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Hey Guys!! This upload is going to be LOOONNNGGG! For a couple reasons--à>>

1.) You guys got me back on the what's hot list!

I had 16 votes!!!! :)

2.) I had 15 comments! J

3.) I got like 5 new fans!! J Now I have 55 amazing fans!

4.) DMP is back on the what's hot list!! J

Also, I AM moving next week!! J L, but it is only for a couple moths, like 7. My husband actually got the job offer about a month and ½ ago, and we didn't want to move when I was pregnant. Now that I've had my baby, we are free to go. I am moving to Colorado. Also, your characters are in this chapter!! I'm going to put them down below right now, just so I don't forget any later! Lol Enjoy comment/vote/fan....and share! 15 votes? I know you guys can do it!!!


Elodie Cross; power: invisibility. Looks: honey blonde hair blue eyes. Bff: Jessie Kade power: flying looks: straight long jet black hair emerald green eyes <5jenna5>

Marina Falcon: Power: x-ray vision: looks: all natural blonde hair, extremely curly and blue green eyes. <Maddy12345>

Michael Smith: Power: mind controlling: looks: black hair with blue streaks and light gold eyes. <XxoJuneoxX>

Jenna Maden: power: metamorphosis: looks: Plain brown hair, warm brown eyes hidden behind glasses, nerd. <oobethoo>

Josh Penman: power: can grow extra limbs: looks: straight dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. <oodanny1992oo>

Luna (Lena) Marise: Power: water bender: emo: looks: blonde hair with black layers underneath.


Jake Roberts: Power: hard to get hurt, but not invincible: likes motocross: looks: dark blonde hair with blue eyes and gold flakes in the middle. <JasontheDman>

Luna (?): Power: control of water: looks: bright red hair, light blue eyes: not skinny, but not fat. <vfan159>

Alessandra (?): Power: Fire using: 5'5 and athletic: looks: bright red hair and extremely green eyes. <casperhamm>

I THINK that's all, but if I forgot someone's, or if you want to add one and you didn't before, don't hesitate to tell me! Also, your characters are not going to be main character!! I'm sorry, but I can't have 15 story lines going at once! Lie I said before, Enjoy!!

Love, Mara


The moment he said those words, my world was on fire. I didn't think about any problems going on in my life, I only thought about the beautiful man next to me I could call my mate; my lover. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed an eternity, but could've been only a few minutes. Our eyes were connected gray into hazel...the only word to describe how I was feeling, was magical. We were broke out of our romantic embracement by a giggle.

The giggle was not just so random person's giggle, it was my sisters Fifi's. I would recognize it anywhere. I jumped up and looked around, spraying my frenzy of long dull red hair over my face and shoulders. Kyle also got up and held a finger up on his lips, signaling to be quiet, I listened. He took my hand, with the same hand that was just by his lips. This for some reason caused me to blush. All the sudden his hand squeezed mine tight and he pointed at something with his other hand. I gasped, which I regret, when I saw what he was pointing at. My sister, Fifi was holding hands and walking with Prince Jacob-John! I watched as he bent down and kissed her gently on the lips. I gasped again, which I regret even more. My second gasp, cause them to both jump apart from each other and look in our direction! I froze, hoping they wouldn't see luck. I heard Fifi's voice travel over in our direction.

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