Chapter 24

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'Oh my God,' Elliot gasped as he and Isaac joined us in the Wildcat lair. 'Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?'

'It's supposed to be a secret,' Ted said sarcastically. 'So I kept it as a secret.'

'Fair enough,' Elliot shrugged, looking at all the collection of knives with a shiver.

'This is amazing,' Isaac smiled in wonder. 'You'll have to teach us how to use all this stuff.'

'I was planning to,' Ted nodded in agreement. 'I have more than enough for everyone to use.'

'And then we can stop more gangs like the Culebras and criminals like Bellini!' Helena exclaimed excitedly.

'We need to hide our identities first though,' I announced, looking at Ted's balaclava. 'We can't just go round exposing ourselves all the time. That's why Ted wears his mask; he needs to mask his real identity.'

'I can look tomorrow in Queen Consolidated if they have any products that could be of some use to us,' Isaac suggested smartly.

'I can always look in the police department as well for any gear they might be getting rid of,' I remembered. 'It's a good job I know how to sew.'

'You know what we need?' Isaac asked rhetorically and excitedly. 'Those little ear speaker things!'

'Yes!' Elliot responded just as excitedly. 'And code names! I personally think that I should be 'The Amazing Elliot'!'

'You're not a famous boxer or anything, Elliot,' I rolled my eyes. 'Plus having your name in your code name defeats the whole purpose of even having a code name.'

'Don't be such a killjoy,' Elliot rolled his eyes. 'So you're better than me at thinking of codenames then?'

'I wouldn't know where to start,' I laughed in denial. 'But I'll try my best.'

'Don't think too hard,' Elliot added sarcastically.


The next coming months were testing and rewarding ones. We fought the remaining parts of the Culebra gang into the ground, and destroyed copycats and other gangs along the way, making Starling City a better place, day by day.

As we fought for justice, hidden under our masks and leather suits, we were given identities by the people of the city. They thought of us as their heroes, their guardian angels, who couldn't possibly be real. No one guessed who we were and we liked to keep it that way, masked from humanity.

We were a team, the five of us. Ted, Isaac and I would be out on the scene, fighting all the criminals of Starling, while Helena and Elliot worked down in the lair, Helena's computer finding a new home tucked away in our secret base. Elliot would stay with Helena as her second pair of eyes, as well as being our medic when we became injured out on the field.

Merlyn would also drop by from time to time, checking up on us and making sure I spent time with Tommy. I did, continuing our relationship as friends and nothing else.

Our little arrangement was great, and it worked to our advantage. But one night, one unfortunate night, changed our dynamic forever.


'Cecilio Martel,' Ted announced as he dropped some files onto the table we were stood around. 'He's a notorious drug dealer in the Glades. We need to find him and stop him.'

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