Chpt. 12

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Ashton's P.O.V

We walked through the woods and looked around and called out Michael's name.

What if he wasn't here..?

I had feeling he was.. I don't know why though.. we continued to walk.

Michael's P.O.V

The fire was going low.. I hissed in pain as I got up and walked to the door.

I took the baby's bag with me just in case. I walked out of the cabin and went to find more wood.

I waddled into the woods and stopped a few times and take deep breaths for the contractions.


I got wood and all of a sudden.. I heard my name.. I turned around and saw three figures.. It looked like the guys..

"Michael!" A familiar voice shouted out.

I knew that voice... It was so familiar... Could it be..? Ashton..?

One of the figures ran towards me and I gasped when I saw who it was..

"A-Ashton.. oh my god.." I said and softly groaned in pain.
"Michael.. my god... You still look beautiful.." Ashton said.

I groaned and held my stomach. I took deep breaths and felt it slowly fading away.

"What happened?" He asked.
"N-Nothing.. Its the baby.." I answered.
"Baby?" He asked.

I took deep breaths and whined in pain. I held my stomach tighter and hissed in pain.

"Y-You're having our baby.. We're going to have a baby!" Ashton said.
"F-Fuck you, Ashton!" I yelled in pain.
"Michael, take deep breaths. slowly." Calum said.
"Mikey, I'm sorry if I got mad and everything I said to you." Ashton said.
"I-Its oka-ay!" I groaned and took deep breaths.
"Michael, how long have you been having the contractions?" Luke asked.
"S-Seven hours!" I said and yelled.

I yelled in pain and took deep breaths. Slowly the contraction faded away.. I sighed in relief..

"Michael, why did you leave?" Ashton asked.
"B-Because I thought you didn't want our baby." I answered panting.
"I'm really sorry." He apologized.
"Please, Ash.." I said.

I waddled back to the cabin and stopped. I groaned again as another powerful contraction ripped through my stomach.

Ashton rushed over to me and rubbed my back gently. I felt something wet.. I looked down at my pants and saw it was wet..

"Mikey, did you uh.. pee?" He asked.
"M-My water broke.." I answered.


We were in the cabin and I was on the couch lying down screaming in pain.

"G-Get it out!" I yelled out in pain.
"How far is he?" Ashton asked.
"7 1/2 centimeters." Calum answered.
"Just a little more, babe and we have our baby." Ashton said and held ny hand.

I screamed in pain and whimpered. I wanted to get this kid out badly.. I wanted to rip it out of me..


I felt pressure and pain increasing rapidly. I whined and panted slowly.

"He is ready. Mikey, push down hard on your next contraction." Calum said.

I felt a strong contraction and pushed down hard. I felt so much pain..

I pushed down harder and let out a small quiet scream. Ashton whispered sweet nothings in my ear as I squeezed his hand harder.

"Okay. The baby is crowning." Calum said.
"C'mon, babe. You can do it." Ashton said.
"Sh-Shut up! You did this to me!" I yelled as I pushed down hard again.

I felt a burning stinging sensation increasing when I pushed. I cried out loudly as I felt the baby's head ripping through my pelvis.

"C'mon two more pushes and the head is out." Calum said.

I pushed down harder. The stinging burning sensation increased more as I pushed down harder.

I panted and flopped against some pillows. Ashton moved the sweaty pieces of hear from my forehead.

"The head is out. Now for the shoulders." Calum said.
"You can do it, Michael." Luke said.

I pushed down harder again and felt even more stinging and burning sensation.

I pushed down harder. I felt one of the shoulders emerging then, the other shoulder emerging.

"Just a little more." Calum said.

I nodded and pushed down harder and felt the shoulders emerge.

"One more push, Michael." Calum said.
"I-I'm so tired.." I whined.
"One more and its all over." Ashton said and rubbed my knuckles soothingly.

I pushed down harder than before. I pushed with all my energy and strength left. I screamed out louder than before.

I flopped back against the pillows, panting. I heard muffled cries and wails.

"Its a boy." Calum said and smiled happily.
"A-A boy.. We have a boy! I love you so much! You're so amazing and I am so proud of you." Ashton said and kissed my sweaty forehead.

Calum handed me the crying baby. I held it in my arms and smiled weakly.

"Oh baby boy. You're here. You're finally here." I said regaining my breath.
"Oh, Mikey. He is so beautiful. I love you so much. Thank you." Ashton said as tears filled his eyes.

I calmed the screaming baby and smiled happily. "Whats his name?" Luke asked.

"Matthew.." I said panting.
"I like that name." Ashton said smiled happily.
"Matthew James Fletcher Irwin-Clifford." I said.
"Its perfect." He said and rubbed the babys cheek gently with his thumb.

I looked at our baby and I felt so happy. Our baby had cute chubby cheeks, blonde hair and a button nose.

He was absolutely perfect.. Our baby..

The baby is born!!! Yay!!! And its a boy!!! Aww!!

Baby info:
Full name: Matthew James Fletcher Irwin-Clifford.
Date and Time: March 12th at 10:49 p.m.

Anyways, as always! Until next chapter!! So long!!!

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