Chapter 17

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From the moment Isaac and Elliot started learning how to fight, it soon became second nature to them. Although Elliot took considerably longer to adjust to this skill, in matter of days, they both knew the basics. Maybe it was because all that weekend, they devoted their time solely to the gym, but I knew they both had the capabilities to be great.

It was obvious that it was taking its toll on Elliot though. I had always thought he would be the one who found it harder, especially emotionally. It seemed that I was right.

'I'm too tired, Aria,' Elliot admitted as Isaac and Ted went off to get us some lunch. 'I can't take any more.'

'You can stop training if you want,' I said reassuringly. 'We weren't making you push yourself at all. Ted and I just want you both to learn, that's all. Why don't you take a break back at the apartment?'

'But, I can't,' Elliot shook his head in upset. 'I need to show Isaac that I'm capable. That I can carry on like him. That I can match him. That I'm not weak.'

'Isaac's not going to judge you, Elliot,' I said, placing my hand on his upper arm to soothe him and calm him down. 'No one is. You're both beginners, remember?'

'But, that's why I want to prove myself,' Elliot insisted. 'I'm the only beginner. Isaac's had training before.'

'Really?' I asked, shocked.

That why he was better than Elliot. He had an advantage.

'Yes, really,' Elliot confirmed slightly sarcastically. 'Last year, when you were... Missing. With this bloke called Ed or something.'

'My old training instructor was called Ed, well, Eddie too,' I laughed at the similarity.

Then my happiness turned into sadness. Eddie. Why did I have to mention him? Even think about him? That hole was still unhealed in my heart, and I could never change that. All my life had been a lie in Central City, and I had had no power to stop any of that from happening.

'You don't look too happy either,' Elliot picked up, looking at me in sad curiosity. 'What's the matter? Did this Eddie do something to you?'

'Yes,' I nodded with a heavy heart. 'Eddie was supposed to be one of the nice guys. He was my boyfriend in Central City, but he decided to go and hurt me with who I thought was my friend.'

Anna. I really thought she was incapable of hurting me too, but she had chosen to hurt me in the worse way possible; be the one Eddie had cheated on me for. At least now in my life I had good friends I could trust.

'That's weird,' Elliot picked up on what I had said. 'Ed was from Central City too. Said he was trying to find this girl he loved.'

'Well I hope he didn't break her heart either,' I said in a slight laugh, trying to stop moping around about Eddie. 'Did he have blonde hair by any chance? Blue eyes?'

'Er... Yes,' Elliot said, cocking his head in confusion. 'These Eddies, they're too similar to be different people. I don't think this is a coincidence, Aria.'

'Me neither,' I said in shock. 'Was his last name... Thawne?'

Elliot just nodded his head.

Why had Eddie been looking for me? I was so confused. Too confused. It didn't add up, what Eddie had said to Elliot. Eddie chose to leave my life, I hadn't. It had been his choice to chose Anna over me, so why was Eddie looking for me now? He wouldn't have known if I was missing at sea, if that was why he was looking for me. But wait... Merlyn had taken me away from Eddie, not the other way round. Maybe Merlyn had been lying to me this whole time. Maybe Eddie hadn't cheated on me, but it had been Merlyn's little cover story so I would trust him and stay in Starling. And maybe Anna was a good friend after all.

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