Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"What!?" I half yelled, shock coursing through me. I couldn't change. Not here! Not now!

Clay saw the panicked expression on my face and tried to calm me down.

"Calm down, it shouldn't happen till at least five hours after the first symptoms."

That made me a little calmer but I was still unprepared. I was going to shift, and soon too! I just hope the pain wasn't too bad.

It was going to be close. David said we would reach the safe house, some cabin deep in the woods, in about four and a half hours.

I just hoped we didn't run into any traffic jams.

In a way though, I was ready. Ever since my parents had told me, I had been surprised, but prepared. It would be kinda cool to turn into a wolf.

I grabbed Clays arm without thinking. His muscles were nice. It felt like he worked out. A lot.

"Clay tell me everything."

"Everything?" he asked.

"Everything." I confirmed.

So the afternoon was spent learning more about my first change.

Apparently when I changed back to human after my first change, I would still have the wolf senses. So my sight, hearing, and sense of smell would be greatly enhanced.

Clay told me the first change was the only rough one, the rest were painless. We could control every change, excluding the first.

There was no way of knowing what color my wolf would be. It was always a surprise.

I learned when in wolf form, we could talk to each other through our thoughts. That would be helpful.

As wolves we would be able to communicate with a single thought. We also healed faster than a normal human.

As the morning turned to afternoon, the muscle pains got worse.

Sarah and David looked worried and I realized try didn't know what to do. I doubted there were any manuals on how to deal with a werewolves first change. Though it should be in their training, if you ask me.

I laid down, (Clay moved to the back) trying to keep any pressure off my legs. The pain was concentrated there, though sometimes it hit my arms.

As a particularly strong pain hit my legs, I stuffed my face into the seat, trying to keep from moaning.

Clay noticed and stroked my hair, making calming noises.

When the contractions finally left my muscles, I rolled back over.

"Thanks." I croaked out.

"No problem." Clay grinned.

"I went through this with my father, I don't think anyone should ever have to do it alone."

It touched me that he cared.

David announced we only had an hour left, and I sank into the seat even further.

I closed my eyes, knowing I was going to need all the strength I could get.

I awoke to a terrible head ache. It pounded it the back of my head. I started to sit up, but the shift of weight brought a sudden, searing pain into my arms and legs.

It hurt to move, it hurt to think.

I felt a hand rubbing my back, telling me to relax.

"I-can't-" I ground out through my gritted teeth.

"Yes, you can Kate. I know you can. You have to relax your muscles."

I focused on his hand, rubbing circles over my back. If I wasn't in so much pain, I would have been blushing. I was slowly, so slowly able to relax. The pain passed and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, I felt the van turn and the jolting that meant we were on a gravel road.

I don't know how long it took after we turned to reach the safe house. Just that I got through two more episodes of pain.

When we arrived, Sarah ad David started unloading the van. Thy had a ton of supplies in the back.

Clay got out and handed me his hand, I took it, but as soon as I was out of the van, I was hit with the worst pain yet. I collapsed into Clays arms, giving a small cry of pain.

My muscles contracted, it felt like a thousand Charlie horses. This pain was everywhere though, not just in my legs.

David and Sarah crouched down to where Clay held me in his arms.

I heard David cuss, and as the pain faded slowly, (slower than last time) I heard him ask what to do.

I was breathing heavily when the pain left, wanting desperately for this to be over.

Clay looked to David and Sarah.

"I'm going to take her to the woods, it sometimes helps to be in our natural homes. The wolf won't freak out, and it's more quiet."

Sarah looked really worried, and I have her a faint smile, trying to assure her I was ok. Well, at least alive.

David asked if they should come but Clay just said to stay scope out the house and make sure it's safe.

Clay picked me up, and started carrying me toward the woods.

"Besides," he called over his shoulder, "This isn't going to be pretty."

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