Chapter 39

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There are moments in your life that can change the course of your future. One instance was when Malcolm Merlyn took me to Starling City. One was when I was shipwrecked on Lian Yu. And this next moment of my life was another.


Time went by as I grew more and more devoted to my work, wanting to prevent Lance and Hilton finding the vigilante as much as possible. I knew their plans, and every time they thought they found him, I would innocently divert them in some way. And they were none the wiser.

It was another day at the SCPD, but it would turn out to be no ordinary one. I was taking out tests on my latest sample up at the lab, when Lance arrived with some news.

'We've got eyes on the Hood,' he grinned. 'We need you to watch the CCTV whilst we track him down so you can direct us to where he is exactly.'


I wanted to tell Lance that I had grown tired of his hunting, and I didn't know myself if I could stop them from finding the Hood much longer. I needed more time to think of a new strategy, but my time was extremely limited.

'I trust you, Miss Coleman,' Lance nodded respectfully. 'You could finally see the criminal behind the mask.'

Before I could argue, Lance was already on his way to catch the Hood, and I had no say in the matter. I hadn't really anticipated what I had let myself in for.

Finding the CCTV link on my computer, I scoured the city for the vigilante's presence. I had no idea as to where he was for almost an hour, but when I found him, I knew there was something wrong.

Locking into a camera filming some dark alleyway across the city, I witnessed the vigilante lose to four figures in dark attire, where they shot what appeared to be tranquilliser darts. His body fell to the floor, two of the criminals dragging him into a van at the alleyway opening.

Quickly, I zoomed in on the number plate, noting it down with haste. The vigilante was in trouble, and unless someone helped him, he could end up dead and the city would be exposed to peril once again. But no one knew of his disappearance, and so no one could help him out of this mess... Except me.

I needed to save the vigilante, for he could no longer save himself.

Frantically, I searched the room for anything I could use to help the Hood. I had no plan, and no idea where he had ended up, but I knew one thing for certain; I was going to try my best in rescuing the hero.

As I rooted through my belongings from under my desk, I found a gun the SCPD had given me all those years ago for any emergencies - well, this certainly was one. It felt strange to have that metal machine grasped in my hand once again after so long, it's familiarity taking me back to the times I was also a Starling City vigilante.

It reminded me of how I would risk everything for a citizen's life, and how I would be exhilarated by fighting crime on the front line. It reminded me of how I missed the life I once led. And the people I had lost along the way.

Shaking myself out of my memories, I gritted my teeth as I tried to gather the courage to go out and fight once again. I couldn't let The Hood end up like Isaac did, or watch him pass like Harper did. I wouldn't let him lose to his crusade.


Blood flowing through my veins, I felt an exhilarating rush of adrenaline pump through my limbs, giving me almost-superhuman abilities I never thought I had. The sound of the wind brushing behind my ears and rustling through my hair made me feel alive again, each step turning into a sprint of excitement. I was finally free from my ordinary life I had moulded for myself, and now I was living instead of just existing.

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