Chapter 18

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Vision coming back to me, I found my hands tied down on the arms of a chair. I didn't even care to free myself or ask questions. I was too used to abductions and imprisonment on the island to even try.  

Lifting my head, I saw a person standing in the shadows. Could it be Eddie? He was obviously the reason why I had passed out; he had drugged me whilst we kissed, probably using some sort of sedative via the mouth.

If he did, maybe I was wrong about Eddie being the 'nice guy'. Surely, he had a motive, but why go to all this trouble to punish me? It wasn't like I'd murdered his family or anything, and he was the one who had been searching for me. It all didn't make sense.

Squinting my eyes at the figure, I realised it wasn't Eddie. Instead of Eddie's blonde hair, the man's hair was a flaming red colour and he was dressed in KCPD uniform.

But what was a police officer doing abducting people? With another police officer as his accomplice? If I managed to escape out of this, I was definitely going to make sure he lost his job.

'You're not saying anything?' The officer asked in mock surprise. 'Apparently you're rather the talkative one.'

What exactly did he know about me? All I knew was that he knew I was a bit chatty.

What a shocker.

Deciding to stay quiet, I waited to see what the officer would say next. I had plenty of time.

'Seems like I'm going to be doing all of the talking then,' he said in a drawl. 'Aren't you a bit confused why Eddie drugged you? Why you're here?'

'Of course I am,' I said, realising he wasn't going to continue without me intervening. 'Go on. Tell me why.'

'Because I was there,' he grinned triumphantly. 'And, I believe our mutual friend told you specifically not to look for  Thawne when he took you to Starling City.'

'Of course, you would be associated with Merlyn,' I rolled my eyes in boredom. 'It's always the same style with Merlyn. Abduction.'

'Ten points to Aria,' he said sarcastically.

So he knew my name. Well, that was something he'd obviously know anyway.

'But, why does Merlyn not want me to see Eddie?' I enquired. 'And why did Eddie follow your orders?'

'He was scared,' the officer explained plainly. 'When Merlyn took you to Starling, the only way he knew to stop Eddie from finding you was by threatening your life. And when Eddie defied Merlyn's wishes, you conveniently ended up missing.'

'You've not answered me completely,' I narrowed my eyes. 'Why does Merlyn not want me to see Eddie?'

'Are you really that dumb?' the officer asked patronisingly. 'He wants you to be in Starling to protect his son, which you have been clearly failing at recently.'

Of course. But I still didn't understand why this man was telling me all this. Surely Merlyn didn't want me to know everything?

'Why are you telling me all this?' I asked without hesitation. 'Shouldn't you be keeping this a secret from me or something?'

'He wanted you to know,' the officer smirked. 'And you still know so little about his... Bigger plan.'

Bigger plan? Now this man had made the situation so much more complicated as curious. And I knew, deep down in my heart, I would do all that I could to find answers.

'Thanks for nothing then,' I remarked. 'Now please can you untie me? I'm getting a bit uncomfortable.'

'Why would I do that?' The officer laughed. 'I think you should figure out your escape without my help. It's more... Entertaining.'

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