Chpt. 15

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3 months later...

Michael's P.O.V

I was heavily pregnant.. This pregnancy was a bit worser than when I was going to have Matty.

I rubbed my stomach and held it. I panted slowly and heavily.. I felt a sharp pain and took deep breaths.

"Michael, whats wrong?" Ashton asked.
"C-Contractions.." I said and softly groaned.
"Hospital?" He asked.
"Yes!" I groaned in pain.

He nodded and rushed upstairs to get the bags and baby bag. I waddled to the door and waited for him.

He rushed downstairs with the bags and opened the door for me. I waddled out of the house to the car.


We were in the hospital.. I was on the bed taking deep breaths as contraction came.

Ashton's P.O.V

I heard my phone ringing and I answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Ash.. uh.. Why did you leave MJ home alone?!" He asked.
"Oh my god... Michael gone into labor! Where was he?" I asked.
"In his closet with his kangaroo crying." Luke said.
"Is he okay?" I asked.
"Yeah... He is fine.." Luke answered and hung up.

Michael looked at me panting and sighed in relief as the contraction passed.

"W-Who was it?" He asked.
"Luke.. We left Mj home alone.." I said quietly.
"We what?! We left our little boy home alone?!" He panicked.
"Luke and Calum are with him." I said calmly.
"We left our little boy alone!" He groaned in pain.
"I-I'm sorry, Mikey!" I apologized.

He groaned in pain as the contraction continued. I took deeo breaths for him ti the copy and he began to take deep breaths.

"You're doing great, Mikey." I praised him.
"F-Fuck off!" He cursed and sighed in relief.

The nurse came in and walked over to Michael. "You are at 3 centimeters." She said and pulled her rubber glove off.

"A-Ash, I want it out now!" He whined.
"I know, I know, but we have to wait until you're ready.." I said soothingly.


8 hours later...

Michael's P.O.V

Its been eight hours since, I've been in labor.. This was longer than when I was going to have Matt.

"Why did I let you fuck me?!" I whined.
"Well, you can't resist me and you're hot too and you can't resist m-" I cut him off.
"I swear if you say you're dick, I'll fucking kill you when this is over!" I panted.
"Babe, calm down.." He said calmly.
"I can't this kid doesn't want to come out and nothing is working!" I said angrily.

He helped me get up on my feet. I stood up and held my stomach. "Mikey, do you want to try walking again?" He asked.

"No.. I want it out right now!" I said angrily.
"Babe, calm down now.." He said calmly.
"Why? So I this brat can ke-" I was cut off by something...

It was warm yet... wet.. I looked down and saw water pouring all over the place.. a powerful contraction ripped through my stomach.. I held it and bucked my knees.

Ashton helped me back on the bed. I lied down on the bed taking deep breaths.

The nurse walked into the room and saw the puddle of water. "Oh, your water broke. Well, then.. lets see how far are you." She said.

She checked me again once, the contraction passed. "8 centimeters almost there to have your baby." She said.

I smiled weakly and softly groaned in pain. "Ow ow ow.." I softly groaned.

"Whats wrong?" Ashton asked.
"The baby.. its dropping.." I answered and let out a low groan.


Ashton pressed the call button when the pressure kept on increasing.

The nurse and doctor rushed into the room and put my legs on the stirrups.

"On your next contraction push down hard." The doctor said.

I nodded slightly and pushed down hard on the next contraction. I felt so much pain..

"Keep going. The baby should be crowning soon." The doctor said.

Ashton held my hand and rubbed my knuckles soothingly. I yelled out in pain as I felt a burning sensation.

"The baby is crowning." The doctor said.
"C'mon, Mikey. You can do it." Ashton said.

I groaned and pushed down harder. The burning sensation kept on increasing as the baby's head emerged.

I kept on pushing until the baby's head was out. I flopped against the pillows panting slowly and heavily.

"The head is out.. now for the shoulders.." The doctor said.

Ashton moved the sweaty pieces of hair from my forehead. I pushed down harder and felt the shoulders slowly emerging.

I pushed down much harder and screamed out in pain. The burning sensation kept on increasing quickly.

"C'mon one more, Mikey and we have our baby." Ashton said.

I nod weakly and pushed down harder. I cried out loudly in pain and flopped back down against the pillows.

I pant slowly and heavily. I saw the doctor holding a screaming baby, I pant heavily.

"It's a boy." The doctor said happily and let Ashton cut the cord, the nurse took the baby.

I looked at Ashton and he smiled happily. "Oh matty will be so happy." He said and placed a kiss on my lips.

The nurse handed me the crying baby in a towel and I smiled happily.

"Oh hi baby boy. You're so handsome, I'm your papa." I said softly and held the baby in my arms carefully.

"Look at him, mikey. He's so handsome.. What's his name?" He asked.
"I was thinking Dylan." I answered.
"I like that." He said and smiled happily at me.

He kissed me passionately and pulled away.

Aww!!! Its another boy!!! MJ has a little brother!!

Baby's info:
Full name: Dylan Thomas Gordon Irwin-Clifford
Date and Time: September 13th at 9:17 p.m.

Anyways, as always! Until next chapter!! So long!!!

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