Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

When I woke and opened my eyes, I desperately wished I was out cold again. Anything else.

I was in a cell, almost like a jail cell, with one difference. The walls were solid, except one facing outward that appeared to be plexiglass.

I was lying on the floor, still a wolf, thank god. Clay had never said if we reverted back to human when unconscious, but I'm glad we didn't.

There was a small, dirty bed in the corner. In the other was what appeared to be a toilet and a tiny shower. It was surrounded by opaque glass, but it was still pretty see through.

There was a small drain in the middle of the floor, and that sent a bolt of panic through me.

Why would they need a drain on the floor?

The whole room smelled of antiseptic, but it didn't fully mask the stench of death. How many had die in this room?

I walked over to the tiny bathroom, and saw a change of clothes on the toilet seat. How considerate of them.

I squeezed myself into the tiny space, and changed. I wouldn't give Them the satisfaction of watching the private transformation.

It was almost instantaneous. I quickly pulled on the clothes, which were simple gray scrubs.

I walked out into the room, and saw noticed tiny it was. There was barley any room! I wouldn't be able to stand it, being stick inside. But right now, that was the least of my problems.

I walked over to the transparent wall.

I was stunned. I could see other people. Trapped in cells just like mine. Their clear walls faced mine, so we could see each other.

I looked for someone in one of the cells, but didn't see anyone at first. Then I noticed a figure moving closer in the cell directly across from mine.

I waved and shouted, trying to get their attention.

When I finally could see them, I realized it was a young girl, a little younger than me by the looks of it.

She noticed me, and her eyes grew sad. I pounded my fist on the glass, calling out to her.

I saw her lips move, and knew she must be saying something, but couldn't hear her.

The walls must be sound proof. That makes things more difficult.

I was startled when a shape appeared in front of my cell.

It was Him. The guy who I had bitten.

He was tall, or at least taller than my five-eight. His eyes were dark, I couldn't really distinguish a color, even with my eyesight. His hair was dark, and he had the look that said 'mess with me and I'll kill you'.

I didn't doubt it, he just looked mean.

He smiled smugly, knowing I knew who he was. I was pleased when I noticed his hand was wrapped in a bandage. Serves him right.

He pulled out a key and smirked at me. I just glared back.

He put the key in some kind of padlock, and I saw a small door open on the side of the plexiglass. When closed it was practically invisible.

I would need to remember that if I wanted to escape. I mentally made a file in my head with all the information I was going to store in case I had a chance to escape.

I walked out hesitantly, keeping my guard.

I noticed the girl across the hall, still watching me. She was short, petite. She had blonde hair, and even though she wasn't much younger than me, I immediately felt protective of her. She was so small.

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