NIASOF-bonus chapter

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Hi guys! Sorry this isn't is chapter about Addyson, this is a chapter about FiFi. It is the night that she found out the Prince was her mate. I hope you enjot:) sorry, but this isn't edited, because I am on my phone. The next chapter will be uploaded on Saturday!! Vote/comment/fan?

Xoxo Mara


Fifi point of view

I walked around my room, twirling around in mt black short dress. The dress highlighted all of my curves.It was safe to say that I looked beautiful. I was hoping I would meet my mate tonight. I wanted to be able to show off my power, and I wanted to have someone love me. I was lonely, but that didn'ypt stop me from living life to the extgreme.

My dress was black, bec@ause I was goth. I didn't cut myself, I jjust liked the color black. We got in the limo-thingy and went on our way to palace. I couldn't help but look at Addy every once in a while. I was honestly scared for her. I have heard bad things about people who didn't trigger their power. I'm not going to tell her that, because she's weak. Emotionally and physically.

When we got to the palacee, it was beautiful and just amazing in everyone. Wprds can't describe how beautful it was. I thought my eyes woulkd never feast upon such beauty again...I was wrong.

As soon as I went into the ballroom and looked around, my eyes were drawn to ghe thrones. More like 1 throne actually; the Princes. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen. My eyes got locked on him. Every molecule in my body was screaming, "mate!" I could feel my hormones rushing through my blood stream as I checked him out. His toned and tan body, oppisite to my pale complex.i the only thought in my heade was: I can't wait to show him my power!

As the night went on, I couldn't keep my eyes off him. His brown hair, I just wanted to run my figures through it. It was finally time to demonstarte my power. I kept staring at him until it was my turn. I am surpeised that he hasn't looked toward me once, since my gaze was so strong. I walked up to the podium and annouced I was an elemental. When he asked which one, I heard his voice and almost mioaned. Instead I forced out a laugh and yelled,

"I am all of them!"

Then I prceeded to pick up thrones, using the earth element. And make water dance. I made myself fly while I was controlling air. And I just shot fireworks at the random with fire. I had ni idea how I knew how to do this, but I was loving it. When it was time to end, I looked up again at the royals, and locked eyes with the Prince. I almost got lost within them my black eyes, melted into his brown. Then, he looked away and ruined it.

I watched as my baby sister walked uo the podium, when he asked her power, she whispered that she didn't have one. I winced as he roared for her to be louder. I almost went up there and slapped him. Just because we were mates, didn't mean he could treat her like that! I almsot liked the Princess when she was nice to Addy, until she put her arm on my mates! My brain went wild with the thoughts of her touched him!I wanted to rip off her arm and make her beg for mercy, but I couldn't.

As I danced with other people, I felt someones eyes on me. Prince Jj-that's a cute nickname- was looking at me and standing by the entrance wall. I was shocked when he motioned for me to come over. I sliently left everyone I was dancing with, and walked over to him. When I reached him, he siad:

"Wait 3 minutes and follow my gaurd outside."

With that, he walked away.I waited quietly by myself for 3 mintues before walking over to the main entrance. A gaurd walked over to me and said,

'You are FiFi?"

I nodded and he continued.

"Please come with me."

I followed him outside and around he left side of the castle. I heard laughing behind me and I looked back. I saw Addyson and Kyle holding hands and walking the oppisite direction of me. I looked back in front of me, and saw a beautiful lake. The moon was shining down and ythe reflection was even prettier veiw was awaiting. I was lead to a boat, and the guard turned on the motor and pushed me abord. I guess it was on auto piolet, because it went striaght line right to the moons reflection. It stopped right on the out side of the circle's reflection. I went to touch the water by the relection, aqnd was surprised to see that it was a soild. I cautiosly stepped out and onto the invisable land. I was looking around, when I heard the faint sound of a motor. I looked around and saw Jj in a boat coming toward me. I was happy ans shocked to see him holding roses. Was there a chance we could be in love?no, i knew we couldn't risk that. The two worlds would once again go into war, and I knew it would be awful! For now, I just wanted to enjoy this night.

We spent most of the night just sitting and talking and occionally kissing. Then, we went on a walk through the g ardens. I saw a bunch of fireflies. Then, I stopped in my tracks, I had a feeling that there people around.when I brought it up, he dismissed it a wave of his hand. We walked along, with him kissing up my neck and me giggling. All the sudden I froze, Addy and Kyle were laying down together,looking at Jj and I. I looked at Jj and he striaghtened up and pushed me away! That made me mad! I had told him someone was here!

" I told you someone was here!"

I shouted and ran off, expecting him to at least call out. But he didn't. I only heard Addy call after me. I also heard her running after me, but I didn't stop. I only vagly remeber sitting down somewhere and crying my eyes out, then I got mad, and then crying again. I remember asking Addy a question, onl I don't remember what is was.

When I was finally right again, I. Said,

"I prbably look like a raccon."

I winced, because I knew I did, I never looked good after I cried. Although I don't cry often. I am normally tye strong one. Addy and I walked inside and we went into a private bathroom, we were ushered by the same gaurd that lead me outside. I looked in the mirrior in the bathroom, and immeaditly wished I didn't. I looked so vunerable and hopeless. I hated it! I quickly got the mascara out from under my eyes. As soon as I finished, we were about to go out, when the door was opened and someone stumbled in. To mine shcok, it was my maye! We looked each other in the eye once again. Out of the cornor of mtpy eye, I saw Addy leave, I'll have to thank her later. I knew Jj and I yhad to much as I feared, and knew what would be said, it still had to be done. He started talking,

"Fi, I'm reallly, really sorry, but we can'ttp be mates..."

I cut him off saying in a quiet voice.

"I know, we would cause to much chaos. And I don't want another war to break out."

He said,

"Yes,if it was any other time I would've made love to you ina heart beat, but now...I realease you..."

I knew that as soon as I said the words back, and meant them I would be free to go and so would he. There was no turning back.

" I realease you, too..."

And just like that I was as happpyas a gotb can get.


Well, I hope you like the bonus chapter:)

Iis it wprth a second pf your timeto vote?

Also, I have 70 fans!!!

I honestly never thought this day would come:) thank you, love you all<3 also, this is dedicated to sexyshewolf, because she left such nice comments on all the chater:) thank you again!



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