Chapter 5

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'Aria?' I heard the SCPD's receptionist, Janette, say in disbelief. 'How did you-? When did you-?'

'It's nice to see you too,' I smiled, making my way up to the desk.

'But, you were, you were-'

'Missing, I know,' I nodded my head. 'But now I'm back.'

'I think you better come with me,' Janette said quickly. 'Everyone here had been so worried about you! They kept looking for you, you know. Detective Lance is still conducting the search as we speak.'

The people here really did care about me, especially Laurel's father, Quentin Lance. But he had been a Sergeant when I left.

'I thought Mr Lance was a Sergeant?' I queried confusedly.

'He was promoted,' Janette explained whilst she led the way. 'And he chose to take the case of your disappearance for his first assignment.'

My disappearance had really impacted a lot of people's lives, especially Lance's. Now I felt awful, responsible for messing his life up.

And now his search would be over.

'Detective Lance?' Janette called for his attention.

He stopped and turned my way, his tired face at once lit up with a smile.

'Aria?' He asked, astounded. 'Is it... really you?'

'Yes,' I nodded quickly.

At once, everyone in the room surrounded me, hugging me and telling me they were glad I was safe. The weird thing was, I didn't know the majority of people in the room, but they sure seemed to think they knew me.

'We were all so worried,' Lance told me, trying to make me feel that people actually cared about me. 'It all started when Tommy Merlyn couldn't reach your phone. No one could find you, anywhere. But we didn't give up. And now, here you are.'

'I'm sorry you didn't get to find me,' I apologised, even though there was no actual need to. 'You haven't completed your case.'

'That doesn't matter now,' Lance reassured me. 'I know it would have been nice to be the one to find you, so I could show the SCPD that I really am capable, but your safety is more important. I'm just glad you're back.'

'Me too,' I smiled, making Lance laugh.

'So, how come you're back?' Lance asked, changing the topic.

'What do you mean?' I trembled.

Lance, well, nobody in the SCPD, needed to know about the island, or Merlyn. Lance was Sara's father, and she died while her bad Oliver were trying to save me. And I didn't need the police getting involved in my road to revenge.

'Why did you come back to the SCPD?' He asked in an explaining tone. 'Shouldn't you be out celebrating? Or talking to that boyfriend of yours?'

'I actually wanted to ask if there was a job open for me here,' I explained as we walked into a quieter room.

'This early?' Lance asked, surprised. 'You've only just got back! You need a week to just take some time to settle back into the city.'

'I know,' I nodded. 'But I really need the money. I can't live without any income- I need to get an apartment, food, clothes-'

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