Chapter 73

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'I think this could be one of our last sessions,' Adrian grinned, pleased at my progress. 'You've really come a long way since we started, and it's only been a week since you ODed on Vertigo.'

'Oh, I must be superhuman,' I joked, but Adrian remained in a state of serious happiness.

'You honestly have done so well, Aria,' Adrian smiled sincerely, taking my hand. 'You've been through so much, before moving to this city, on the island, losing your boyfriend Marcus and now battling with Vertigo and stupid court cases. You won't need me for much longer, now that you're in a better state than you've ever been.'

'Thank you, Adrian, but I thought therapists were supposed to carry on with sessions even if the patient is starting to get better?' I remembered from when I had been going for therapy whilst I was with Marcus. 'But, I'm sure you know best.'

'Usually, we do,' Adrian nodded, acknowledging what I had said. 'But you didn't need that much therapy in the first place, it was what the SCPD ordered, remember? I don't see why I have to follow everything Detective Lance says, anyway.'

'You make a strong argument,' I laughed, Adrian joining in with me.

I felt slightly unsure about if Adrian was following the 'proper procedure' or whatever therapy sessions would normally entail, but I wasn't complaining; I liked Adrian, but therapy just dragged up things I didn't really want to revisit, and I really like the prospect of ending these tortuous memories, forever.

After Adrian left, I turned my TV on to watch the news, I still wanting to be in tune to what was happening in my city despite having a rather busy life.

'Starling City is expected to be host of this year's Festival of Lights exhibition,' the news reporter said. 'In other news, the bodies of Eric and Nancy Moore were found early this morning. The couple were being represented by attorney Laurel Lance of CNRI in a lawsuit against financier Edward Rasmus. Miraculously, their seven year old son Taylor survived the horrific attack.'

This couldn't be a coincidence. Edward Rasmus was known to be a crooked businessman in the city, and a murder case was never a coincidence.

Oliver met with me at the back of the club after I had sent him a rather urgent text message. We were both worried about Laurel's safety, and neither of us were ones to let fate take hold of a situation.

'Did you watch the news this evening?' I asked him quickly. 'About Laurel's clients?'

'Yeah, and I met them yesterday,' Oliver told me sadly. 'They were nice, and they were desperate. Rasmus took all their savings, retirement schemes, and their college funds for their son Taylor away from them.'

'It can't be a coincidence,' I reiterated. 'If I was still at the SCPD, I would be doing everything I could to stop Rasmus, but we only have our team to do that now.'

'Then let's get downstairs,' Oliver nodded sharply, both of us racing down to the Arrowcave.

Felicity and Diggle were already there, working on what I assumed was bringing Deadshot to justice.

'What's this?' Oliver questioned them.

'Lyla's mission profile and trap they've set for Deadshot,' Felicity explained to us simply.

The Lyla who Felicity was referring to was Diggle's A.R.G.U.S. buddy, Lyla Mitchels, and she was the person responsible for setting up a meeting with Floyd Lawton, AKA Deadshot.

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