Chapter 49

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The club was packed with people as I arrived that night, it's popularity no doubt due to the fame Oliver and Tommy had.

'What a great turnout,' I said as Oliver met me by the bar, already preparing a cocktail for me.

'I guess the people want Verdant,' he claimed confidently.

'You named it Verdant?' I raised my eyebrows at him. 'You do know that means the colour green, right?'

Why did Oliver have to be so ironic? He was supposed to use the club as a cover for the Arrowcave, not drop clues about the link between himself and The Hood.

'Hey, Aria,' Tommy joined us, finally getting away from the crowds of people. 'How are... You enjoying the new club?'

'It's great,' I answered politely, pushing my thoughts aside.

I was stuck between the two I was conflicted with, and there was no way I could get myself out of the situation. I felt torn, not sure who to focus on in case the other got the wrong idea.

'I could really use a drink, Ollie,' Tommy commented with a fake look of stress on his face. 'I'll have what Aria's on?'

'Here,' I passed my glass to Tommy quickly. 'Take mine, I'm not really in the mood to drink.'

'You can just tell me if my cocktails aren't all that great,' Oliver grinned sarcastically.

The truth was that I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of them, as I always tended to express my emotions when I became intoxicated. And that night, I wasn't ready to tell any of the two men all of my extraordinary, heavy problems I had recently, or that I had fallen for them. Both of them.

'I'm gonna go talk with the Fireman's Relief Association over there,' Tommy announced, pointing to a few firemen at a small table, who were currently being served Champagne in expensive flute glasses.

'Chief Raynes is over there too,' Oliver noticed. 'He's the guy I talked to about the Fireflies, and he seemed pretty pissed off at me mentioning the Nodell Fire.'

'Do you think he has anything to do with the attacks?' I wondered.

'The only thing he's done is anger Linz,' Oliver explained. 'I think he feels guilty about leaving him in the fire to die.'

Automatically scanning the room like I always did when I was on SCPD business, I spotted Laurel walk in and meet Tommy with a kiss. They looked very in love, and I was determined not to be the one to break that. The only worry was if Tommy ruined their relationship himself.

Oliver left the bar and beckoned me to follow him, I obliging.

'Excuse me,' Oliver interrupted Tommy and Laurel's kissing session whilst I stood there awkwardly. 'Can I borrow Laurel for a second?'

'Absolutely,' Tommy grinned, Oliver and Laurel leaving us together.

'I'm still... Surprised that you managed to organise all this,' I said to Tommy as I attempted conversation.

'You must have a pretty low opinion of me, then,' Tommy smirked with a long drawl, causing me to laugh.

'No, I just didn't expect that you would be working here,' I shook my head, rolling my eyes at him. 'You have money, and lots of it. You don't really need to work to make a living.'

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