Normal In A School Of Freaks! Chapter 9

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Hey everyone, sorry this is so late, but I had/have no internet and as soon as I find the slightest connection I will upload this! I hope it is long, because my new house doesn’t have barely anything in it yet, so I have nothing to do but watch the baby and write. On the bright side, Colorado is very, very beautiful! It is hot here right now, but the winters are freezing…burr…lol Please comment/vote/fan and share=)

Also, I HAVE 60+ FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JJJJJ =)=) I am so happy! That is my biggest goal…although 100 would be nice;) Also, please don’t judge my writing on Don’t Make Promises, or even this story. I feel like I am already improving! I don’t know if you’ve noticed or anything, but my newer stories will probably be a lot better! Sorry to blab on, enjoy=)

Love, Mara


The meeting started just like any I would imagine, everyone stood up and shook hands. When we were all sitting, again, the Princess of Xania said,

“I’ve come to a final answer after consulting with my close assistants. We have decided to trigger your power. You’re not the first person whom we’ve met who had not triggered there power. All of them just hadn’t tried hard enough. I’m sure we will figure out your power in a matter of a few days. We will start training tomorrow, because tonight is normally a special night for girls and their mates.”

She said the last part with a wink at me, causing me to blush furiously. I stopped instantly when I felt Fifi Stiffen next to me. I had forgotten that she and the Prince of Yion were mates. I had to figure out what happened between her and him in the bathroom. I knew that they would not be able to ever fully mate. Fifi would have to force the mating with someone else, and the Prince and Princess would mate. That is the only way peace would stay. I knew that Fifi would never endanger anyone or in this case everyone by mating fully. After that couple sentences, we discussed a couple other powers I could try and how we could trigger them. Then, the meeting was dismissed. After we all left the room, my family was escorted out the way we came in. We had a better chance to look around, because there were no more people flittering around. I was once again consumed by the beauty. I was amazed that such work of art could even be captured; never less be made into a single lobby. I hoped with my whole heart that I was able to go to the school. The rumors I’ve heard mentioned that is as beautiful as, if not more, than the palace.

When we made it home, everyone dispersed to their chambers. I was about to say by to Kyle when I remembered what the Princess had said. I blushed again when I looked him in the eye. He surprised me by saying,

“Do you want to?”

I immediately knew what he meant; and blushed again. I couldn’t respond because I was afraid my voice would squeak, so I simply nodded.

<><><><><><>><><><>the next morning<><><><><><><><><><><>

I skipped down the steps, more happy than I’ve been in a looonnngg time! Last night was amazing;) This morning when I woke up next to him, I realized I had fallen even father in love with him. I don’t know how it’s possible, but I did. I stopped suddenly when I remembered what was starting today. Then, I skipped again because I had no doubt in my mind that what happened last night triggered my power. I was almost certain that they would trigger my power fast! Then I would be able to come home and see my baby. I made it into my kitchen and sat down in my usual spot. I couldn’t stop smiling.

I was fidgeting around on my chair, getting impatient for someone to come downstairs. I hadn’t even woken up that early today… All the sudden someone came up behind and pinched my butt! I screamed at the top of my lungs and fell of my chair! I quickly got off the ground and looked around. I saw my mate laughing his butt of behind me. My mouth was gaping open! How could he do that and then laugh? I could’ve been killed! I might’ve fallen off my chair and hit my head! His excuse when I demanded how he could do that was;

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