Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

When I became conscious again I almost wished I could pass out. My mouth felt like a cotton ball, and there was a headache pounding in the back of my head.

I sat up, waiting for the world to stop spinning. Something pulled uncomfortably at my arm, and I grimaced.

When my vision cleared, and I could see I about had a panic attack.

I was in Simon's lab again. On a table. An I.V. in my arm.

But nobody was home. Metaphorically speaking.

The lab was empty, well except for me. All the lights were on, illuminating the room. It was almost to bright.

I grabbed the needle in my arm and ripped it out. It hurt, but nothing like the pain of a first Change, so it wasn't anything a couldn't handle.

If I saw Nathan again, I would tear his throat out. And I wouldn't let Simon stop me.

I swung my legs over the table and stood up.

I had to hold on to the cold metal for support, but after a brief moment I was ok on my own.

Hesitantly I pulled up my shirt, and saw stitches. There was a jagged line, about two inches long, wrapping around my left side.

But it looked weeks old, a faint scar line. I guess Clay really wasn't kidding about the fast healing.

Clay. The name brought a stab of pain to my chest. How I missed him.

I looked back at the scar, pulling my thoughts away from Clay.

How the hell did a bullet do that?

I heard a door click open and my head snapped up.

Simon walked in, wearing a white lab coat and carrying a clip board.

"Oh, good your up." He said.

I just gave him a bewildered look.

"What happened?" I asked.

Simon frowned, and he looked angry.

"That imbecile shot you." Simon noticed the I.V. I had so cautiously removed, and frowned.

He tsked, but didn't say anything.

Simon continued ranting.

"He has to be careful! Someone had to do something, more than once he's hurt someone. He can't just go around shooting our projects!"

I immediately thought of the scars Emily had. Had Nathan hurt her too?

Yeah right. 'Projects.' More like experiments.

I still wanted to know where the giant hole in my side had come from. I'm a werewolf for crying out loud! I heal fast, how did this happen?

"How did this happen then?" I asks harshly, pulling my shirt up to reveal my stitches.

Simon barley glanced at me, still writing notes on his clipboard.

"Your wound healed too fast. The bullet was inside you when your wound sealed. I had to get it out."

This man had been digging around in my side? That's repulsive.

I strode over to the door, trying to find the lock on it.

When I didn't see one I pounded my fist on it. Not productive, but helpful. It's a good stress reliever.

"What are you doing?" Simon asked from the other side of the room.

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