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Hey guys, new chapter!! Please please comment/vote/ and fan!! I’ll upload along one <as long as “Don’t make promises” newest chapter>as soon as I get 10 votes! I’m not trying to be rude, but I’ve got more than that on the other chapters and I know you guys can do it!! Enjoy=)

Also, please check out ChocolateBrowniie11’s works! She an amazing undiscovered writer! Her story is called “the Beauty’s Threat.” If you could and vote and comment, it would be great=)

Xoxo Mara


 I was dressed in a red dress that was tight to my top, and flowed out at my hips to my knees. I was extremely nervous! We were in a floating limo. You see, we Xanians had a bunch of advanced technology. Kyle was holding my hand, and rubbing soothing circles on the back of it. We were on the way to our birthday party. I can’t believe I have to announce in front of everyone that I don’t have a power! Well, I guess not everyone, just the prince and princess of Yion and Xania! I kind of zoned out during the car ride, because I was tired of people asking me if I was positive that I couldn’t do any of the stuff we had tried all day. We had tried all day and I haven’t even had a small reaction when the dropped a car on me. That was the last one they tried, Kyle made them stop, because he was afraid that the next thing they would try was killing her/me to see if I could come back to life! I honestly wouldn’t be surprises if they did try that. When we finally pulled up to the huge palace, my palms felt clammy and sweaty. The driver of the limo opened the door and helped each one of us out. He gave me a reassuring smile when he saw how nervous I was. I tried to smile back, but it probably came out as a grimace. The guards on the outside of the gorgeous floating white palace walked over to us. They shook all of our hands in a friendly gesture, but they said nothing. Then, we all followed them to a cloud looking thing. As we stepped on it, I could tell it was one of those things ‘magical’ builders built. It was going to bring us to the actually castle.  When one of the guards pressed a green button, a railing came up around us, and the machine started moving. We looked around as we moved higher. I saw the green landscapes, and tall snow covered mountains. As I looked to the other side, I saw a tall building. I knew this was the school. The school was where we all went. Well, I’m not sure where I’d be sent, only kids with powers go there. The school was a building of glass mirrors on the outside, and I don’t know what it looks like on the inside because I was never there. The rumor is that it is extremely beautiful and has everything in your wildest dreams! I hope I go there with my beautiful mate by my side.

That was the last thought that crossed my mind as we came to the palace door. The door itself was magnificent! It vines and flowers woven around its wooden interior.  It opened wide for us when we got close, and showed us a huge lobby! It was even prettier than the outside! It had a huge chandler in the middle of the room and 2 long stairways in the back of the room that lead to what I am assuming is the ballroom. <Everyone was going in It.> we stepped off the cloud thing and walked toward the stairs, I almost tripped a couple times, because I was in awe of the beauty around me. Our guard escorts lead us to the steps and told us to up and through the door. On the way up, I looked first beside me at my mate, the behind me back down at the scenery. I was surprised to see that the bottom of steps, that I was half way up, a blonde haired girl who was staring at my mates butt!! That got me mad, but when he leaned over and kissed my head, I calmed down… A little. I slapped myself mentally; I can’t believe I got jealous so easily!

By this time, we had already made it up the beautiful step and we looked into the doors. Inside was almost indescribably beautiful! There were so many colors, flowers, and even the people were stunning. I might’ve forgotten to mention that the royals from all over came. There were princes, Princess’, and even some queens and kings. You might think that they would get bored going to a party EVERY day, but they only come when they have nothing to do and are bored. In Yion, there are many territories and they have many royal and parliament and cabinet people. They are what made up most of the guests. The Prince and Princess of Xania and Yion must be bored out of their minds! When they’re asked about it in interviews, they just say that they are happy to meet the future of their countries. They still must get bored. I think I heard somewhere that this was the last party for people’s birthday on the day of their birthday. I think they are going to do one at the end of the moth. Anyway, the people were beautiful! I almost felt jealous when I saw Kyle looking around, too.  We eventually made it to the line of birthday girls and boys. When all of us < the birthday people> were there, this was about 5 minutes later, Kyle and my parents left. They started calling up names of the birthday people. I wasn’t exactly listening, I was too nervous about what I’d say. Every once and a while, I heard people clapping and would look to see what was going on. I saw invisibles, fliers, and even metamorphous-ers. I heard Apple’s name being called and immediately snapped my head back. I watched as she sexily walked up. She bowed to the royals, and announced that she could float, not fly, but float.  She crowd awed as her dress sparkled as she lifted off the ground peacefully. The Prince, announced that this power was rare-er than most, and she could be taught tricks with it at the school. Next called, was Fifi’s name. My hands started sweating now, and I felt my throat closing. I watched as Fifi calmly explained that she was elemental. He asked which element she was and she laughed.

“I’m all of them!”

Was what she pointed out and proceeded to demonstrate them. She made the crowd laugh as she picked up the Prince and Princess with earth and “oohhed as she made rainbows appear with water. How did she do that without any training? I guess she was one of the lucky, “naturals.” Great, she’s a natural and I have no power. The prince was laughing at something she was doing, while the Princess was giggling. I didn’t know, and I didn’t care. A few minutes later, I heard my name being called! I slowly walked up another set of stairs onto the stage-like thing. I turned and bowed down to the Prince and Princess. When I stood up, the Prince announced,

“This is Addyson Elise. She is triplet sister of the last two. I’m sure her power will be entertaining.  Now Addyson, what is your power?”

“I don’t know,” I replied softly.

“Speak up!”

Demanded the Prince of Yion. I flinched at his hard tone.

“I’m sorry darling, but could you please speak up? We couldn’t quite hear you.”

The Princess replied in a much nicer and softer tone. With as much force as I could muster up, I cried out,


The crowd fell silent after my outburst. The Prince and Princess looked at each other and they started whispering amongst themselves. After a while the Princess replied in her still nice tone,

“That is very interesting, after the party we would like to speak to you, your mate, and your family. Now go ahead and enjoy yourself with the others.”

I almost jumped with joy! I remembered my manners at the last second, and thanked them and bowed again and walked off. I was so relieved that they didn’t kill me…yet. I didn’t know what they were going to do after, but I knew I was going to have a fun night with my mate until then.


Sooo, did you guys like it? Also, if you were going to be a character in this story, what would your name and power be? I’m going to be looking for characters soon, and I’m going to let you guys make your own for the story! Just send me a message with their names and powers and looks. Please comment/vote/and fan! Also, when I get 10 votes, I’ll upload a long one!

Love, Mara

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