Announcements and a Thank You!

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It's been a long time since I've written an author's note, and a lot has changed considering regarding The Starling Vigilante series and myself on Wattpad, so it only seemed fitting to address you all as I publish Part 4 of this book. I mostly update my readers about my works and the latest news for this series on my account, so feel free to follow me to get my weekly update.

First of all, I would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all you wonderful readers - I now have 200K reads on The Starling Vigilante, and honestly, I couldn't be happier! In fact, when I first started writing this series almost three years ago, I never thought I would get 1K reads, and so this is an achievement I could never have dreamed of. It seemed like such an unobtainable level I couldn't imagine I would ever reach - I was beside myself when I won a Watty Award for a book that I had written. I probably (definitely) cried, and I did again when I saw that 200K label next to its book cover.

And then, to my delight, I found that The Staring Saviour, an uncompleted, mere sequel, now has 25K reads?! That's just absolutely amazing, and each and every one of you are fantastic. I don't recall receiving one negative comment about this series in all my time writing it, you are all such lovely readers, and I feel honoured to be part of this fabulous fandom community.

The next thing I should probably tell you all is that I am, for real now, writing an original novel series that I am hoping to publish in future; I will keep all my followers updated on that if anything significant happens with it and if I am close to finishing writing it (although, that will probably be in at least a year, so I'm unsure of times or deadlines as of now). Because I wish to use this account as a platform for my writing, something to tell other people of my progress in writing and to hopefully become a more successful writer; you may have noticed that I have provided my name as my display name, which was quite a daunting prospect at first - now you all know who I really am!

In fact, I updated my profile as a whole, writing a better bio in with a bit more information about my fandoms and favourite music, so if you have similar fangirl preferences or music taste to me, then I'd love to discuss them with you in the comments (and even some recommendations, if you like) ^.^

Thank you, all of you, from America, the United Kingdom and Ireland, Australia, Canada, the Philippines, India, South Africa, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, New Zealand, Sweden, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Brazil, France, Denmark, Italy, Qatar, Kuwait, Trinidad and Tobago, Slovenia, Malaysia, the Czech Republic, Kenya, Belgium, Spain, Puerto Rico, Finland, Portugal, Norway, Iceland, Poland, Armenia, Morocco, Argentina, Chile, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Pakistan, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Fiji, Serbia, Lithuania, Guatemala, Brunei, Lebanon and the Dominican Republic! (I'm so sorry if I missed out your country.) To me, that is in incomprehensible number of places and people who read and like my series, and I am utterly gobsmacked guys, I really am ♥

So, until my next update,
Emily x

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