Chapter 81

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'-house market is down by 2% this year,' the radio sounded as Tommy switched it onto his favourite station while we enjoyed some waffles courtesy of the bakery down the street. 'The white picket-fence American Dream is dwindling as Millennials live through their twenties in studio apartments surrounded by a mountain of student loans and coffee bills.'

'They're right about coffee,' I pointed at my coffee mug before laughing at my own bad joke. 'And, these waffles are actually amazing, I can't believe that you, Tommy Merlyn, woke up early to get them instead of paying the bakery themselves to deliver them here.'

'Like I said last night, I'm a changed man,' Tommy winked comedically, making me drop a piece of waffle as I was about to eat it. 'And I think this is the only medicine that would work against you know who's threat about you know what.'

'Oh shush, I completely forgot that ever happened for like a minute,' I pretended that the not-so-subtle threat from Samuel Rosenberg had never happened the night before. 'And I said not to talk about it, especially here, where your dad lives! It's just too much to process and I have no idea how we are going to stop him or what we're going to do to-'

'Well, I forgot how adorable you are when you're worried,' Tommy swooned, I almost spilling the contents of my coffee mug in response.

Tommy was making me clumsier in his quest to fit as many vaguely funny comments in breakfast.

'Seriously, that's what you think when we're in peril danger?' I narrowed my eyes at him, but really, I enjoyed the adoration. 'And now I'm going to have to compliment you now, aren't I?'

'You know me too well,' Tommy said as arrogantly as he could, taking the mickey out of himself. 'But, that was a free, non-refundable compliment from Tommy Limited, but the catch is, you have to respond with a kiss.'

'Now, finally you said something smooth,' I raised an eyebrow at him, before meeting his request until I heard a certain headline on the radio.

'-last night at Unidac Industries, the Starling City Police Department have reported,' a woman announced, I only hearing part of what she had said. 'Six scientists and three security personnel are confirmed killed in the massacre. Caught in the attack, respected seismologist Brian Markov is among the dead in this tragedy. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of -'

'We were there just yesterday,' Tommy realised, in shock. 'We met one of the scientists there. Do you think he was one of the ones who was... In the attack?'

'I don't know,' I shook my head sadly, but really, I did; I had heard he and Naomi talking about how they were involved in Dr Markov's project, and someone else found out about it too.

I needed to find out more. I needed to take a trip to the SCPD.

'Tommy, please can you cover for me at work? I need to go somewhere. Oh, and thanks for the waffles.'

'Wait, why, where are you-' Tommy spurted in confusion, but I was soon out the door and long gone.

When I reached the SCPD, I found Quentin with Lucas Hilton, looking like they were about to leave as they collected a few bits and bobs and zipped up their jackets.

'Are you busy by any chance?' I asked them hopefully, Quentin giving me an amused look.

'You heard about the Unidac case, didn't ya?' He guessed correctly - he was a detective, after all. 'We're just going over there now to go over a couple things our officers found.'

'Would it be possible for me to... Join you?' I thought up on the spot, it not being one of my brightest ideas.

'You know you can't join us,' Quentin said sarcastically, but stayed impressed by my boldness. 'If you stick behind the yellow tape, fine, but I'm not promising anything exciting or worth skipping your day job for.'

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