Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The rest of the day went by quickly, with Clay telling me about all of the hunts he'd been on.

That evening, I helped Sarah cook dinner, while Clay and David talked about the security of this place.

We were making macaroni, and hamburgers.

I let Sarah handle the macaroni, as the only time I had tried to make it, it hadn't turn out so well.

Let's just say the pot had to be thrown away, and the macaroni went with it.

There was a small patio behind the house, complete with a grill and lawn furniture.

I guess the SPA made sure that we had plenty to do, being stuck at the house all day.

Course, being a werewolf helps to keep you busy.

I headed outside, going through the back door. With the raw meat on a plate, to put the burgers on the grill.

Clay had turned the grill on for me when I got there.

It was a nice grill, but not fancy. It was a bright, candy apple red. The kind of color you would expect to see on a sports car.

I put the patties on the grill and closed the lid.

Clay was leaning up against the side of the house, grinning and watching me.

What was he up to?

He smiled and motioned a finger at me.

I shook my head in the What-in-te-world kind of way, crossing the patio to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Clay looked like a cheshire cat, his grin was so big.

Clay leaned in closer to me, and my heart stuttered. Did he even know what he did to me?

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow." He whispered in my ear.

With the easiest of moves, Clay put his hands around my waist and spun us around.

Now my back was against the house, and Clay was in front of me.

And Clay's head was extremely close to mine.

My eyes found his lips, and I had to force my self to look at his eyes instead.

They were so beautiful, his brown eyes. They were full of warmth an friendliness. And something else, though I wasn't sure what it was.

My eyes trailed along his jaw-line. There was golden colored stubble, like he hadn't shaved this morning. It was so sexy.

Clay leaned closer until his mouth was at my ear. He was doing this on purpose. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

I don't know how long we stayed frozen like that, but it seemed like an eternity to me.

Clay's breath tickled my ear, and I would have probably collapsed if he hadn't said,

"You may want to check on those burgers."

For a second I was frozen, until his words sunk in.

I glanced over and saw smoke pouring out of the grill.

"Damn it, Clay!" I yelled at him, running over to the grill, choking on the strong smell of smoke, it was even worse with my new nose.

I coughed and waved my hands frantically over the grill, trying to clear the smoke.

When enough of the smoke was gone and I could find the handle, I yanked the lid up.

Oh no.

The burgers were practically gone, burned and shriveled to a crisp. They were charcoal black.

I spun around and glared at Clay,

"Look what you did!" I pointed to the burnt patties.

Clay looked at me innocently and put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Who? Me?" He asked.

"Yes you!" I yelled, and then Clay turned around, facing away from me.

His shoulders were shaking up and down, and I was hit with panic. Had I made him upset? Upset enough to cry?

"Clay, I'm sorry, I-"

Then I realized hi shoulder were shaking not with sadness, but with laughter.

Clay turned around, holding his stomach and not even trying to contain his laughter.

I slapped his arm playfully, glad he wasn't upset.

"In glad you think it's funny, because you are going to explain why we don't have any burgers."

We headed back inside, turning the grill off before we did.

Once inside, I saw that David and Sarah had sat down, and they were talking. The plates were all laid out, macaroni on each of them. And waiting buns.

Sarah looked confused when I didn't have the burners with me. I looked pointedly at Clay, and cleared my throat.

He jumped as if startled and spoke.

"Oh yeah." He cleared his throat.

"We will not be having burgers tonight."

David looked questingly at us, and Clay went on.

"Um, ah they're kind of burnt. Really burnt, actually."

"Tell them why they're burnt." I told Clay.

"I may have distracted Kate." He said, waggling his eyebrows at David and Sarah.

Oh Clay. I blushed beet red, and said

"Never mind." I sat down beside Sarah, sighing.

Clay just kept a grin plastered on his face.

We ate quietly, Clay shooting me mischievous glances every so often.

When we finished, I helped Sarah clean off the table, and went back up to my room.

I flopped down on my bed with a sigh.

Did Clay feel the same way about me as I felt about him? I really hoped so.

And what was with the 'surprise' tomorrow?

I rolled over, putting my face into the pillow. Ug. This was so confusing.

I didn't expect to fall asleep, my head was still buzzing with questions. But five minutes later, that exactly what I did.

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