#Note de moi ^^
Voilà les groupes et les titres des chansons ^^ au cas où ahah' ^^'#------------------------------------------------------
Sleeping with sirens - November
Sleeping with sirens - November
Sleeping with sirens - ParasitesAll time low - The kids in the dark
All time low - The kids in the dark
Famous last words - The show must go on
Famous last words - The show must go onMy chemycal romance - I'm not okay
Bring me the horizon - Drown
Bring me the horizon - Drown
Bring me the horizon - Drown
Bring me the horizon - DrownPierce the veil - Bulls in the Bronx
Pierce the veil - A match into water
Famous last words - The show must go on
Sleeping with sirens - Better off dead
Black veil brides - Days are numbered
Famous last words - The show must go on
Pierce the veil - Bulls in the BronxSleeping with sirens - We like it loud
30 seconds to mars - A beautiful lie
Sleeping with sirens - We like it loud
Fit for rivals - Damage
Sleeping with sirens - Kick me
Sleeping with sirens - Kick meAll time low - The kids in the dark
All time low - The kids in the dark
Sleeping with sirens - The strays
Sleeping with sirens - Parasites
Sleeping with sirens - We like it loudPierce the veil - A match into water
All time low - The kids in the dark
Sleeping with sirens - Roger rabbit
Sleeping with sirens - Roger rabbitSleeping with sirens - The strays
Sleeping with sirens - The strays
Sleeping with sirens - The straysSleeping with sirens - The strays Sleeping with sirens - The strays Sleeping wtih sirens - The strays
Sleeping wtih sirens - The strays
Les pièges du destin
Romance[...] ... Alors voici l'histoire d'un suicidaire qui tombe amoureux... ~ Petite précision : Inspirée d'une histoire qu'a vécu ma meilleure amie. ~ Warning : Romance entre deux hommes. #GayFiction - 2015 ©