Chapter 47

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Rip Hunter was very convincing, because I followed him to what looked like an empty parking lot in a hidden part of the Glades.

'There's nothing here,' I challenged him.

He had brought me to an empty, hidden location in the middle of the night, and yet I still wasn't scared of him or the situation. He felt oddly trustworthy, and so I asked no questions.

Without warning, a gigantic object materialised from thin air, it suspiciously looking like a spaceship.

'The Waverider is concealed by a cloaking device,' he explained, as if it was completely normal for an invisible spaceship, the 'Waverider', to be parked in the middle of Starling City.

He led me aboard the ship, its large door opening downwards like a futuristic cargo bay, its metal exterior carrying on inside. A corridor guided us to a vast space that seemed to be the central part of the ship.

'You don't seem fazed by this... Experience,' Rip commented as I quickly took in my surroundings.

'I've seen pretty strange things before,' I told him calmly. 'A spaceship just kind of makes sense.'

If there were time travelling speedsters and a super-solider serum, then space was the next frontier.

'Why did you bring me here?' I quickly inquired. 'I must have done something pretty important if you, a spaceship owner, decided to speak to me.'

'I am the Captain of the Waverider,' Rip corrected me. 'And you particularly took our interest, Aria, because you and your sisters have been disrupting the timeline.'

'You're a time traveller?' I was hardly shocked. 'So this is a... Time machine.'

'Well, a timeship, to be more exact,' Rip added.

'But how are me and my sisters 'disrupting the timeline', as you put it?' I wondered, confused. 'I only listened to the Flash because he wanted me to get on the Gambit! And the Reverse Flash, well he-'

'So, the Scarlet Speedster did this?' Rip raised an eyebrow in suspicion. 'I should've known. You were never meant to go on that boat or end up on Lian Yu, Miss Coleman. And in turn, you caused small ripples in time.'

'Then what was I supposed to do?' I asked reluctantly, worried about the answer.

'I'm not sure I'm the correct person to tell you,' Rip bowed his head.

'You're the Captain of this ship!' I exclaimed. 'You're the only one here. If you're not telling me, it must be bad.'

'Hey,' I heard a ghostly-familiar voice behind me, sounding like it belonged to a broken female.

I turned round to find Sara standing at the other side of the room. Sara, alive and breathing, standing before my very eyes.

I was utterly gobsmacked.

'Sara?' I gasped rhetorically. 'You were... You were dead!'

'It's been a long time since the island,' Sara smiled with reminiscence at my confusion. 'There's a lot I need to tell you.'

She took me to some sort of store room, more metal coating the walls and modern storage boxes dotted about.

'This is a timeship, as Rip probably told you,' Sara started making everything seem clearer. 'And Aria, I'm... Not the person you knew.'

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