Normal In A School Of Freaks!!

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Ok guys, no more romance (lol, there’s still some)! I just reread the last chapters, and realized how cliché they were!! I apologize for that:( back to being original…

There should be a slide show up….



As I walked through the hallway, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. The word had spread around about me being powerless. I guarantee that it had something, no scratch that, EVERYTHING to do with the ‘popular’ girls. It just annoyed me that everyone stared, and no one said anything.  The looks and silence that I get are almost worse than when people do bully me. My friends have been great about trying to keep me cheered up, but they can’t be there at all times. I’ve learned that when I’m alone people like to strike. It’s been about a week since I got out of the hospital, which I had stayed in for 3 days. At first people kept their distance; as if I had a disease that they didn’t want to catch. Eventually, I learned that they had just been gossiping. After about two days, a group of skater boys corned me in an empty hallway. They asked me a bunch a questions, the whole time that I tried to answer, they moved closer. When the head of the group had put his hands next to my head on the wall, I thought I was going to die. Luckily Michael showed up and took over his mind; forcing him away from me. None of his friends picked on me after that. Alyssa was suspended for another week, so I didn’t have to worry about her. The main thing that bothered me was that Apple was avoiding me. Before she never really talked to me, but she now she wouldn’t even be in the same room as me. Sometimes I’ll catch her looking at me, but it isn’t the same look she used to give me. Her expression is almost as if she feels bad for what happened. If she apologized, I’d forgive her, because it wasn’t her fault. She didn’t command Alyssa to hurt Kyle and I; that was all Alyssa.  I guess that until she says something, I’ll try to fend off bullies and she’ll ignore me.

Kyle has been great to me for the past week. He’s always perfect, but he’s been so thoughtful lately, I just want to burst. He bought me flowers, sent me funny get well cards, and even slept in the hospital chairs next to my bed the two nights I was there. My friends have also been amazing, they make getting through lessons a lot easier. For example, last period, Alessandra stopped a stuck up snob from trying to burn me. The person, Cindra, had directed fire at me “accidently”. They were learning to channel their powers and shot them toward a target. Apparently, I was Cindra’s target, instead of the sack across the room. Alessandra had stepped in front of me and absorbed the shock. It was a good thing she was a fire bender, or else she would’ve got burnt to a crisp. I was so grateful that she did, I thought for sure that the last thing I would ever see was a bunch of flames coming at my head.  Now, I just have to worry about the last thing I ever see being someone’s fist…

Now, I was on my way to my newest class, X-ray Vision. I was happy to have Marina in this class; I hated when I didn’t have any of my best friends in my classes. I was got so nervous that people would bully me, and I wouldn’t be able to protect myself.  Now, I just had to make it to class without any problems. I was really on edge; everyone was just looking at me.  I tried to keep my head up, as I moved through the crowded hallway. Sometimes, I had to put my head down, because of how intensely people were looking at me. As I pushed between two boys, someone threw their arm around my shoulder!  I jumped about a foot in the air, and almost dropped my “Earth Studies” book.  The person who had just moved there arm, laughed; I sighed with relief when I recognized Elodie’s laugh. I said to a still laughing Elodie,

“Geez, did you have to scare me?”

She replied, “Sorry, I didn’t expect you to freak out! You just looked so scared, I wanted to comfort you.”

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