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"I'm coming over now," Finn says right when I pick up my phone.

"Finn no-" I try to say but she's already hung up.

Thats Finn for you, her parents are always fighting so my house is basically her second home.

I would've agreed right away but Blaze and Kadens families are still here so I don't know if her coming over is the best idea.

"Hey guys!" I yell trying to stop Kaden and Blaze yelling at each other over popcorn, come on popcorn is buttery and delicious but not argument worthy.

"Finn is coming over soon so please try to act civil."

"I love that idea," Kaden replies, winking at Blaze.

I feel a slight sting from Kadens comment and I don't know why. You like him, like him? Nah his statement probably hit my ego or something, yeah thats it. I've only just really started speaking to him, but I have known him for almost my whole life. So melodramatic Willa you don't like him, I remind myself.

Blaze sensing the change in my mood mutters, "I think Willa's enough though."

Blushing I look down but not before I see the disgust in Kadens face, whats up his butt? I hear a knock at my door and Finn enters, "What did my mom say when you rang the doorbell?" 

"Actually, I didn't ring I just entered"—Im surprised she hasn't been charged for anything yet— "Oh hey guys!" She cooly says to Blaze and Kaden.

If only I could be as confident as her, heck I'm so awkward, Bella's the shy one and Finn is the calm, cool and collected one. We're closer than three peas in a pod, but nothing alike.

Kaden immediately sits next to Finn and starts a conversation with her. They seem to have forgotten that Blaze and I are even in the room so I stand up and start walking towards me door.

"Finn I'll be right back! I forgot I had to grab the mail for my mom," I say leaving Finn to deal with Kaden. She looks more than content with that idea anyway.

Blaze surprisingly asked if he could come with me and we walk out of the house. The mail part was just an excuse so I take a seat in my small but nicely built backyard. We walk outside and I lead him towards the wooden gate which leads to my favorite thing in the world.

My dad had built this area into a grey fountain and bench surrounded by many bunches of bright plumerias and lilies, before he passed away. I come here often when I need to think or clear my mind of the real world.

Blaze sits down on the bench my dad built, in front of the fountain, and he pulls me along with him. I rest my head on his shoulder looking up at the sky as Blaze says, "Wow this place is beautiful."

"Yeah my dad built it when I was younger."

"If you don't mind me asking, where is your dad?" He says.

"Oh.. He passed a couple years back from lung cancer."

Blaze noticing my tone says, "Cancer sucks, but you know what I once heard, 'Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live,' so make sure you don't let yourself die inside because I like the happy Willow Green Colt."

Seems a bit of an odd thing to say but I still appreciate his attempt to brighten up the solemn atmosphere.

I crack a smile looking up at Blaze, "Do you like Kaden, I mean not as a friend but as more than a friend? I'll be quite honest I always see you staring towards his window." Blaze suddenly asks.

"I don't know, I mean, I use to like him for so long but then... He just turned into this jerk wad, and I know what you're gonna say 'you've never really spoken to him' but I feel like I've known him for longer than he has known me," I say while looking down.

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