NIASOF-glimpse of the future

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Hey guys! Sorry for being MIA for so long, but as you probably know, I just moved.I have no internet connection besides on my phonje, so the huge chapter I wrote on microsoft wprd, which is edited and long, I can't upload:( this is short and has a bunch of mistakes! Please vote and comment anyway...

When I logged on yesterday, I noticed that this was off the fantasy, romance, and what's hot list listing!! Please get me back on at least one...this was also supposed to be up yesterday, but wattpad wpouldnn't let me save or upload! Also, you will be confused at the end of this chapterS but you'll be caught up in the next few chappys....sigh...just read...

Xoxo Mara

As I put my hand on the handel of the big black door, my knees started shaking under me. I shouldn't be this nervous, I have to do this everyweek. Its not that big of a deal, they are just trying to help me fit in. I am slightly different, classified as a 'late bloomer'. In other words I have no power...yet. it isn't that bad...who am I kidding? I get bullied and I hyave to take EVERY class thid plafce hss to offer! They want to make sure that once they trigger my power, I'll be able to control it. I have to sit beside the wall and watch evryone have achance to demonstrate their power. I get to take notes and notes and more notes! The only class I actually like is the strenght/speed class. I get to watch my beautiful mate run in circles around the other losers in his class. They aren't actually losers, but since me and Kyle fully mated, his powers improved driastically.

He is still waiting on his 3rd power to appear, if he has one. I think it will appear once I get mine. Kyle is amazingly athletic, he already is captain of the football team. (Even though we aren't on earth we have many if their customs.) He made a public annoucment that if he caught anyone bulling me, or even talking about me behind my back, he would beat them $hitless. That made stand back. Everyone adores him, what he says goes. He's that popular jock that should be dating the head cheerleader. (Apple, and another americain tradition...I guess according to our cultures teacher...) He says he loves me constantly and that really helps me.

They have tested me for just about every power posssible every week. The only one they haven't tested me for, that I can think of, is to see if I can die and come back to life. If it wasn't for Kyle I prbobaly would've figured that out on my own. then again i have a lot of friends who are all nice and unique. (A/N Those are your guyses characters!!!) I wouldn't actually do that, the dead alive thing, it was just a metaphor...or something. Anyway Kyle's awesome.

Ireally widh he was here rigbt now, then maybe I wouldn't be so nervous about the "surprise" the testers have for me today...

To be continued

Lol about the last parrt, I've always wanted to say that:) anyway, I know its hort but please comment and vote anyway... I really want to get back on the listing! The next chappys wull be really long:)

Xoxo Mara

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