Chapter 2

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Isaac handed me the ticket with his free hand as we dragged our luggage onto the conveyor belt, the atmosphere of a public airport seeming almost alien to me. Many people hurried through the building, the time of year the most popular time to go on holiday for many of the English population.

'I almost forgot how... Busy everyday life was,' I marvelled, turning to every part of the building I could.

It was the only glimpse of other people's normal, everyday lives I had seen in about a year.

'This place has changed quite a bit since you left,' Isaac reminisced. 'Less money, more people.'

'How did you get a job then?' I asked, trying to show an interest in his life.

'Just the luck of the draw,' Isaac explained. 'Astrophysics was more in demand a year ago, anyway. That show, The Big Bang Theory, made loads of students want to take physics last year in uni, and in a few years time, there's going to be hardly any more job- sorry, I'll... stop rambling on.'

'It's fine!' I laughed. 'I've missed speaking to you.'

'Really?' Isaac laughed back. 'Well, did you watch it, in America? The show?'

'No,' I shook my head.

Last year I was on that cursed island. No time for TV there.

'Seriously?' Isaac asked in disbelief. 'It's so popular! It's something you'd enjoy.'

I didn't know how to tell him the truth just at that moment, so I left it for another time, where it was quieter and less crowded. Where I felt I could properly relax.

'I'll have to watch it then,' I smiled lightly.

'Oh no,' Isaac said, noticeably dreading something.

Elliot was walking towards us at an angry pace, looking at Isaac especially angrily. It was clear Isaac had upset him in some way.

'What did you do?' I murmured from the corner of the mouth, slightly intimidated by the look on Elliot's face.

'Why did you not have the curtesy to tell me you were boarding a plane?' Elliot shouted in a huff. 'Without me? I thought we never kept secrets from each other, Isaac! I thought we were at the same level. But no, you just decide to leave the country and not tell me!'


'You didn't tell him?' I exclaimed.

I had took it that Isaac had told Elliot he wasn't going to be around for a while. After all, they were together. It wasn't like it was for work either; it looked as if we were going in holiday together and ditching Elliot.

'I... I didn't want to create a... A scene,' Isaac whined.

'Well, you certainly have now!' I commented, rolling my eyes.

I then suddenly turned to Elliot. How did he know everything I had told Isaac?

'Wait, how do you know we're going out of the country?' I asked. 'How did you know we were even here?'

'I heard you two,' Elliot said at once, spitefully. 'How you wanted revenge on that assassin!'

'You were listening in on us?' Isaac accused.

'I'm not proud of it, but, yes,' Elliot nodded.

'You could have just joined in on the conversation,' Isaac said. 'It wasn't like we were doing anything behind your back.'

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