shot herself off the ground and started hovering close to the roof. Her team looked momentary confused, before they started sending there elements to the other team. Fifi had started squirting water down on the other team from above.  It was really cool to watch. I’m not sure what the exact rules were, but I knew if you got knocked down you were out.

The fight continued by Maria and Allie, from opposite teams, also shot into the air. They were blowing their winds from above and trying put out the fires that had started on their team’s side. Then, Alessandra had knocked Mike off his feet by a big flame that had broken through his stone block. The score was now 1-0 Fifi’s team winning. There lead didn’t last long, because Lena knocked Maria out of the air with a huge tsunami and she was out. With the score tied, the fight got even more intense. Fifi narrowly missed a big blast of fire from Jordon, while Faye got drenched with water and gradually fell to her knees. That made her get out, so Fifi was winning again. Their lead continued as Fifi hit Jordon with a wind tornado and made her lose all the oxygen in her lungs. She fell to her knees gasping, and Fifi let her go; she knew that she was out.  The other team had lost their captain, but they weren’t finished yet. Allie sent the biggest gust of air that she could, and Lena combined her water with it. Working together, they over powered Alessandra. The score was now 3-2 with Fifi’s team in the lead. There was only a water bender and an air bender left on Jordon’s team. There was an all-around, a water bender, and an Earth bender on Fifi’s team. Lena and Allie tried to take down Fifi together, only it was a mistake because they left the other two wide open. Tony and Luna took down both of the two trying to get Fifi and won the fight.

The next fight was between Jordon’s team and Mackenzie’s team. This fight was a lot shorter, because Jordon took out Mackenzie in the very beginning. She hit her with flames, which caused her to jump and then she bended the air to slam her to the ground. Then, the team of 5 took out the other members one by one. They had a circle formation that let them see the entire class room. It was all 5 of them versus Fawn in the end. Fawn did really good freezing people and would’ve won if she could’ve made the people she froze fall. She got three out by keeping the fire bender on the other team busy so they couldn’t be unfroze. When they finally got unfroze they were so cold they fell. That got rid of Jordon, Mike, and Allie. Unfortunately Faye got her so mad at her that she lost control and was easy to defeat.

The final match was going to be between Fifi’s team and Mackenzie’s only they ran out of time. I actually had a lot of fun in that class. I preferred to be on the side line cheering rather than doing the actual playing; and that’s just what I could do. After that class, I had a free period. In the class, Fifi and Jordon were talking the whole time! I sat with them because none of my other friends were in it, but they didn’t really include me in the conversation. I didn’t mind, because of what I heard in the conversation Jordon’s mate had denied him; just like Fifi’s! I smelt a romance in the air.  After the class was done, school was done. I walked back toward the dorms behind Fifi and Jordon. When he had to go the opposite direction as her, they just stood there awkwardly. I “accidently” tripped and pushed Fifi into him. After that, I didn’t stay to see what would happen; I just ran. I guess I wasn’t that fast, because Fifi caught up with me in about 5 minutes and pulled me to a stop grabbing my shoulder. I just smiled innocently at her, and saw that she had a slight blush on her pale cheeks. Ahwww, she liked him! She glared at me, and I teased her the whole way up to her dorm room. She told me to shut up a bunch of times, but I didn’t listen. When I had to turn to go to my dorm and she had to go the opposite direction, I said;

“Well…this is awkward. I hope no one comes and pushes me into Fifi’s wide open arms…”

After that, she let out a little scream of frustration and started chasing me! I somehow made it to my dorm before she could inflect any pain on me. I laughed as I slide down against the door out of breath. She was banging on the door from the outside and threatening to catch it on fire if I didn’t open it. It’s good thing the doors were fire proof, because I could feel the heat radiating off her.


So, I actually liked this chapter=) it had a lot of your peoples characters<3 does that deserve a vote? Or a comment or fan? Lol, anyway read 5jenna5’s chapter of this. And write a chapter for your character! I really like to read them<333


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